Violet Bellamy

Violet Bellamy

Somehow, Pulling It Together
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence Of Hair From The Mane Of A Unicorn

Full Name: Violet Eliza Bellamy
- Birth Date: 4th September, 2007 ((I hope that's right. I can't do maths to save myself))
- Current Age: 13
- Basic Appearance: Tall-ish, with short reddish-brown hair. Large green eyes. Slightly chubby (but that will change in time).
- Parents: Ruby and Chris Bellamy
- Siblings, if any: Angus Greenwood (age 11) (biological brother, adopted by Greenwood family - Violet's aunt and uncle - for familial reasons), Rose Bellamy (age 2)
- Pets, if any: A Maine Coon cat, called Daisy.
- Area of Residence: Brisbane, Australia.
- Blood status: Half-blood.

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff. Violet is a hard worker, determined, and rather polite and friendly. However, she is quite shy so it does take her a while to make friends. Once she does, she's very kind and loyal.
- Best school subjects (And why): Violet's pretty good at most of her subjects, she works hard and achieves results. Her favourites would be: Transfiguration, as she finds it extremely interesting and likes the idea of changing something in to something else, and History of Magic, as she finds History fascinating, especially magical history, as it is a whole other history she hadn't even heard of until Hogwarts.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Violet dislikes Herbology, because she doesn't like plants, nor does she like getting dirty, Astronomy, because she doesn't find it as interesting as her other subjects, and Defence Against the Dark Arts, which she likes, but she's not particuarly good at.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would be a feline animal of some sort, possibly a leopard or a tiger. Probably just a cat. She's a loyal, yet slightly independant person, and somewhat protective. Deep down, she can be quite fierce when provoked. Or perhaps a wombat? (see below)
- What would their Boggart be? Her boggart would be an executioner. She fears death, as much as she fears failure and falling. And falling can't really be created, except in Room 101. So it would be an executioner, ready to kill.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Violet would be a wombat. Wombats are distinctly Australian, as Violet is, shy, loyal and protective. Particuarly the northern hairy-nosed wombat - they also happen to like chocolate a lot, as Violet does.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Violet would see herself, in her 7th year, Head Girl of Hogwarts, with top marks, and most importantly, with a few good friends. A simple dream, but simple dreams are often the hardest to come true.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Violet would remember the first time her little sister, Rose, said "sister." Again, quite simple, but it meant a lot to Violet. She felt appreciated, even just by someone so little yet so full of love, and it made her very, very happy.
(will possibly think of something else)

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
It had been the most eventful day of her life. First day at Hogwarts. She'd caught the train, been sorted in to Hufflepuff, and met so many new people. And everything was so different, here. Everything, even the floor, seemed to have a magical quality about it. Nothing in the muggle world would impress her ever again.
She sat up in her bed in the girls dorm, munching on some chocolate frogs she bought on the train (despite how much she'd eaten at the feast just before) and looked around at the other excited figures in the room. She smiled to herself. "I was wrong," she mumbled sleepily to herself. "This isn't bad at all!" She was glad that she was wrong. She thought she'd hate Hogwarts, and after a couple of hours there, she was in love with it. She threw herself back on to her pillows. Tomorrow, her new life would start officially. And she no longer dreaded it. No, instead, she couldn't wait.
"Goodnight, everyone!" she called, putting away the chocolate frogs and closing her eyes, falling almost instantly in to a deep slumber.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear diary,
Today I received a letter. Which was odd in itself, for I never receive letters. But what was so odd about this one was that it looked so formal. The address wasn't typed, instead, it was hand written. In calligraphy. And the envelope was sealed with a wax seal. Mum had an almost triumphant look on her face when she handed it to me. She looked extremely excited.
"Letter for you, sweetie," she said. I looked at the letter, with raised eyebrows.
"Just open it!" she exclaimed. I did so, carefully, as the envelope was very pretty and I didn't want to tear it.
When I read the letter, I nearly fell over in shock.
"What the!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, Violet, I am so proud of you!" mum said, hugging me tightly.
"But what on earth is this?" I cried, thinking this was all an elaborate joke.
"You're a witch, darling. You're going to Hogwarts next year!" I fainted.

