Victoria Felicia Urie de Lacey

Victoria de Lacey

⚡ lightning mcqueen ⚡ zoom zoom 💨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
V I C (T O R I) A ✻ F E L I C I A ✻ U R I E ✻ D E L A C E Y

"T a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"
House: Gryffindor | Wand: Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core | Age: Eleven


Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships

Lyrics from Nostalgia by Chance the Rapper
Dividers and bio coding by Clairey
Wand from
Last updated 12/06/2024


"T a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"


Victoria Felicia Urie de Lacey
New Zealand English
3rd September, 2050
Half Blood
Obsidian Harbour, NZ
Too Young
St Mungo's, New Zealand
Too Young
146 cm
NZ English
Rory Styx
Felix Urie and Georgina de Lacey




Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core



May 3rd, 2062

It's my birthday today! I'm super, major excited!!!!

I get to go to school with Rory! Which is really exciting! I've wanted to go to school with him for ages, I miss him when he's not here. I've heard mum talk about it so much that it's like I've been there forever! I really want to see what she and dad were like back in school so I think I'm going to try and find some yearbooks. Mum seems to think I'll be disappointed, something about Dad not showing up too often for picture day BUT I DON'T CARE!

I think I'm going to make sure I ALWAYS show up for picture day so my future children will know what I was like in school - when your dad kind of isn't around much like mine you always think about stuff. I love my dad, but I don't know him very well sometimes, and he says and does weird things that I don't understand. Lanithro is really cool about all of it though and he always lets me stay up late with Daddy even when Daddy tells me to go to bed. Apparently Daddy can't say know to Uncle Lani so that works well for me!

This is going to be the best year ever!!

Tori ♥
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B A S I C ✻ I N F O R M A T I O N ✻ E X P A N D E D

"T a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"

Name Details
Full Name
Victoria Felicia Urie de Lacey

Name Etymology
Victoria is of late english origin meaning victorious. It's the name of one of England's longest reigning monarch's and is ironic for several reasons. Tori isn't sure where her name came from, or which one of her parents decided upon it. She doesn't really care, she likes it, though she prefers her nickname most of the time.

Victoria: vuhk·taw·ree·uh
Felicia: feh·lee·chee·ya
Urie: you·ree
de Lacey: duh·lace·ee

Tori, she very much does not like the name "Vicky" though people often default to it's use. She will correct anyone who calls her Vicky. Unless you know her well, it's best not to call her Victoria, as she won't likely respond to it, unless it's Rory. Her father, Felix, exclusively calls her Victoria, which is odd since he nicknames everyone else.
On occasion she will be called with either of her last names, if someone is trying to distinguish her from her brother, or trying to distinguish her from someone else in the immediate vicinity. Sometimes if they don't know her very well, but know who her mother or father are, they'll use either name.
In the same vain, Lanithro, or Felix, will sometimes refer to her as "Kiddo" though she prefers them not to call her this and doesn't often answer to it.

Legal Name Changes
None. There has been some debate previously about whether she would go by Urie for her father or de Lacey for her mother, but seeing as she lives with Georgina it wasn't much of a debate and so Urie was given as one of her two middle names as a compromise.

Birth & Residence
Date of Birth
3rd May 2051

St Mungo's Hospital, Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand

Technically, Victoria would be eligible for citizenship to three countries, but as an eleven year old has natural citizenship only in New Zealand.

Blood Status
Half blood. Both of her parents are Muggleborn

Area of Residence
Obsidian Harbour, NZ - (May 3rd 2051 - present). Tori currently lives with her mother and brother in a small three bedroom home just outside of Obsidian Harbour. The house itself is technically only single story, but they have a garage of sorts below them, which makes them a dual story. The garage is mostly maintained as a storage area for the various hobbies each of them have, or the random bits of things Felix has sent them over the years. It's quite modest, and nothing in it is too big, but nothing is too small either. The home used to be only two bedrooms, but when Tori got a little older, Felix and Lanithro helped Georgina knock down a wall or two to make a bit more room. She had to sacrifice a bathroom, but there's only really two of them in the house at most times so it hardly matters.

Previous Areas of Residence
Currently, Tori has never lived anywhere else, but will soon be living in her hogwarts dorm.

New Zealand English

Victoria has a soft New Zealand accent, that can sometimes slip into a slightly accented posh cockney. (Think Cockney Queen Liz)

Education & Occupation
Schools Attented
Hogwarts New Zealand (September 1st 2062 - present).

