Unsorted needs a Best Friend

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Veronica Kealders

Well-Known Member
Veronica's not open to many people, but I think she's needs a best friend, one she can be really close to, as she's never had one and has always been shunned, so it'll be hard for her to get close to someone. Anyone think their character might be up for it?
Aww. Fairy can, and would love to be. She's really kind-hearted and open. She would be a brill best buddy for Veronica. <33
Hmm, it's possible. I mean, Veronica's not too keen on designers or being very sociable.. I'm not quite sure of best friends, but I think having Fairy as a friend and possibly close friend as Veronica learns to trust better would be beneficial to her.

Would you like to open a thread?

So, I'm thinking the Best Friend position is still up for grabs.
hmm, Zeke is a possibility? He is playful and flirty but he has never had a proper close friend either. Maybe if she catches him at a stress point when he isn't so cocky?
Angela is kind of like Veronica. Angela is hated back in Tokyo by mostly everyone (including adults). But she is smiley, and tries to keep people happy. She loves to be around people now, even though she doesn't open up, she might only make it as friend, but she'll always be there :)
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