When I came around, mum was looking at me, concerned.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asked. I shook my head.
"There must be some mistake. I'm not a witch."
"You are, darling, because I am." I wasn't shocked. I was angry.
"And all this time, you never told me?" I didn't wait for her reply. I ran upstairs and shut myself in my room, locking the door.
She and, later on, dad, have been trying to coax me out of here for a few hours now. But I'm not coming out. I'm too angry. How could she have not told me?
And how on earth could I be a witch? I don't want to be a witch! I'm happy enough just being me!

Mum's been talking to me through the door. I've been listening, though I've been pretending to ignore her. She told me she was sorry for not telling me before. She said that it was because my aunt wasn't a witch, but she was. She was worried that maybe I wouldn't be a witch. She didn't want to get my hopes up. I can see her point, but it doesn't make me any less annoyed. The biggest secret of my life has been kept from me, all this time. I imagine it would be like being told you were adopted. Unfair.

Must stop writing now, my hands are shaking in annoyance.
Love, Violet. <3
((I understand what you mean entirely! I started roleplaying at Neopets or Gaiaonline (can't really remember) years and years ago too, and hadn't roleplayed since up until HNZ. I'm also 16 :D ))

- So, your mothers a witch? Thats great! It's sad that she didn't tell you until you got the letter though. Didn't anything ever happen to her, or around the house, to make you suspect before?

- Is your father magical, at all?

- What do your parents do for a living?

- Would you consider yourself and your family poor, rich or of average wealth?

- Why did you and your family move to New Zealand?

1. "Yes, my mother's a witch. And, truth be told, now I think about it, there were some things that happened that made me a little suspicious. Just little things, like how my school uniforms would be clean instantly, no matter what sort of stains I got on them, or that I've never seen where my mum works. In fact, I still don't really know what she does as a job! I should really ask her. Otherwise, she was very good at hiding it. That, and I never really paid that much attention."

2. "No, not as far as I'm aware. I don't know of any magical blood on my dad's side of the family. And dad's not a wizard. He wishes he was, though."

3. "Well, my dad is a doctor. A GP, actually. He's not my doctor, of course, because doctors can never treat their own family. As for my mum...well, I'm not sure. Actually, now that I think about it, I think she mentioned journalism once..."

4. "I wouldn't say my family was rich, but I wouldn't say poor, either. We have a reasonable quality of living, a nice I'd say average wealth."

5. "Why did we move? Mum and Dad said they wanted a change of scenery. They haven't ruled out moving back to Brisbane, though. That would be nice, I loved Brisbane. I suppose living here has me closer to Hogwarts, though, so that's pretty good."

((I remember the days of neopets RP. I'd always RP in high school ones, haha))
I'm guessing Violet's 12 now. Also, RPing as Violet's led me to a little change of heart in terms of school subjects - Violet's not the science type. Her favourite subjects are History of Magic and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Also, she does rather enjoy Flying. She doesn't like Astronomy, however.
((everyone else is doing it...))

Dear no one in particular...

I'm whingy. And fickle. Really, I am. Sometimes I feel like I'm right at home here, at Hogwarts, and other times I feel like I don't fit in, and that I shouldn't be here because I don't belong. It's stupid. I know. Everyone's really nice to me, I've made a few friends, I'm good at the lessons...

And yet...

And yet I don't feel right. Sure, maybe it's just a phase. Tomorrow I'll probably feel better. But the day after, I'll probably feel lost and alone again.

I don't want to be lost and alone.

But there's nowhere for me. I can't go home, and go to a normal school now. Now that I know what I am. I guess the most I can do is try. Do well in classes, be friendly, ignore the pain of not-belonging.

There's an ache in my heart, and I don't know how to fix it.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know anything.
((okay, this was going to go in Home For The Holidays with me and Angus, but I thought it would be easier if I retold it from my own perspective.))

Christmas was a very awkward time, this year.