Hogwarts House

Tori walked into the great hall and honestly... kind of underwhelming. Maybe it was the years she'd spent reading all about it, but she wasn't finding herself to be so taken in by all of it as she had been expecting and that honestly did upset her a little. She waved both to the Cade boys as she saw them, but kept standing with the three she'd met on the train, she noted Winnie too, somewhat further away. She wasn't really surprised by her house placement, but how could she be? She wasn't totally sure how sorting worked, of course, but she could readily admit that it was completely foreign to her, then, maybe that was the curse of growing up in a household that wasn't muggle but might as well have been. The only reason, sometimes, she thought that her mother even had a wand was because she probably felt like she had to have one. Tori couldn't just though, that was just how her mother was sometimes.

de Lacey, Victoria -

She cringed at the name, but didn't correct it, she could start doing that tomorrow when they all wake up for breakfast. She didn't know where the twins had gone, she'd forgotten to pay attention, but she waved at Mr. Cade as she walked up to sit on the stool and get that hat sat on her head. Now this was a strange feeling, because she didn't really know what to do. She bunched her hands up and sat them on the tops of her thighs, she couldn't see out of the hat, it took up a lot of room up there, but she thought about what her mother and father must have felt like being here, neither of them had an inkling about magic, so it must have been really scary. She at least knew what magic was, and she kind of knew what to expect, but even she was nervous, and she wasn't usually the sort to get nervous. She apologised softly to her parents, and waited quietly for the verdict.

Whatever it might be.

"There is no reason to be nervous, I only decided where you'll be for the next seven years. I see in you a desire to prove yourself and reasons for why you would like to do. However, this desire, this thirst to prove yourself would make you a rather decent Slytherin....But no...maybe not....I see what you desire above all else and I'm inclined to agree...Gryffindor,"

Favourite Class
Undecided, but she does tend to do well with hands on kinds of classes. It's hard to say at this stage because she likes to experiment and he likes, dislikes and hobbies change frequently. One day she will love broom class, the next she's likely to hate it in favour of Divination (etc).

Least Favourite Class

None yet

Learned Credentials
None yet

Corporeal Patronus


Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

Tori's Wand Breakdown:
Wood: Hazel
Attributes: Hazel wands are known for their sensitivity to the owner's emotions and their strong magical capabilities. They are particularly effective for those who have a deep connection to their own emotions and intuition. Hazel wood is also reputed to have a unique ability to detect water underground, symbolizing an inherent ability to navigate through hidden aspects of the self and the world.

Core: Unicorn Hair
Attributes: Unicorn hair cores are known for their consistency and reliability. They produce the most consistent magic and are the least subject to fluctuations and blockages. They are also known for their strong affinity with the pure of heart and are loyal to their first owner, making them excellent for someone who values honesty and integrity.

Length: 11 Inches
Attributes: This length is fairly standard and suggests a balance between power and control. It indicates that the wand is versatile, capable of handling a variety of spells and situations without being overly specialized in one particular area.

Flexibility: Unyielding
Attributes: An unyielding wand flexibility suggests that the owner is strong-willed and firm in their beliefs and actions. This type of wand does not easily adapt to others' influence, reflecting Tori's resilience and determination. It provides stability and a sense of grounding for someone who might need support in staying true to their own path.

Overall: Tori's wand is well-suited to her personality, offering a blend of sensitivity to emotions, consistent and reliable magic, balanced power, and firm support in her beliefs and actions. This wand would help Tori navigate her magical journey with a steady hand, enhancing her strengths and providing stability as she grows.


Health & Physical
Physical Condition
Victoria is very fit - she plays sports regularly, and gets into all sorts of trouble so needs to be able to run fast and far.


Victoria has very good eyesight, she does not need glasses.

None known.
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A P P E A R A N C E ✻ A N D ✻ P E R S O N A L I T Y

"t a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"

Appearance Details

Basic Appearance
For the most part Tori looks a lot like her father and takes almost nothing from her mother, though she has her there in personality. She tends to wear her hair mostly in braids down her back, or in a ponytail on the side of her head. When she has a lot of free time she will pull her hair up into a crown, but it's difficult to do and she prefers others to do this style for her. Her hair is wavy, and a golden brown colour. She has her father's hazel-blue eyes that often crinkle with laughter and a charming half smile.

Resemblance to Parents
Physically, Tori resembles her father, sharing similar facial features such as nose shape and jawline. She also inherits his eyes and his cheeky half smile. From her mother though, personality traits - while she may not look like her, she shares common behaviours and attitudes.

Hairstyle and Type
When she wears her hair in braids, they are often intricately done, she takes care in her appearance and pride in how she wears it. The ponytail style she often chooses is more practical for everyday activities, yet still stylish. Pulling her hair up into a crown is for when she wishes a more elegant or formal look on special occasions. Though she will often seek help for this style. The wavy texture of her hair adds volume and movement, giving her hairstyle a natural and relaxed appearance. The golden brown colour of her hair has highlights that catch the light, enhancing its warmth and richness.

