Closed Victories all round

Ten Layton-King

prof. landon's assistant 🌿 ᴀᴘᴏᴛʜᴇᴄᴀʀʏ ɴᴏᴠɪᴄᴇ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
07/2048 (15)
Ten had been screaming her support for Gryffindor as the match was underway, not caring that she may have deafened Veronica’s dad in the process. Gryffindor may have already won the house cup but now the pressure for the best school was lying on Veronica’s shoulders. Ten had been up against the bar of the stands the entire game, watching the team play their best, and as the referee called out that Gryffindor won, Ten cupped her hands to her mouth in pride. “She did it, she did it,” she slapped Professors Cade’s arm for good measure, just in case he hadn’t noticed, before turning to push her way through the crowd.

She had to get down there. If she left it too late the team would have already left and Ten would have missed her chance. Squeezing through people to get back down the stairs, the fifth year didn’t stop to think about her next moves. Instead she knew what she had to do, because everything had been leading up to this and she knew it, even if Veronica hadn’t specified, she knew it. Excitement for her friend had the adrenaline running through her body, and she made it out of the stands in record time.

Ten raced across the grass, hair and robes flying behind her as she only had one goal of her own in mind. Where was she? Moving through the crowd of players Ten didn’t stop until her green eyes found Veronica. A grin formed on Ten’s face, her run turning into a jog and she crossed over toward her. By the time she reached her she was somewhat out of breath but she didn’t care. Without saying a word, Ten was close enough to reach out, both hands holding the sides of the face as she leant closer still to press her lips to hers.
Veronica had never felt anything like it. The pure elation from the moment she had caught the snitch which only heightened when she touched down on the ground and joined in the celebrations of her teammates. They had already won the Quidditch cup and this game wasn’t as important as that, but she had won for Gryffindor, she looked for her dad in the crowd and when she did spot him she could have sworn she saw tears in his eyes. She’d done that for him, for mom, for anyone who felt like they had a home in their house. She’d never have felt anything close to it if she had been playing a different position, and while she wouldn’t switch positions anytime soon (and give Teddy another reason to keep her on the bench) she was glad she had experienced that moment. It would stay with her forever.

Or so she thought. Veronica thought catching the snitch, celebrating with the team and seeing her dad cry would be the peak of an exceptional day. But she could barely contain the grin on her face when she spotted Ten through the crowd, on the pitch, heading towards her. Veronica didn’t know what she was going to say, did she need to say anything? Surely the moment would take care of itself like it did in all those stupid movies her dad made her watch as a kid. She could almost imagine a big sweeping score playing in the background as Ten approached her. Just don’t say something stupid Veronica thought. But she wouldn’t get a chance to say anything. No sooner had Ten got within an arms reach of her, had she pulled her in for a kiss and Veronica’s mind went blank. The win, her teammates, the single greatest moment of joy she’d felt in her life up to that point all paled in comparison to having Ten’s lips on hers.

After what felt simultaneously like a lifetime and a fleeting second, they pulled apart, Veronica searched in vein for something to say. Something funny, clever, flirty, anything? “But you? I…screw it,” Veronica cupped Ten’s face with her hands and pulled her in to kiss her again.
Ten didn't care about the other people on the pitch around them, the moment she'd locked lips with Veronica it was the only thing she could think about. She'd never kissed anyone before either, she didn't really know what she was doing so much as just did what came naturally in the moment, pulse hammering away in her chest, ears, head. When they pulled apart, it both felt like no time at all had passed but that the moment had lasted a lifetime. "Me?" Was all Ten managed to say before Veronica kissed her again.

She realized then that she'd been right about her feelings, that despite everything they'd said out loud about being friends had been a ruse on both their behalf's. A facade that until now neither of them had tried to break, to let the other know what they were really thinking. If she'd been wrong she knew she would have ruined Veronica's day, having won the game for Gryffindor only to be caught up in a public drama but Ten had been so confident that she could feel Veronica's reciprocated energy that she'd taken the chance and it had paid off. She slid her arms around the girls neck only to hug her while they kissed, and when they broke apart a second time, Ten realised her face was as flushed as Veronica's robes.

Whatever words Ten said next she knew it was going to sound stupid. How could it not? How could she just pretend as though her world hadn't just shifted and act normal. "I.. er, congratulations," Ten said sheepishly after a moment, moving her arms away from Veronica's shoulder. "You did amazing," the grin returning on her face as the pride for her friend took over again.
Veronica had never kissed anyone before. She’d never liked anyone before, not until she’d started to notice Ten (watching Teddy flip his hair didn’t count!). People often said they didn’t know when they’d started to realise they liked someone, that crept up on them, Veronica wasn’t sure that was true for her. She knew for sure at the valentines dance, but with the benefit of hindsight the moment she saw Ten again after her years in Scotland had been like coming up for fresh air. “Who else?” She smiled at her before going in to kiss her. It didn’t make any sense, but her brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders, it full of butterflies, fireworks and whatever other sappy metaphor people used when they liked someone. Having been angry at the world for so long, Veronica couldn’t remember the last time she was happy, but she was happy now. With her.

When they broke apart for the second time, Veronica noticed how red Ten had got, it almost matched her hair, and Veronica’s robes, merlin she hoped she hadn’t gone that red. Veronica hadn’t the feeling of Ten’s arms moving off her shoulders, she didn’t realise how much she enjoyed physical contact until she had it, she hoped it wouldn’t be the last time. “Thanks, I didn’t know I had it in me,” She’d never played seeker, winning the game had been the last thing she expected to do. Veronica didn’t know what happened next, she was sure there would be a party, music, noise, lots of distractions. Lots of things that might get in the way of figuring out what this meant for them, she wanted to get ahead of all of that. “I like you,” She blurted out, “I just wanted to say that before we get caught up in the post game celebrations, I really do and I hope that’s not the last time you kiss me out of the blue,” She grinned sheepishly at her.

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