Okay, at first it was nice. I got back home, and was so happy to see Mum, Dad and Rose again. We went out for dinner, and I told Mum and Dad all about school - stopping to give Dad plenty of explanations. Mum kept rolling her eyes when I had to explain things to dad. He's muggle born, though. Just because Mum went to Hogwarts Scotland...

Dad sounded genuinely impressed that I got straight Os for my subjects. I had to explain what Os were first, but once I did, he was impressed. He nearly fell over when I said I got over 100% for three subjects. Mum thought I was joking. Dad believed me, though. He told me he was very proud of me, and that I was the smartest person he'd ever met. I don't think Mum was happy with that. I told Dad I was disappointed with only getting 97% for Defence Against The Dark Arts (after explaining to Dad what the Dark Arts were), but he (and Mum) said it was still a fantastic mark. I also said that I was disappointed that I wasn't at the top of the year level, that I was coming second at best, but they said it's okay, and that I'm only in my first year. There's still many years to go.

So I felt a little better after that. But I know I'll never be the best. I'm always second. Doomed to be the runner-up, the bridesmaid, the sidekick. There's always somebody who's better than me.

I spent the next day packing my stuff. Most of it had been packed up and taken over to the new house while I was at school, but Mum left some things for me to pack.

We flew back to Australia the next day, posessions in tow. Being back in Brisbane was like coming home after a long absence - which I guess it was. Dad had been over in Brisbane while I was at school, and he had bought a really nice house in the inner suburbs, not far from the house I grew up in. I must admit, I did have a bit of a cry when we entered the house and I settled in to my new bedroom.

The weather in Brisbane was so different from that at Hogwarts. Hogwarts weather is enchanted to replicate that of the original Hogwarts, so it was snowing when I left. Here, it was hot and sunny. Absolutely beautiful. It was nice not to have to rug up in robes, jumpers and scarves. I could wear pretty sundresses again.

Christmas Eve, and Uncle Patrick, Aunt Pearl, Antoinette and Angus arrived in Brisbane. It was the latter I was looking forward to - and yet, dreading - seeing the most. Angus Greenwood, not my cousin, but my brother.

I hugged my aunt and uncle, and thanked them for the books. Antoinette and I exchanged pleasantries. We had never gotten on that well. She's only a couple of weeks younger than me, but she's quite arrogant. She's judgemental, and not very nice. But we get on well enough. She was excited about her year at Hogwarts Scotland, where she was in Ravenclaw house.

Angus is the complete opposite of Antoinette. He's shy, but not arrogant. He's one of the kindest, most pleasant people I've ever met. He and I stood awkwardly for a moment, me clasping my hands together, him brushing his hair out of his face so he could actually see me (I would have thought Aunt Pearl would have forced him to get a haircut). I could imagine that this Christmas would be hard on him. He wouldn't know where he belongs now, now he knows that the people who brought him up aren't his parents, but his aunt and uncle. The poor thing. We embraced, and both started talking at once, and then burst out laughing.

The three of us - Angus, Antoinette, and me - went to my room and talked for ages about Hogwarts. Well, Antoinette and I told Angus all about Hogwarts. I perhaps romanticised it a little, Antoinette told horror stories. I later told Angus that Hogwarts was what you made it to be - which is true. It can be lonely, or it can be friendly. It can be quiet and peaceful. It can be hard, it can be easy. It just depends. I told him that next year, when he started, I'd help him out in any way I could. He said thanks, and that he'd be relying on me. He and I are both shy, and have always had trouble making friends.

Christmas Day came, and we headed to the beach. For Christmas, I recieved yet more books, some nice clothes, and lots of chocolate. Mum also told me that next year, she'd get me a my own magical creature. I've always wanted a cat. Rose (via mum) had also given me lots of stationary supplies, as well as one of her own drawings. That made me cry a bit. Things two year olds do are so sweet.

