Fia looked at Bruin affectionately, it was nice to know that he was brave enough to try and pull the horrid creature off of her. Then she turned her attention to the Headmisstress's question. After taking a bite of chocolate, she felt a bit better. "Well," Fia said, deciding that honesty was the best policy, "I told Heath and Bruin to meet me here so we could have a look around North Tower. We began walking up, and decided to come into this room. We heard a noise, and then I saw a shadow come across the floor. I had just finished reading about Lethifolds and I became scared..." Fia faltered and glanced at Maddiee, she decided not to tell the Headmistress that Maddiie had burst in, "Then," she continued, "I yelled to Bruin and Heath to run, but, because I have amazing cooridination, I tripped. That's when the Lethifold attacked me." Fia stopped, remembering the sudden darkness upon her face, and sudden unableness to breathe.