Closed visiting someone dear

Ralph Easterling

Herbology Geek • Twin • Resourceful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Chestnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
11/2046 (15)
This morning's talks about the internship during school break at Bluebell Meadows went well and this internship begins tomorrow. Afterwards, he was planning to visit Rion, his best friend and housemate who lived not too far from him. Her grandfather Monty's house was delightful and tasteful, always tidy, so Ralph took a small but bushy Fuchsia plant from his garden in a flowerpot as a gift to give to Monty, who was also a keen and excellent gardener, while in his other hand he held a wrapped box of white chocolate chip cookies. for Rion.

Ralph had visited Rion and her sister Ainmere before, but this house took his breath away every time, as it was full of Mr. Monty's various objects, clocks, tastefully decorated rooms, and the garden... The garden was, in Ralph's opinion, the best thing about Pendletons house. There were many different plants in the front garden and Ralph studied each of them with interest on the way. How vast was the world of plants! And then you could also find some plants for raw materials for potions here. Ralph, as a future doctor, had the benefit of knowing Rion and her grandfather... He walked through the front garden and, with the presents on the elbow of one hand, knocked on the front door with the other. Because it was cool outside, he was wearing a red flannel shirt and navy blue velvet pants, but he felt a warm joy in his heart because he knew he would see Rion soon and she always had something on her mind to do.

@Rion Pendleton @Monty Pendleton
Rion stood in front of her long mirror, chewing her lip. Was the purple eyeshadow too much? Three hours reading make-up tutorials, two hours painstakingly applying it, and another hour touching it up, and somehow she'd still managed to look like a six-year-old had attacked her with a paint brush. It wasn't fair - no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make herself pretty. Not like June, who'd probably been practising since she was old enough to hold a sponge, or Ainmere, who didn't even need makeup. Everybody seemed to have won the genetic lottery except Rion; and the older she got, the more it bothered her.

Well, she couldn't leave her room looking like this. Like a circus clown. She snatched up the cleansing wipes and rubbed viciously at her face, so that by the time the make-up was gone, her skin was pink and blotchy. Even then, it was an improvement. Oh, well - it wasn't as if Ralph would notice anyway. He'd probably start talking about plants, or Lord of the Rings, or swimming, and then she'd wonder why she'd bothered trying so hard in the first place. But that was what she liked about him. Being Ralph's friend was easy. They always had something to talk about, some new film to analyse together, some book to critique. He made her feel... normal, just for a little while.

Was that the front door? Rion darted out into the hall. "I'll get it!" she called, to save her grandpa drying his hands. He'd been in the kitchen most of the morning, cleaning and cooking; he was always very considerate when Ralph came round. Rion reached the front door and six strides and pulled it open.

There he was, balancing a wrapped box and a funny-looking plant in his arms. "Oh! Hi, Ralph," Rion said, beckoning him inside. At least the blotchiness would hide the blush that had spread across her cheeks. "Are those... for me?"
Ralph would have no idea how many hours Rion had spent on her appearance before this meeting. He really didn't think about the fact that someone might fall for him. If he knew, he would become quite conceited, like a young peacock spreading its tail to the audience for ridicule. But he had no idea. He, until this moment, saw Rion as a very close friend who can be trusted in a difficult moment and also share joys. Rion always knew how to give smart answers to all his silly questions about everything. This, in his opinion, was important and what he valued most in people.
After a while he heard her voice coming from inside the house.
And there she was, standing in the doorway, her face oddly blotched, but Ralph was sure it was his dirty glasses. He will clean them with a wiping spell as soon as his hands are free. "Hi Rion! I hope I haven't disturbed you."
He entered the house at her invitation and, after a brief moment of thought, smiled and handed the two gifts to Rion. "Yes, these are for you. This is a Fuchsia plant and these are white chocolate chip cookies. How are you doing today?"
He now hoped he had correctly guessed Rion's taste in sugary treats, but was willing to listen to any questions about plant care. Regarding the plants, he assumed Mr. Pendleton was home as well, as he heard Rion talking to him before she answered the door.
"No! Perfect timing. My granddad's making lunch," said Rion, closing the door. But back to the important part - he'd brought her gifts. Not just any old gifts, but thoughtful ones; her favourite cookies, and flowers she could plant in the garden and keep alive forever. That was a much better idea than cut flowers, which would wilt after just a few days. (Later that evening, she would realise Ralph might have brought the fuchsia for Monty, but she would be no less touched by his thoughtfulness.) She accepted the gifts, a few loose crumbs of soil falling unheeded on her toes. "Thank you. These are really lovely. Did you grow the flowers yourself?" Perhaps she'd plant them by the bench at the end of the garden, where she sat sometimes to journal. That way, she'd be reminded of her friend, and she'd always have something nice to write about.

She jerked her head in the direction of the kitchen, indicating Ralph should follow. "I'm good. You remember that chess tournament I told you about, at the library? I came fourth." Considering most of the club members were older than her, she'd been quite pleased about that. "What about you? Did you get your internship?"

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