Her hazel-blue eyes sometimes have flecks of green or gold, adding depth and interest to their colour. The crinkles around her eyes when she laughs are sometimes described as endearing or charming, reflecting her joyful and expressive nature.

Her half-smile is often accompanied by dimples, further adding to her likeable and engaging demeanour. The warmth in her smile might light up her whole face, making her presence welcoming and comforting to others.

Personality Details

Describe your character in five words
Curious, resilient, honest, empathetic, stubborn.

Tori is characterised by an insatiable curiosity that drives her to explore and learn about the world around her. This curiosity makes her a quick learner and highly adaptable to new situations. She finds joy in discovering new things and has a natural talent for picking up new skills, whether they are related to her studies at Hogwarts or the myriad hobbies she cycles through, inspired by the gifts her father sends her. Her eagerness to learn often makes her a favourite among her mentors, who appreciate her enthusiasm and dedication.

Resilience is another key aspect of Tori's personality. Growing up without her father living with her family has instilled in her a deep sense of emotional strength. She has learned to handle difficult situations with a maturity that surpasses her years. Despite the challenges of her family situation, she maintains a positive outlook and doesn't let adversity dampen her spirit. Her resilience is complemented by a profound empathy, allowing her to understand and share the feelings of others. This empathetic nature makes her a good friend and confidante, always ready to lend a listening ear and offer support.

However, Tori's impulsiveness often gets her into trouble. She tends to act on a whim, driven by her immediate desires and curiosities, without fully considering the consequences. This impulsiveness can lead to unforeseen problems, but it also adds a sense of adventure and spontaneity to her life. Alongside this, her stubbornness can be both a strength and a weakness. Once she sets her mind on something, it is nearly impossible to change her course, which can be frustrating for those around her. Nonetheless, this stubborn determination also fuels her drive to achieve her goals.

Tori values honesty above all else. She believes that being truthful is the foundation of trust and strong relationships. Her commitment to honesty can sometimes come across as blunt, but she always has the best intentions at heart. She interacts with others in a friendly and approachable manner, easily making new friends with her open and cheerful demeanour. Her laughter and charming half-smile often light up a room, drawing people to her.

Despite her social nature, Tori has a fear of spiders that can paralyse her. This phobia is one of the few things that can shake her otherwise confident and resilient exterior. Her motivations are deeply rooted in a desire to prove herself and make her family proud, particularly her father, whose absence she keenly feels. The gifts and encouragement he sends her serve as a constant reminder to strive for greatness and excel at Hogwarts.

She is a young girl full of potential, ready to navigate the magical world with determination and a cheerful spirit.

Interests or Hobbies
Tori has a wide range of hobbies and interests that she cycles through, depending on what her father sends her. This could include anything from potion brewing kits to magical creature care guides, and the occasional musical instrument.


  • Curiosity: Tori has an insatiable curiosity, always eager to learn and explore new things. This trait makes her a quick learner and highly adaptable.
  • Resilience: Growing up with her father's absence has made her emotionally strong and resilient. She can handle difficult situations with maturity beyond her years.
  • Empathy: She has a deep sense of empathy, often understanding and sharing the feelings of others, which makes her a good friend and confidante.

  • Fatal Flaw: Need for approval: Tori has a strong desire to make her family, especially her father, proud. This need for approval can drive her to overextend herself and take on more than she can handle. She may push herself too hard in her studies and extracurricular activities, leading to burnout and stress.
  • Major Flaws: Emotional sensitivity, blunt honesty, distractibility
  • Minor Flaws: Impulsiveness, stubbornness, fear of spiders

Values and Driving Force
Honesty is her most cherished value. She believes that being truthful is fundamental to trust and relationships. Some of the values that she seeks in others, or what drives her are, family, friendship and fairness.
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L I F E ✻ A N D ✻ F A M I L Y

"t a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"

Family and Relationships

Relationship Status
At the moment she is mostly focused on doing anything she wants whilst she can still get away with it. She's at that cute stage where she knows she should know better, but tries to get away with it anyway. As a preteen her most important mission in life is to see how many buttons she can press before someone calls her out for it.

Victoria hasn't thought about that yet. Kissing is gross, etc. Though doesn't really care about who she might eventually like, she is pretty sure it will be boys, no matter how stupid she thinks they might be right now. Given her mother, she is unlikely to change her opinion on the stupidity of boys.

Immediate Family
Victoria has two mostly supportive parents who are both alive and take the form of a single mother, in Georgina and her father Felix, who is married to Lanithro Styx - the father of her half brother Rory. It's a bit of a mess, but it's hers. This of course makes Lanithro Styx her step father and by extension, his children, Fayre and Hadrien are kind of like her siblings as well. Step, maybe, but she considers them as much her family as any of her family.