Antoinette belittled me for only getting a 97% on my DADA exam. And she didn't believe that I got more that 100% for 3 exams. She laughed in my face. I was quite frustrated, but I contented myself with the seafood. Aunt Pearl told her off, and apologised to me later. She felt quite distraught that she'd never managed to teach Antoinette manners. I told her Angus turned out well, so maybe it was just Antoinette. Aunt Pearl laughed, despite herself, and then looked at me, sort of sadly, before going to join Uncle Patrick.

The next few days were wonderful, spent at the beach, swimming and dancing in the waves, eating ice cream, and relaxing on the sand. I couldn't help but laugh, just a little, at the pale skin of my cousin and brother. I told them some sunlight would do them good, while looking at my own arms. I normally looked very pale, but compared to them, my skin was very brown. It's odd. I guess it's just wherever you're brought up. Like accents. I never hear my own accent, but most people agree that my Australian accent is quite strong.

We spent New Year's Eve on the beach, as well. New Year's Eve is Angus' birthday, which made it even better. We (being my family) all pitched in and bought him a guitar (he'd been hinting at wanting one for ages). The look on his face was one of genuine happiness. The fireworks over the waves were beautiful. How much time I had spent on the beach in a week! It would be odd to go back to the cold of Hogwarts, and my uniform.

It was sad to watch the plane leave at the airport. Aunt Pearl and Uncle Patrick commanded me to write more often, they wanted to hear from me more. Antoinette didn't say much, but then again, she doesn't say much. Angus gave me a hug, tears in his eyes. He never cried. "I want to stay," he said. "But I have to go back to school. I know she's going back to boarding school, but I'd much rather be here." I smiled, and said "but you'll make Aunt Pearl and Uncle Patrick sad. They love you, you know. Like a son." Angus scowled.
"I know, but I don't. I don't get it anymore. Where am I going to go?" I felt horrible.
"Well, you know, later this year, you can come back here, and we'll go to Hogwarts together. Won't that be nice?"
"But where will I stay in the holidays? Where will I call home?" I hugged him again, tears forming in my eyes.
"You can call both places home. As long as people who love you are there, that is your home. Besides, you don't need to worry now." He gave a half-hearted smile as he joined my aunt, uncle, and cousin on the walkway to the plane.

The holidays went far too quickly. I flew back to New Zealand, excited for the new term, but sad that the holidays were over. I'd only just returned to Brisbane, and I was leaving it already. But a new term is a new adventure...
OOC: Okay, I know the last two things were a little emo and stuffs, haha.

So I'm looking to develop Violet's character a little further, and I'd really like anybody to ask me (well, her) anything they want, so I can be the best RPer I can possibly be and really make Violet's character a little more solid. Because I'm starting to go a little all over the place and need a bit of assistance keeping on track, haha. :p

So please, question like crazy. :)
Gah, I can't think of any questions. You're much too thorough. :r:

Anyhow, answer these in character or out of character, your call.

"biological brother, adopted by Greenwood family - Violet's aunt and uncle - for familial reasons" What familial reasons?

How tall would you say "Tall-ish" is?

Can you briefly describe her parents? Perhaps five adjectives for each and a brief history. Houses in school, jobs, anything?

Who is Violet's favourite Professor?

Who is her least favourite?

What is Violet's favourite subject?

What is her least favourite subject?

Does Violet have any dreams for her future?

Can Violet play any musical instruments?

Does Violet have any interesting quirks? Double joints? An extra toe? A birth mark in the shape of New Zealand?
Can't think of any - yeah right. :p Hahah, thanks Nick, this is awesome. :woot: :wub:

"biological brother, adopted by Greenwood family - Violet's aunt and uncle - for familial reasons" What familial reasons?
The familial reasons are rather complex. After Antoinette was born, Pearl (Antoinette's mother) discovered she could have no more children, which was a real blow to her, as she always wanted at least two. About one year later, Violet was born. Violet's mother was soon pregnant again, but it was at about this point that it was discovered that Violet had a fairly weak heart and needed constant care. A second child would feel isolated and rejected. As abortion was illegal (nor did they want to take the life of the second child), they decided on a solution - have the child adopted by Pearl and Patrick Greenwood, to live over in London as their own child. They never told any of the children until just before Angus's eleventh birthday, as the hatred between Antoinette and Angus was growing so strong that he was not coping at all.
((long-winded enough for you?))

