Valentines Curse

Kailey Valentine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kailey Nathalia Valentine, the girl with the valentine curse, was sleeping in Muggle Studies. She had no sleep last night since Ciel and Kyle had, well put it this way, kept her busy all night and when she got back it was time for school.
Professor Tyner ended the lesson and Kai had no clue as she was sleeping.

Her head was resting on her hands and her face closed and peacefully quiet.
Muggle studies.... The class that most of the durmstrang students have probably hated the most. Really, why was it being thought there anyway? But even so, Alois was interested in the said subjet, his father, being a business man, had some acquaintances who were muggles after all, and some of them actually work for their company.

But even so, no matter how interested he was with it, he cannot help but to actually feel tired and bored, there's nothing to do at all, and he had already known what was currently being taught. Just as he was about to fall asleep though, luckily, the class had ended. Yawning and stretching, he noticed someone that was actually having the same dilemma as him, a girl roughly about his age was currently sleeping soundly at her desk. It was such a wonder how she had not gotten caught though. Feeling the responsibility to wake her up and not leave her there, he decided to approach her, "Excuse me... miss?" He said quite unsure if she could even hear him. He gave her a slight poke, just so if she hadn't really heard him, at least, she'll be bale to feel her presence.
Kailey woke to this strangers voice. She jumped up and hit her hand on the desk. "Cr@p!" she cried. She held her hand as it started to throb. "What time is it?!"
Alois was a bit surprised by the girl's sudden reaction though he should have expected that she'll be startled by his sudden intrusion. "Well... that class had been already over about a few minutes ago." He answered, shrugging as he proceeded to pick up his bag and swung it to his shoulder. He would be returning to the dorm now if he got nothing better to do by then. "By the way, we had a homework, just in case you weren't awake to hear that."
Kailey looked at this boy. "Do you mind if i copy the notes?" she asked him, tidying her things away. She decided it was time for her to make some friends...after all her twin brother Justin was Mr. Popular. She was doing a survey on all the 5th years to see who knew him and then how had heard of her.

"Do you mind if i ask you a question? Im doing a survey about Mr. know....Justin Valentine?" she asked him.
"I don' then." Alois said, handing out the notes that he had just written earlier, though his handwriting was kind of messy by then, after all, just like her, he had felt rather sleepy too, though in his case, he didn't fully fell asleep. "Justine Valentine? No... haven't heard of him or anything." He said then with a shrug, sitting back to his chair as he waited for the girl to actually finish copying down her notes.

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