🌹 Rose Giving wait... wait... WAAAAAIT

Angelo Dela Cruz

gamer • i need my internet • competitive
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Poplar Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Angelo was just thankful that so far, his deliveries had seemed to have gone smoothly. Except for asking about a dozen or more people for where each of the people was - his English pool was seriously running low. He'd already gathered that Kuya Milo was in the Quidditch Pitch, and someone had seen one Victoria de Lacey running around the Pitch. Considering there was only one girl right now that was jogging in the Lawn, Angelo figured that was a safe bet for his target, so he ran after the girl. "Ate!" he yelled out, only for her to run faster and Angelo to try and keep up. "ATEEEE! ATEEEE! TEKAAA LANG ATEEEEEEE!" he yelled, out of breath as he waved about a rose, momentarily forgetting that he needed to stick to English.

@Victoria de Lacey
Tori liked to go for a bit of a jog, and so every morning she was out on the lawns or on the pitch running. Sometimes she had Eoghan with her, but not often, especially these days, she much preferred to run on her own. She sped up though when some random boy she didn't know started chasing after her, and yelling something at her that she didnt understand. She had no idea why he was chasing her, and as she looked over her shoulder to see him still running after her, she sped up even faster.​
Angelo was dying. He was sure he was dying. Maybe he should have been exercising more. But he really thought that all the stairs he climbed up and down every single day was enough, how was he supposed to know that it wasn't? "ATEEEEEEEE WAAAAAAAAIT," Jesus what was this girl eating?! How was she running this fast?! How was he going to deliver a rose to a girl he can't catch?! "ATEEEEEEE!!!!! ROSEEEE!!! WAAAAAAAAIT!!!! STAAAAAAAAAHP!!!"
She had kept running, being chased wasn't fun when she wasn't consenting to it. But then she heard him shouting about a rose? Oh! She slowed her run, coming to a complete stop moments later and turning back to jog up beside him. He seemed not to be doing well, but she was only breathing slightly harder than normal. She was very used to running. "Well why did't you say so?" She asked him accusatorially, before patting him on the back. "Are you okay? Do you need a drink of water?" She asked, summoning her water bottle from where she'd left it in the great hall.​
Yep. Dead. Angelo just plopped right there on the grass like a starfish, breathing heavily, pink rose still in hand. He couldn't even reply to the girl as sweaty as he was. How was he supposed to know he was gonna run? He was in his school uniform and robes Jesus Joseph and Mary! He shakily reached up to hand the pink rose to Victoria, note somehow miraculously still not crumpled or wet from sweat because that would just be ew. "Rose," he wheezed out, "Deli-yun na yun," he just gave up on saying the word.
Tori,*Your yule ball dress was really cute*


*that's that
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Tori wasn't sure what to do with the boy as he sort of keeled over in front of her. He clearly wasn't used to running if this behaviour was anything to go by. He shakily tried to hand her a rose and she took it from him, handing him the water bottle as a replacement. "Sorry," she said, guiltily, not realising it would take him out quite like this. "Oh," she looked at the pink rose and then at the note and smiled. "Aw, Nox is so sweet, are you gonna be okay dude?" She asked, standing over him to try and keep the sun out of his face a little.​
Maybe he should get back to exercising, Angelo decided as he took the water bottle in exchange for the rose and then poured water on his mouth, spilling a little, instead of drinking straight from the bottle just in case the girl was LC. Instead of answering verbally as he still tried to catch his breath, he gave her a thumbs up.

*LC - Filipino slang for someone with a preference for not sharing food, drinks, or utensils

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