Viktor Ryzhenkov

African Blackwood, 15", Essence of a Wolf Claw
Viktor Ryzhenkov

The Basics
Character's Name: Viktor Silvano Ryzhenkov
Character's Birthdate: September 12th, 1988
Hometown: Sofia, Bulgaria
Blood Status: Half Blood

African Blackwood is one of the densest woods in the world. This wood acts as a medium between the physical and spiritual realms. Blackwood will bring creativity and intellectual changes in life. Its also an excellent tool for removing communication barriers.​

Educated At: Durmstrang House: -
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Hair: Brown, Dark
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6' 3"
Style: Formal and Elegant, Professional.
Other Distinguishing Features:
A Little Deeper
Personality: Viktor being a Psychiatrist is a calm and collected man. He must maintain an out look of such for the simple fact of his career choice. He must be centered at all times, able to hold his own emotions back and let flow a more logical and reasonable set of words. He is a kind man, willing to help those that he believe require it and deserve it, however, when he is called to be - he may be rather harsh. He is a skilled diplomat, professionally and in his regular social life. He dislikes the fact that some people rather violence to a peaceful resolve, and in turn allows one of his pet-peeves to spawn. Being as in touch with his feelings and mind as he is however, he is often able to over power those hates and peeves with his utmost maturity.

Special Talents/Abilities:
Psychiatrist Qualifications: Viktor has the qualifications of a Psychologist. He is able to talk to people and deal with their issues, as well as going a step ahead of Psychological measures with the power to prescribe extremely powerful and strong medication or potion brews in which brings in his title of 'Psychiatrist'.

Wandless / Non Verbal Magic: Viktor has the ability to maintain and create powerful non verbal and wandless magic. This ensures that his skills as a wizard are seen, not only because he can cast spells without a wand, but because he is able to concentrate enough to maintain power in them.

Potion Master / Expert: Viktor is a mater of potion brewing. He decided it best to be able to make his own brews seeings as though he can prescribe them. Better understanding what goes into your said prescribed potion or drug allows a essence of comfort when you actually prescribe a powerful concoction.

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Viktor Ryzhenkov was raised in his native land. He was brought up by his Ministry employed father and his once Ministry employed mother, who went Muggle Politician and representative of Bulgaria. Having been born into a family of Wizards and Witches, the realization that magic was real was a clear given. Viktor was informed of magic from a young age and encouraged to study it. With this being said, he was told, if ever to actually maintain the understanding of a spell to the point of casting - he should never do so. He was taught of the rules and regulations put in place by the Ministry at a very young age from father Antonius.

Having grown up in this regular home, Viktor was sent to Durmstrang when he was of age. He was seen to excel it the Dark Arts (later Defense against) as well as Potions and Divination. He was also seen to have a decent understanding of Muggle studies, and took particular interest in History of Magic - however - never actually excelled overly in the said area. Despite not excelling in the area, as time went on and studies became a regular part of the young Viktor's regime, the Wizard had a stronger understanding of History of Magic than his said Professor(s).

Leaving School, Viktor had what he needed to become an Auror, or even a HoD (Head of Department) within the Ministry of Magic. With this being said, however, Viktor chose to peruse a medical area rather than a more combat based area. Seeings as though Healers were no longer in high demand, he did not specifically go for the said class of Wizard. Venturing deeper into the medical field, Viktor studied in a Muggle university for years and years on end (Fifteen to Sixteen years), before getting a degree in the Psychiatric practices that he wished to get. His commitment to the said area came about after searching his strengths and weaknesses as a person and as a wizard.

Qualifying with great ease, Viktor returned to the Wizarding world where he was employed by a medical clinic as a Primary Psychiatrist, in which his close friend Harold Von Karmichael was also employed as the / one of the Primary Psychologist. Holding his post at the clinic for some time, Viktor began to make a name for himself, and in time, became one of the most well known Psychiatrists through not only the Wizard world, but the Muggle world as a bonus. Ever since the development, he has been on high demand across both worlds.

Professor Ryzhenkov has been seen to work in disciplinary clinics, the half way house as well as mental institutions and St. Mungo's. Having had so much experience in a short amount of time across the field, Viktor is a clear potential holder in the industry. He has been seen to aide Psychologists who require advice on treating their said patients, as well as posing as a Forensic Psychologist / Psychiatrist. Through doing this said area, Viktor is able to help the Ministry in understanding the thought patterns of the most dangerous and notorious of criminals.


Ryzhenkov, Savina
Ex-Ministry Official, Current Muggle Politician in Bulgaria
Status: Alive


Ryzhenkov, Antonius
Ministry Official / Head of Department
Status: Alive


Ryzhenkov, Ivana
Status: Alive


Daskov, Jeremiad
Author / Potion Brewer
Status: Alive
Hi Victor I just have a few questions for you.

1. What was it like for you growing up as a child?
2. Did you enjoy school at Durmstrang?
3. Did you always want to be a psychiatrist?
4. You are a psychiatrist, do you work with Muggles?
5. If so, do you make a habit of using 'Magic' on them?
( This isn't a Character Development, but I'll answer these. Thanks for the questions. :) )

Hello der Alexia, please mind my accent, It's a little strong - especially when under pressure.

1. What was it like for you growing up as a child?

My Child-hood was normal. I grew up in a regular houze hold. My parents took vonderful care 'f me. I was attending a school as any other regular child in my country, and growing up much the same - aside from being introduced to magic as young as I was.

2. Did you enjoy school at Durmstrang?
Very much so. I met my best friends in ze school. It also made me strive to better myself, and outsmart those ever so uneducated Professors. God only knows if they've gotten better since; God may only know - but I may be the only one that hopes. ;)

3. Did you always want to be a psychiatrist?

Да. I mean, Yes. Well at least some what. For some time I had my mind set on a variety of different paths, but the work Psychiatrist's do had me interested ever since the later years of my Education.

4. You are a psychiatrist, do you work with Muggles?
That I do.

5. If so, do you make a habit of using 'Magic' on them?
To put it simply, even when dealing with Wizard/Witch, I try to shy away from the use of magic. I find that a diplomatic resolve is the best solution to any scenario.

I appreciate the questions Alex.

~ Viktor

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