Closed Useless Adults

Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (16)
Savannah hated her parents so much. They were useless. She didn't undertand how they didn't have a single interesting thought or dream or incline to work. She knew that working wasn't the most fun, but it was necessary. They barely ever had anything in the house. The temperature had dipped the last few days and rather than staying in the cold house, she had headed out and gone to find a place that was warm that she could exist in for a while and forget all about her useless parents. She ended up finding a shop, it wasn't a cafe so it was preferably for her. She could browse without being disturbed while getting warm and trying to figure how to deal with her parents without killing them.
Mystic was humming happily behind the counter, sorting out a new shipment of dream catchers she'd gotten in and deciding on the best way to display them. Her hair was down today, but was twisted in a loose bread and still filled with magical butterflies that flapped their wings gently, all of them pulsating gentle colors. She was in a long, flowing floral dress, the flowers winding around her in a gorgeous bouquet. She was barefoot, swaying along to the flute music playing in the shop. She saw a girl enter, and flashed her a bright smile, hanging the first dreamcatcher on the wall. "Hello, love," She called out easily. "Let me know if you need anything," She sing-songed, picking up another dream catcher.
Savannah heard the woman who clearly owned the store greeted her. "Sure," she said sharply before she gave a little sigh. "Sorry," she added, given that she was intending to use this store to get warm, she didn't want to get kicked out of the store for being rude to the owner. She picked up one of the crystals and turned it over in her hands, but quickly took it back when her hand was shaking from the cold and she almost dropped it.
Mystic turned to look at the girl and immediately noted how cold she was. She chuckled. "No worries," She countered. "Do you want some tea? Hot cocoa? Coffee?" She suggested. "You look like you could use something to warm up." She hung up the dreamcatcher and stepped back, turning to the kid with a bright smile. "Cold out today, isn't it?"
Savannah glanced at the woman and gave a little frown. Why was she offering this to her, what was the motive for it. Though Savannah didn't exactly want to turn it down. "it's winter," she replied plainly, though even with it being so, Savannah wasn't really dressed for it. "Are you looking for any shop assistants?" she asked suddenly. the place was close enough to her house and it would mean she could pick up more work than she was able to at madam puddifoots.
Mystic laughed lightly. "It is! All the more reason for something hot to drink." She countered. She smiled at the girls sudden question. "Sure! We'll do an interview. Follow me," She turned away, motioning for the girl to follow, and headed through the shop. She moved through the beaded/fabric curtain to her little managers room but ignored it- it was really just a desk and a few bookshelves, with a single chair and a lot of paperwork.

She continued on through the next beaded/fabric curtain and up the stairs to the flats above her shop- she'd bought the whole building, technically. Mystic still thought that it used to be an orphanage, but with a little renovation she'd made it rather homey- she had a large, cluttered but cozy living room full of pillows and plants and hanging fabrics and a peek into an open kitchen/dining room, the latter also with ample seating in a large corner table that had two long seats built into the walls and a few extra cushioned chairs around the other two sides of the table. A fresh herb garden spanned along the many windows of the dining room and kitchen.

Ignoring her bed and bathroom on the far wall, she motioned for the girl to find a seat, not looking to make sure she'd been followed. "Grab a seat, I'll get some drinks and be right out," She promised, moving to the kitchen.
Savannah hadn't expected really the answer to be yes, but it was working out a little. She followed the woman through the shop, and through some beaded curtains. This was not a place Savannah would usually find herself, but she also worked at a bakery/tea shop where hogwarts couples famous had dates. She followed her and then took a seat, unable to stop herself as she looked around. The place was nice, nicer than her home with her parents. Her parents didn't see the point in decorating, and Savannah didn't see the point in doing so either when only she would enjoy it. But this was nice, the seat were nice and could just imagine how nice meals would be in the room. She wondered if this woman had a family. Savannah sat up straight, and tried to be a little more presentable, but her hands were still shaking form the cold, she just clasped them together and then placed them in her lap under the table.
Mystic hummed, swaying to music on her mind, and put together two cups of hot cocoa, with mini marshmellows, whipped cream, and a sprinkling of cinnamon. The cups warmed her hands as she walked over to the table the girl, setting the cocoa in front of her after she settled in her seat. "So, what's your name?" She started with, sipping on her own hot cocoa. "Would you like to share a charcuterie board?" She asked, feeling peckish.
Savannah looked at the cup of hot cocoa she was made and had to stop herself from frowning on it. This had all of the works on it, it was almost absurd. "Savannah," she said. "And not Sav, or any nicknames, Savannah," she said, thinking of all the people who might call her by a nickname it would be this woman. A charcuterie board seemed a little crazy to have as a thing to share. "Sure," she replied, if this helped her get the job then she'd agree to it.
Mystic smiled and summoned one of hers- a gorgeous mahogany in the prettiest swirled lay out. It filled with small bites of cheese, summer sausage, and an assortment of berries, smiling a bit wider as the board settled between them. "Savannah is such a lovely name," She complimented. "My name is Mystic Rain," She introduced, sipping on her cocoa with a satisfied sigh. "What hours would you like?" She just asked, deciding already that the girl would fit in wonderfully.

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