Closed Up to no good

Finn Lockley

Mischievous • Curious • Softie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Finn had brought a bunch of muggle candy to Hogwarts. He preferred them over magical ones most of the time anyway. Magical candy was always tricky since there were a bunch of weird flavours and if you weren't checking the package that lovely lollipop you liked was tribe flavour. Finn had asked Flynn to go up to the fifth floor and chill. He recently found a chill out room behind a certain painting. It was funny how many secrets the castle held. The room was decked out with pillows, magazines and a little cupboard to store things in. It had a window that had a great view of the main gardens. He had slipped Flynn a note and was now unpacking all the goods he had brought with him.
"I didn't know this place existed," he offered casually as he arrived at their planned meeting place, peering around the little room curiously. Even after all this time, Hogwarts was still offering up surprises and secret rooms that he had no idea about beforehand. He had wondered if it were actually possible for someone to find every single secret room and secret passage the castle actually had before you graduated. That had been his goal for a little while, but his attention was quickly grabbed by other things and he had sort of stopped looking. "So," he huffed as he turned towards his friend, "We in here for any reason?"
''Me neither'' Finn said to his best friend. Hogwarts was full of secrets and so far he had found some secret passageways and other secret rooms, but he was sure there were many more. Maybe the castle made special rooms each day the castle was pretty magical itself. ''No reason, just catching up and chill'' Finn said while opening his bag and showing Finn the sweets stash. ''What have you been up to?'' Finn asked his best friend.
"How did you find it then?" Flynn had long stopped seeing if there were hidden rooms like this one behind portraits anymore. The only way he found about new secrets was if someone else happened to tell him about it (or, more likely, he just overheard them). At the question, he just shrugged his shoulder, "Usual stuff. Quidditch, mostly." Now that Blake had graduated, Gryffindor might actually have a chance of winning the cup. He had already won the first match of the year, now there was just Hufflepuff standing in the way.
''Since I barely follow lessons I have way too much time'' Finn smiled he had been actively searching for secrets in nooks and cranny's. Behind curtains and paintings and Finn had been sure he had overheard some seventh years speaking about it. ''Sounds good, hopefully Gryffindor will win'' Finn grinned. ''Who do you think will be the next prefects?'' Some people were trying way too hard in their lessons. Finn offered Flynn some candy from the bag.
Flynn grinned with a small laugh, "Fair enough, I guess." If you dropped most of your lessons in your third year then you did have an awful lot of time on your hands to do worry about other things. "Hopefully, just got to knock down Hufflepuff and it's ours. Then we can play the foreign team for a change." Which would be pretty exciting, not to mention interesting to see how the Americans or the French played up close and personal. Taking one of the offered sweets, Flynn popped in his mouth but quickly pulled a face when Finn brought up prefects. "Why do you care? It's not like it's going to be either of us. It'll be the try-hards."
Finn knew his OWLS were important, but why would he bother with classes in his fourth year. He was going to hop into classes when he was going to be a fifth year and hopefully ace some. Least amount of effort, but a big pay out in the end. ''Sounds great, hope you guys win, Hufflepuff is for losers anyway'' Finn hated his house and usualy spoke very lowly of it. Finn didn't want to be a prefect, that responsibility and all the other things that came with it were way too much. ''Just curious, thought maybe we could sabbotage them or something'' Finn said mischieviously. ''Not badly, just some fun'' He added quickly, not wanting people to actually get hurt.
It was not much of a surprise that Flynn wasn't really interested in speaking about lessons. Instead, he was far more interested in talking about Quidditch. "Obviously we're going to win. Lucas might be older, but I've been starting seeker for longer." Though he didn't really want to speak about the previous year, so simply decided not to mention that bit. "Sabotage them how?" They didn't even know who the new prefects were yet, so it was not like they could really plan on how they were going to sabotage them.
''Mmm, because I want to support you I might nick someone's Gryffindor scarf and go support you incognito.'' Finn didn't dislike Quidditch, but he hated how the Hufflepuff team had treated him. That annoying girl over him, he was still pretty salty about that. ''I don't know, I know some people that are high on the list of prefect'' Finn knew some hufflepuffs were pretty annoyingly active in classes. ''There's Estella, Tilly and this plant nutjob Rosemarie for Huff and I am pretty sure Emmaline or Ronald for Gryffindor are good choices'' Although he didn't follow a lot of lesson he was still up in the loop. ''Sutton for Ravenclaw and maybe Marlow for Slytherin'' Finn said while putting a kitkat in his mouth. ''Maybe we could hide their homework or let a chocolate frog loose in their bag'' Finn mused.
"You don't need to nick anyone's, just ask and you can borrow mine. Not like I'll be wearing it." Wearing a scarf while playing Quidditch probably wasn't all too great of an idea. But it seemed as though Finn had actually put some thought into the whole 'prefect' thing and Flynn frowned as he started listing off possible choices. "Oh it's probably going to be Ronald, you know how much of a complete and utter teacher's pet and try-hard he is," there was not a lesson that went by when he wasn't volunteering for stuff or raising his hand to answer questions. It never failed to annoy him. "But you forgot Ivy." If anyone would get prefect it was probably her. But he supposed, in the end, he really didn't care who was made a prefect and who wasn't. He was certain it wasn't going to be him so he wouldn't even be disappointed. "But that's really the best you can come up with? That's weak, dude."
