
Grace Raven

Madame Farfalla | Old Soul
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody (Demisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Grace watched the clock tower tick away, the rhythm was perfect, the engraving superb. It was the perfect place to play the Violin, Grace carefully picked up her Violin from its slender case, she placed her case down on a stone bench and held her Violin to her shoulder and played a sweet tune that matched that of the giant clock, after 10 minutes or so she stopped and sat down gracefully, crossing her legs and packing up her Violin carefully, the Violin was her late grandmothers and was very old, but this was a good thing because Violins true potential came with age.

Grace was starting to leave the courtyard, she had had enough practise, she hoped she had not disturbed anyone while playing from the wind direction the sound could have carried for a long way, maybe even to the Gryffindor tower and the dungeons.
Willow carried her violin case down the long and windy stairs and beyond the great hall of Hogwarts New Zealand, hoping she could kill two birds with one stone, she decided some fresh air and a quiet place outside was needed for her to finish composing her music that she started since week one of arriving to Hogwarts.
Biting her lip, she made her way to the court yard, thinking how she could neglect her musical practice for so long - then again, Willow wasn't anticipating exams this early, back in the muggle world, Exams only come at the end of the year with tests through out the year.

Greeting the gentle breeze outside, Willow found a shady spot and un-packed her violin, resining her bow and began to play her song that was completed so far.
As Grace was walking out she heard the sound of a Violin, but she could not identify the song, smiling she followed the music Grace loved learning new pieces of music, she also enjoyed writing them and listening to what people have thought up.
When she returned to the courtyard she smiled, there in some shade was Willow, she had to admit that she did not know Willow very well, but to her knowledge she was nice and lived on a farm with her Aunt and Uncle. “Willow Autumn, it truely has been too long.” She said politely bowing slightly. “Have you written that yourself or am I not as skilled in the Violin as I thought?” She joked.
Willow played her song, humming along quietly as she played, she felt the bow glide over her violin strings and her fingers delicately pressing down to create the different notes to her song. It was a airy, light tune with a bit of a bounce, Willow composed it while she was trying to think of a way to describe Hogwarts - magical, fairy-like and enchanted with secrets at every corner.

Playing the last bar of her song, she lengthened the last note as if it was the end of her song so far, although she knew she had a long way to go before the song was even completed.
She noticed a girl her age walking towards her; it was Grace Raven, someone she met briefly at the Yule Ball and at Roze's birthday party, smiling she welcomed the girl; "Indeed, it has been too long" She nodded her head as if she was curtsying.

Blushing slightly, Willow answered her question; "Yes, I've written this song myself and I'm sure you are a very skilled violinist, I can tell by your hands" Willow picked up on her joke, but decided she'll compliment her anyway, nodding to the girls hands she continued, "My uncle would say you have violinist hands, you are blessed to have such a gift." She gave Grace a small Smile.
Grace smiled at Willow’s compliment, it was true Grace had been playing the violin since she was 3 and had played it professionally by time she was 8, she was a natural at the violin which was why she took alot of care when using her violin and her hands, one break or fracture and her violin playing days could die, once a hand has been broken it is never quite the same, even with magic. “Thank you.” She said, she wished she could say the same to Willow, but Willow seemed to be too nervous and worried to be able to fully embrace the violin she held, even though violin’s are delicate and fragile instruments, one must have a certain amount of force, patience and confidence to play one properly, Willow seemed to lack the confidence behind her playing.

“Willow, why is it you worry?” She asked, her nurturing side coming out, as Grace grew older she become more mothering and nurturing towards the people around her. “Why is it you worry about what others think? Would it not be wiser to block out their thoughts and instead of worrying about what they want you to think and just think the way you want?” She continued, she was not sure if Willow would get what she was asking, but she might.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry took a tiny holiday :D
Willow was glad that Grace took on Willow's compliment nicely. It wasn't that Willow was sure if she'd take it the wrong way (or the right way) it was that if she took offense at having 'violinist hands' - for all she knew, she could have an artists hand or something else. Willow smiled at the girl, and wondered how long she'd been playing the violin for, Willow knew she was very talented and was at a professional level. Willow on the other hand picked up the violin when she was four, a few months after her parents deaths and her uncle encouraged her to play music to release her inner-frustrations. Now that she was 11, Willow was playing professionally also, winning contests here and there.

She looked at the girl as she was talking, Willow really wasn't picking up on what she was trying to say or what message she was trying to convey to Willow and she wondered where all of this was coming from, Willow was wondering if she was portraying she was shy or she had secrets that are supposed to be told to her friends - and if so, what secrets was it supposed to be? They all knew she lived with her Aunt and her Uncle and her cousin and they were all Muggles - was that supposed to be a bad thing? and lastly - how did this relate to playing the Violin?
"Um...I guess i'm just being me?" Willow answered, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to say and she knew already it was an unacceptable answer, but she really didn't know how to reply to such questions.
OOCOut of Character:
So lame :r got writers block >.<

Grace did not know much about Willow, unlike many other people, Grace had not had the time to socialise with many people her own age. Grace did not know how to speak with girls her age. It was awkward as she was far more comfortable with older more mature people, they seemed to understand her far better as she did them. Grace shook her head, not in disappointment of Willow’s answer, but at her question, she should not have asked it if she could not word it in a way that Willow could understand. “I apologise.” She said humbly. “I should not have asked if I could not word it in a way that the question could be understood.” She explained. Grace sat down next to Willow, putting her Violin case on her lap and looked at the clock tower in front of her, it was beautifully made, not many young people thought such things were beautiful, but Grace was not like most children, which was obvious in her demeanour and the elegant proper air she had around her and the purely innocent aura she possessed.
OOCOut of Character:
Mine is lamer :r

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