Vote Cat Tannon!

Cat Tannon

Eidetic memory | Daily Prophet Reporter | Cats!
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
It was never too early to start campaigning. Cat was sure of it. She had worked hard on all of her ideas, debating with herself and parents, so she had different ideas of where people stand and what they might say. Catherine had walked up and down Obsidian Harbour, plastering her face wherever she could, and handing out the posters to walkers by as well, with a giant smile, greeting people and kissing babies. She was sure the people of New Zealand were going to love her as much as her cats did.

Orwell hadn't been too interested in the election cycle. He never was. However, he'd just come from a meeting on the environmental protection in the currently decade; mixing muggle and magic, when he spotted one of the candidates walking up and down Brightstone putting posters up and just shaking peoples hand and kissing babies. It seemed a little scattered, even if her face had been in the newspapers. He couldn't see a team around her, in fact she seemed to only be a bit older than he was. Her name was Cat or Kat or something like that. "Hey," he called with a friendly tone, walking over to her, "I don't mean to butt in, but you could have other people putting up posters and handing them out rather than doing it yourself," Orwell said to her. He didn't mean to come across as he knew better. In fact Orwell had never run a campaign before, but he was an organiser for the small non-profit he worked for, he knew a little about it. "I can hand out, you talk to them about policies," he suggested putting out his hands to take the posters from her, from what he'd read she was the only candidate he might think about voting for, so maybe he could help her a little.
As a new person approached, Cat turned to them with a smile. Cat greeted him before listening to what he had to see, thinking that he did have a point. She grinned at him again as he offered to hand out the posters. Having a Campaign Manager would be fantastic. She knew this boy from somewhere, and it only took a few seconds for her brain to click into place where she had seen him before. Before the campaign started, Cat had done her research. She had gone to meetings, to marches and things where people could have their say around the country, and the boy in front of her, not too much younger, had held a meeting for environment. "Well Mr. Brocken," Cat said, handing over the posters to him. "I like the way you think. Shall we meet back here in an hour or so and discuss future possibilities?" Cat asked, taking a liking to him instantly, especially for his initiative.
Samuel was on his lunch break, strolling the streets of Obsidian Harbour with a coffee in his hand. He was minding his own business for the most part and intended to stay that way, but when he spotted the commotion surrounding a familiar woman that was placing up posters he could not help but be curious. At first he did not know why she was so familiar, but as he walked up to one of the posters for a closer inspection, he realized they were campaign posters for the upcoming election and the woman walking around was one of the candidates. He sipped from his coffee and with a question in mind, turned to where the woman was. "Hey!" Sam called out, approaching her. She was one of the younger, if not the youngest candidate he knew of from the papers and he wondered what her game plan was for the election. "Miss Tannon, nice to meet you. I just have a quick question, if you don't mind me interrupting." It would be interesting to hear how she would make herself seem superior to the other candidates he had read about.
Cat heard a voice calling out and turned to see someone new approaching. The grin hadn't yet left her face, and she was thoroughly enjoying meeting so many new people. "No, not at all Mr - ?" Cat replied, asking for his name while taking his hand in hers to shake it. The Candidate was excited to answer all the questions, and begin letting the country know why they should vote for her.
Orwell was confused when she seemed to know his name, "Please, Orwell," he said with a little cautiousness. Why did she know who he was, but he had to admit he was interested in meeting up with her and discussing possibilities. He had never run a campaign or even been a part of a real, mainstream election. Orwell had always remained on the fringes of it all. He had always just been at the sides of it. The man took the leaflets from her, "Okay," he agreed. It was a good thing too, since someone, an older guy walked up to her and asked if he could ask her a question. Orwell nodded and let her do that, holding up a poster, "Vote Cat Tannon!" he said loudly, holding out the leaflet to anyone that passed, "Vote Cat Tannon, the only candidate willing to put the work in to make the magical world better!" Orwell was sure that if she did win, she would. He had only read a little of her policies from the little bit in the paper, but since Orwell was unlikely to like any of the candidates, it was picking the one that least made him want to start his own revolution against. "Ask your questions to Cat Tannon now; the only grassroots candidate willing to talk with the people on the streets,"
Samuel shook Miss Tannon's hand in return, not noticing that he did not think to formally introduce himself until she asked his name. "Oh, Samuel Phillips. I own one of the shops nearby." It was not like him to forget formalities unless it was intentional, he blamed his lack of sleep the previous night in his mind as he began to ask his question. "The only question I have for you, is how do you plan to set yourself apart from the other candidates and look competent enough to be minister, when you're so young?" After he said the question he realized it could be heard as an insult, so he quickly shook his head. "I don't mean to imply you would not be able to handle the position of minister if you are elected, but I am sure concerns about your age, and contributing that to lack of experience would be brought up sooner or later, and I am curious to know what your plan is to combat those kind of remarks and show that you are experienced enough to be minister." Samuel definitely knew it was too early on to decide who he was going to vote for, but he could admit that Cat's name had stood out to him. Whether that was because she was a good candidate or someone that was far too naive and had bitten off more than they could chew he wasn't sure of yet.
Cat smiled at the man in front of her as he introduced himself. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Phillips. Ooh, what shop is that?" She'd definitely make an effort to go and visit his shop. Though she could (happily) hear Orwell calling out her name, she listened intently to Phillips, clasping her hands together and watching him as he spoke, nodding her head. She, of course, had expected these questions. She didn't think they were going to not be asked throughout the election and probably when she was elected as well. There were always going to be neigh sayers, though the man did not seem to want to offend, as he quickly added more to his question before she was able to answer. Cat nodded her head, respecting the question. "I am more than well enough prepared for the amount of questions that will be directed towards me about my age - or my gender even. But the number of years I have been alive does not reflect on my ability to lead, or make wise choices. I have had plenty of experience throughout my twenty-five years, that I believe has equipped me to be able to bring fresh and new ideas to the country, that will not only help New Zealand flourish, but become a safer environment for everyone in all stages of life. And when people continue to groan, I will continue to prove them wrong." Cat replied with a smile.

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