'Guess that is settled then'' Finn smiled and made a mental note in his mind to not forget the upcoming match. Finn agreed with Finn about Ronald. In every lesson the boy was a giant tryhard. ''Ivy is a good option too, shes pretty smart and active at lessons'' Fnn didn't know that many Gryffindors besides Flynn and Hazel. '''Well it takes two to tango, so do you have anything in that big brain of yours then'' Finn laughed and grabbed another sweet from the bag. Although he had some other idea's he didn't want to cause any permanent harm or anything. ''I mean we can also spill ink over their bags or something, but cleaning spells clean that up so easily'' Finn wasn't sure what was the perfect plan.
He would have thought that just borrowing his scarf would have been the obvious option, but clearly, Finn had thought it a better idea to just steal someone else's when they weren't looking. "I would suggest Harper, but I think she's like me and get's into trouble too much." Not as much, but seeing as he had served detention with the girl only last semester, he knew that she wasn't completely innocent. When Finn's next idea was just spilling ink on their bags, Flynn made a face. "Its like all your prank ideas have gotten really lame with your age or something," he scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "There are tons of better things we can do. Like sending them all letters that explode glitter. Or howlers to embarrass them in front of everyone. Not something as utterly lame as just spilling ink on their bag."
''Mmm, I thought Harper was pretty tame'' Finn said to his best friend. ''Gryffindor is carnage though, there are a lot of good candidates there'' The other houses barely had four, Gryffindors seemed way to eager to get a shot at the ''beloved'' position. ''See I need you by my side, I miss your grant ideas and schemes'' Finn laughed. ''I've grown into an old fart without you'' Last year they had done this marvelous prank with glitter and Finn still had some left. ''Lets do the exploding glitter ones, I still have some left from the other prank we did.'' His lip curling up in a smile. ''We can start preparing tonight, or are you busy?'' Finn asked.
"Well, she was in detention with me earlier this year because she was trying to sneak into the Forbidden Forest. So, not so tame," maybe tamer than some of their other year mates, but not completely innocent, either. Flynn just laughed, "So what, you saying I'm your muse? You can't do things without me?" He was messing around, obviously, but it was still pretty nice to hear something like that. "Nah, not busy," he leaned back in his seat and folded his arms across his chest. "But you don't have any other ideas yourself? We don't have to just go with the glitter bomb. Almost too easy." Easy, but still amusing.
He had never realised Harper had a thing for danger, well the Forbidden Forest was considered dangerous right. Finn nodded when Flynn said Harper wasn't so tame. He didn't want to admit it, but he needed Flynn at his side. Jokes weren't the same without him. ''Not my muse per say, I miss my partner in crime..'' Finn paused ''Jokes aren't as funny when you aren't around, I let a bunch of chocolate frogs loose at dinner two weeks ago and although it was chaos I couldn't enjoy it as much.'' He didn't want to get all emotional, but it was kind of true. ''The other idea I had was switching their quills out for ones that are unable to write the right answer, make their grades suffer'' But that idea was pretty lousy as well. Finn let out a sigh, 'I just don't know, I need someone to talk about idea's, get into the process again'' He said while grabbing a Malteser from a bag.
As Finn spoke, Flynn just frowned at him. "Dude, that sounds sappy as hell," and he was not much a fan of someone getting all sappy and stupid about things. It also sounded a little sad. Flynn had absolutely no problem getting into trouble and finding enjoyment in tormenting people without having Finn around. So he did have to wonder why Finn apparently couldn't enjoy things as much without him around. And then Finn came up with an even lamer idea as a prank and Flynn had to seriously consider whether Finn was actually any good at this pranking business. "They could literally just use another quill and solve the problem instantly," unless they could find a way to charm every single quill in the castle that was not going to work.
''I know right'' Finn didn't know what overcame him, he actually had missed Flynn. ''Ill quit now'' He said while filling his mouth with another Malteser. ''I hadn't thought about that'' The plan sounded great in his head. ''We could also supply them with false information about lessons have them search for something that doesn't exist.'' That would waste time, was pretty harmless, but had a pay out in the end. ''Although that would be less fun for us'' Finn already saw it in his mind. Hosting a fake competition, essay have them do a lot of work and then they realize it was fake.
"Yeah," he agreed quickly, "Please do that." He was not someone who could handle sap and emotions very well. And then Finn continued with the absolutely lame ideas and Flynn just sighed, folding his arms across his chest as he raised an eyebrow at his friend from across the room. "Do I need to buy you a book of prank ideas for your birthday?" he did have to wonder before offering a small laugh. He did have to admit, that after so long it was becoming harder to come up with new and interesting ideas, but there was still nothing wrong with falling back to the classics that always worked.

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