w000h Plots!

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Harriet Griffin

Active Member
OOC First Name
Hey all :D My exams are over and i am in need of new plots. i have tons of characters, and i want to get as many of them as possible in on something :D

Aaliyah "LI" Nevada ~ 19 year old Li is an ex-durmstrang student, who is caring and quite a fan of hanging around with guys and gettting into trouble. A few years ago she was pregnant but lost the baby. Last year, she was chosen as one of the three champions for the TWT and visited Beauxbatons, although didn't make it as the chosen one. She enjoys creating havoc, meeting new people, flirting, and such :D

Harriet "HARRI" Griffin ~ First year gryffindor. She was meant to be in Ravenclaw however the sorting hat thought otherwise. She is already friends with Luke (Ravenclaw) and is looking for some more friends. She's loyal, kind, and loves to meet new people. She is caring and has looked after her siblings from a very young age.

Indigo "INDI" Moon ~ Ravenclaw third year, follows int he footsteps of my other character, Robert Kain, in that he is very much a ladies man and likes to impress. He too would like a small group of friends, boys and girls, and prehaps someone who is willing to go out with him.

Maddie "MADS" Cinellison ~ Maddie is a fifth year Gryffindor, although she and her twin Dakota were supposed to both be in the same house, they were split, and Maddie has practically been on her own. She needs some new friends, a love interest, and maybe someone/something she can set a goal to.

Lykke "LYKKE" Wu ~ Second year Slytherin. Made a name of herself last year with the Dark Elites, although they are n ow planning against her for her power. She needs new recruits, prehaps any first years who think that pure bloods should be the rulers of everyone else, then you should give her a call. She isn't that interested in guys, although she tends to flirt with them to get what she wants.

Phoebe "PHEEBZ" Carter ~ Third year Hufflepuff. Very much like my real personality so i'm not going to say too much about this one. She basically needs new friends, boys and girls :D (She's awesome :p ;))

I think that will do for now. I have loads more but these will be the ones i concentrate on most for the moment. Liberty Barnett is also coming back, and would like some more friends, and i'm wondering if a group would take her, but i'm not so bothered as for now she won't be my main, but ill have many to sort out :)

Let me know if your interested in any :D
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