Up in the air

Lyra Potter

Mother of 4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Lyra made her way down to the Quidditch pitch to get in another practice before their next match. The Gryffindor girl had done well in the first match by scoring the first goal of the game. She wanted to be even better. She didn't want Archie to regret putting her on the team. The rest of her day was free, so Lyra quickly changed in to practice clothes and grabbed her broom. She had seen her boyfriend in the common room on her way out. She grinned as he took in her appearance. She felt his eyes checking her out, and she didn't mind it. The Gryffindor girl knew she looked hot in her tight fitting practice clothes. After a few moments of talking, Lyra kissed Lanithro goodbye, promising to meet up with him later that evening. The pair had been spending a lot of time together lately, enjoying each other.

Lyra looked around the empty pitch, counting her good luck. She was pleased to have the time to practice, but it would have been nice if she had someone to practice with. She had hoped Falon might be down here since she wasn't in their room, but no such luck. Lyra made her way to the broom shed to retrieve a Quaffe that she could practice shots with.
James had been spending a lot of time at the quidditch litch after Gryffindors recent loss to Ravenclaw. It was the first time James had failed to catch a snitch in a game and it was not an experience he cared to repeat. James was supposed to be happy, and at times he was. Things were going well with Charlotte, but he didn't see as much of her as he'd like. Someone James did see a lot of was Maddie, she didn't seem herself since they came back for the new year, she seemed lost, a little withdrawn. He wanted to reach out and he there for her, but they weren't on good terms. They were never on good terms.

It wasn't long before James was heading back down to the quidditch pitch. He knew he couldn't actually practice with a snitch but he could work on his speed and agility and all around become a better flyer and hope it would lead to winning their next game. When James arrived at the pitch he noticed that there was already someone there. "Hey, Lyra right?" He asked walking out onto the pitch.
Lyra was surprised when she heard a voice nearby. She paused and looked around for the source of the voice. Her green eyes landed on one of her teammates. "That's me." Lyra said with a grin. "And you're James." she said confidently, knowing she was right. "I don't believe we have ever had a conversation before." she said, straight-forward. It was true. They had classes together and passed each other in the common room, but Lyra knew who he was because of Felix. Felix was her best friend, and she was fiercely protective of him. Yet, she didn't hold a grudge against the other boy. She knew that James had a role in Maddie and Felix's break-up, though Lyra couldn't say she minded. The brunette really didn't like the other girl much and hadn't been sad to see her relationship end. "Come on. Let's help each other practice." she said, walking towards him. Lyra was naturally bossy and didn't pause to consider if this was something he would want to do or not.
James nodded when Lyra said his name, like he with her, she clearly knew who he was it was just a case that they had never got around to speaking to each other. "No I don't believe we have, not sure how that happened," It was odd that they shared a common room and most of their classes and were on the Quidditch team together and yet they had never formally been introduced. He knew she was close with Felix, and that Maddie had not been a fan of her when she was dating Felix, not that any of that information had come from Maddie herself. "Yes lets practice, I think we need it after the last game," He smiled at her tightening his grip on his broom. "Lets go," He added before jumping on his broom.
Lyra grinned as she nodded to James, glad that he agreed to practice with her. After all, they were on the same team. She picked the Quaffle up and tucked it under her arm. It was always good to practice holding on to the Quaffle. The Gryffindor chaser mounted her broom and followed James in to the air. "What do you want to do first?" she asked him, not sure how seekers practiced exactly. What could you practice without a snitch? Speed? Lyra did like to go fast. She was certain she could keep up with any pace he would set.
James thought about Lyra's question when she asked what she wanted to do first. His intention had been to come and work on his speed. There wasn't much he could do himself without a snitch, and it wasn't like he could borrow one, he could be out for days tracking the thing down. So with all that in mind he turned his attention to helping Lyra practice. "Tell you what, I'll play keeper, try and score past me," He winked and flew over to the hoops before she could argue. "I should warn you, I've got cat like reflexes," He laughed.
Lyra grinned at James as he said he'd play keeper. She had no doubt he was fast. He certainly had to be to be a seeker. The Gryffindor watched him fly away, not planning on arguing with James. Lyra bounced the Quaffle up and down as she waited for the boy to get in the hoops. "I usually play with Link, and he can practically read my mind, so this should be a piece of cake." she said, taunting him slightly but all in good fun. When he was in place, she took off, flying fast. She bobbed and weaved through the air, trying to confuse him. When she was close enough, she tossed the Quaffle towards the left hoop, slowing down to see if James would be able to save it.

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