Valentine Cards!!

Rose Holland

🍬Honeydukes Asst. | Impulsive | 2049 Graduate 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Laurel Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
7/2031 (30)
Rose couldn't believe she was in a tower for the second time in a few days. She was either really brave or really stupid. Or really determined. But she had bought some really fun Valentine cards over the holiday and they needed to be posted. Sure, she could hand them over, but what was more special than receiving one by mail? She needed to do this. After catching her breath and figuring out how to get an Owl to take a card while staying far away from the windows, she sent the five cards she had prepared. She hoped her friends would like them. She had sent roses last year, but this year she was happy to be doing something different.

OOCOut of Character:
I wasn't sure how best to do this, but I decided that having them all in one topic was most efficient. Everyone who got one: feel free to write a reaction in this thread! I'd love to see it :wub:

When an owl dropped a card in Margo's lap, the Ravenclaw's first hope was that it might have been from Austin. No - that wasn't likely; Austin probably didn't even know she existed. Her next thought was that it might have been from Odette, who, while hardly the sort to send out Valentines greeting cards, was Margo's only real friend. Or maybe she had a secret admirer! She grinned as she pulled the card out of its envelope, turning it over to read. It was from Rose? Margo blushed, her heart melting at this sweet, unprecedented gesture. Rose was like, the loveliest girl in the whole school. Margo bit her lip. She probably shouldn't have been thinking that about anyone except Odette; she could only imagine how cross the Slytherin would be if she knew Margo had started feeling fondly about Rose. Nervously she stuffed the card in her bag, where she would quickly forget about it. Out of sight, out of mind.
Rory was busy trying to decide whether to eat pancakes or waffles for breakfast this morning, which was a tough call. But she really wanted maple syrup, and even she wasn't going to just drink it straight from the jug (although maybe, maybe just a sip? There were people watching though; she should just have pancakes and waffles). Finally having made a decision, Rory had a waffle halfway towards her plate when an owl swooped down out of nowhere and dropped an envelope right where she had been about to place the waffle. Looking back and forth between it and the waffle still speared on her fork for a few seconds, Rory eventually groaned and placed the waffle back on the serving plate. She hardly ever got mail, so she supposed this might be something important - a thought which led to more groaning. However, opening the envelope and seeing its contents caused a massive grin to stretch across her face. Rose had sent her a card! It had a lion on it! That was awesome, she was going to give her friend an attack-hug as soon as she saw her. Or once she'd demolished this waffle, anyway.
Harley was never really awake for breakfast, it was a meal to be slogged through until she actually woke up halfway through her first class of the day. The most interesting thing that ever happened at breakfast was letters from home, which generally required immediate throwing away, and proceeded to ruin the rest of Harley's day. So when an envelope dropped down in front of the plate of toast Harley was half-asleep over, she let out a weak groan. Not again. It took a long, long moment for her sleepy brain to process that the handwriting on the envelope didn't match her parents, or her grandparents, and this must be from someone else. Sleepy curiosity piqued, she opened the envelope, face dissolving into a warm smile as she took in the sweet card. "Rose, oh my god!" She said warmly, waving the card. "This is precious! You're getting a hug as soon as we get up!"
Hayley was moody and half-awake at breakfast, tucking in without paying much attention to her food, delicious as it was, or her surroundings. She was startled when something dropped onto her lap from above, but began to smile as soon as she realised it was a letter. She really couldn't get used to the airborne mail system practised here, but letters were usually from her mum, and that was guaranteed to brighten her morning. This one wasn't in Mum's handwriting, though. Hayley frowned at the envelope. It wasn't in any handwriting that she recognised. Who could be sending her letters? She tore it open curiously. As she tugged out the contents she began to grin. How sweet! Hayley didn't know why Rose hadn't sent roses (to avoid the pun? but why would anyone avoid a pun?), but this was adorable. Hayley pulled her bag out from under the table and tucked the card carefully inside. She'd put it on her bedside table alongside the little jar she'd found to put her yellow roses in. That was a good place to remind herself (and the nasty people she shared a dorm with) that she had friends who cared about her.

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