How tall would you say "Tall-ish" is?
I would say tall-ish to be about 5'4". Violet is extremely tall for her age, as she has started having her growth spurts fairly early, thus giving her an essentially awkward appearance.

Can you briefly describe her parents? Perhaps five adjectives for each and a brief history. Houses in school, jobs, anything?
Ruby Bellamy - Quick-tempered, bold, loving, courageous, caring. Born in 1982, Ruby was in Gryffindor house at Hogwarts between 1993 and 2000 ((sorry if that clashes with any canon characters)), and suffered quite badly during her 5th year (the reign of Severus Snape) - her father, mother and sister had to go in to hiding, as her father was the son of a muggle-born witch and a muggle man, her mother was a muggle, and her sister was a squib. Nevertheless, she kept a positive outlook and managed to leave school intact. After graduating (without any particular merit to her name), she was fed up with her father berating her for being in Gryffindor and not being a world-beater, so she went travelling, wound up in Australia and met Violet's father. The rest is history. Well, except for the fact that she worked as a journalist for a while, and then stopped and decided to stay at home.

Christopher (Chris) Bellamy - Quiet, unnassuming, intelligent, easygoing, non-judgemental. Born in Brisbane in 1980, he had a fairly easy time growing up, as he was quite intelligent, he worked hard at his studies both at school (he attended one of the inner-city Brisbane private schools, as Violet would have done had she not been a witch), and he had a stable home life. He wasn't the most social of people, but he has always been kind to others, and doesn't judge too quickly - traits his eldest daughter has inherited - therefore he was able to have some friends. He studied Science, and then Medicine and university, and it was while studying that he met the Scottish backpacker, Ruby Winters. He didn't know she was a witch then, he didn't know until he proposed to her a year later, but he didn't care when he found out. He currently works as a GP in Brisbane.

Who is Violet's favourite Professor?
Difficult to say, really. Violet really liked Professor Waltham, however now she has gone. Violet really likes Professor London, because Transfiguration is one of her best subjects, and she really admires the animagus ability, having a dream of becoming one herself. Really, Violet likes all her Professors.

Who is her least favourite?
Professor King, because he's the only professor to have ever given her a mark less than an O! In all seriousness, Violet doesn't have a least favourite. She's a real teacher's pet.

What is Violet's favourite subject?
Transfiguration. The idea of changing one thing in to another fascinates Violet, and she has a real knack for it. Also, History of Magic, as she really likes learning about the past from a magical perspective, and Charms, although sometimes she has difficulties with it.

What is her least favourite subject?
Herbology, as Violet is no green thumb, despite her floral name. She's no good at making things grow, hates getting dirty, and doesn't like to be outside too much. Also Astronomy, as she finds it a little dreary.

Does Violet have any dreams for her future?
In the immediate future, she'd like to be a prefect. She'd like the title and thinks she could handle the responsibility. She'd really love to be Head Girl in her 7th year, too, as she would truly be able to prove herself to her family, especially her grandfather. She dreams of becoming an animagus, as she thinks that would be a wonderful skill to have, and after school, she'd like to work in the Ministry of Magic, and travel the world, learning about all the different cultures, histories and languages of the world.
In short, yes.

Can Violet play any musical instruments?
She can play the piano. Although she's had to stop because she can't really play that much at school, sadly. She'd like to pick it up again after Hogwarts. She used to learn the violin but she was a dreadful violin player, and her parents and teacher begged her to stop, which she happily agreed to do.

Does Violet have any interesting quirks? Double joints? An extra toe? A birth mark in the shape of New Zealand?
She has some pigmentation (i.e. her birth mark) on her right knee - it's almost heart shaped, oddly enough. She has a small scar on her chest, but apart from that, she's fairly normal looking. Boring, in her own opinion.

((I seriously have a heart-shaped birth mark on my knee. How bizarre is that? :p))

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