None currently, though she really wants her mother to let her have one (a really mean puff skein incident has soured the whole family to the idea)


Life Details

Soon to be attending Hogwarts

Best school subjects
Currently unknown

Worst school subjects
Currently unknown

Current Job
Future Hogwarts student

Plans for the future
To become a magizoologist and travel around to all sorts of places just like her daddy

To be determined

Patronus memory
To be determined

A giant spider crawling towards her - Facing her fear of spiders

Casting a spell that turns the spider into a harmless butterfly

Yet to discover
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"t a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"

Year 2062 - 2063 (First year)

Major events
  • Met future class mates
  • Got her first ever wand + plus some other stuff
  • Got sorted into GRYFFINDOR
  • Met Professor Lyra Potter
  • Made plans to begin the Official Gobstones Club (maybe)
  • Got stunned by Professor Waldgrave in class (didn't enjoy that)


Independant - Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour with Jasper Beese
Snacks for School Shoppers - Madam Pudifoots with Saul Bollywood, Kanako Kurosawa and Various others
This time I'm coming with you - de Lacey home with Rory Styx

I'll take this, and this, and that! - The Apothecary with Assistant
what she doesn't know - The Menagerie with Kasim Safir
it's now - Ollivanders with Todd Cobbler
Day One: Let's Go - Hogwarts Express with Cade Twins + Winnie Calida
do what you must - Hogwarts Express with Eoghan Blyth, William Potter-Cade and Susie Lagowski

Semester One

Oh No, We Seem to Have Fallen Behind - Sorting Ceremony with
Susie Lagowski, Demi Zephyr, William Potter-Cade, Oliver Durand and Vex
Night One - Gryffindor Girls Dorm with Kiera Potter-Cade, Esme Styx-Cade and Rose Edogawa
sister's before friends, right? - Ravenclaw House Table with Rory Styx
First Year Castle Tours! - Entrance Hall with Leah Throne and Various
Allow me to introduce - Cade's Office with Professor James Cade,
Esme Styx-Cade and Kiera Potter-Cade
tick tock - Gryffindor Common Room with Harrison Irvine
oh merlin, not you - Slytherin Corridors with Kanako Kurosawa
a sister's duty - Great Hall with Jonah Edogawa, Ten Layton-King, Felix Layton-King, Veronica Walden-Cade, Evan Faire and Vex
Missed Appointments - Student Lounge with Jasper Beese
Official Gryffindor Business - Sixth Floor Corridor with Jasper Beese

if three is a crowd, what's five? - The Library with Eoghan Blyth, William Potter-Cade, Cal Greenleaf and Lilith Ilves
A Quiet One - Gryffindor Table with Arthur Larson and Jasper Beese
and he mentioned you by name - Charms Office with Professor Lyra Potter
Blood Red Lips - Halloween Feast with William Potter-Cade and Demi Zephyr
choices - Brightstone Station with Teddy Pirrup
Spelling It Out - Student Lounge with Susie Lagowski
Step by step exploration adventures - The Cliffs with Rhea Moss
finding new paths - Eoghan Blyth
Books, books and more books - The Library with Amory Raven
truth or dare? - Student Lounge with Various
aftershocks - The Library with
Eoghan Blyth, Lilith Ilves and Susie Lagowski

Semester Two

an answer to a question - Astronomy Tower with Professor Adorah Zumwalt
Graduation Ceremony - Great Hall with Mum and Rory Styx + Various
you're my favourite - Great Hall with Mum and Rory Styx
End of Year Feast - Great Hall with Esme Styx-Cade + Various

Club Events

SDA Club Learn How To Duel
Heta Omega Club Making Connections, Brotherhood vs Heta Omega: Tug of War
(un)Official Gobstones Club (Unofficial) Gobstones Club Meeting

Thoughts on year

"Honestly, I didn't hate it. Well, I didn't love it. I'm going to miss Rory loads, but I think I kind of know what I'm doing now. I'm going to write Rory a TONNE of letters over the next six years so I really hope he's ready. I have Jasper and Esme who are my best friends EVER. I didn't see much of the twins, but I'm going to fix that next year and we're going to spend so much time together they're gonna get SICK OF ME!"


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"t a k e i t t o t h e g o o d t i m e s, s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h e b a d t i m e s"

Year 2063 - 2064 (Second year)

Major events
  • Made it to SECOND YEAR
  • Met the twins - didn't admit my feelings
  • event three


Second year already - Flourish and Blotts with Augustus Westwick
pulling on those old heart strings - New Zealand with Dad, Rory and the fam

Semester One

running hot - Gryffindor House table with Open

Thoughts on year


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