Estrella raised an eyebrow, thinking that there was more behind Athene's family than she was telling. In any case, they didn't seem to be kind people, as reflected in their prime example of a daughter. She felt the tips of her ears turning red, but was not willing to show her rising irritation to Athene, and she stated softly, "For your information, Athene, she was not murdered." Of course, she had been, but no one really knew that. "It all depends on what your definition of weak, is, however- Personally, I think the weak are those who have to ridicule others because they don't feel good about themselves, and especially those who are prejudiced without a cause. Which seems to sum you up to a 't,' Athene."
She wondered how she could possibly be in relation to this girl when they were so different. At least, the girl's uncle had been personable. Athene was just poisonous to be around.