Open Unsanctioned Kissing Booth

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Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
15 (17/11/2047)
Audrey didn't have a date, again. But it was fine. Really, fine. She may have been somewhat jealous of the others having better kisses at the spin the bottle than she did, but she figured there was only one way to solve this.

By having a sign up advertising valentine's kisses, of course.

Audrey wasn't sure what to charge for her services, but she'd just have to wing it based on customers. If there were any. But surely there would be. Who could resist her, she was awesome. Right?
Fraser tended to know about events happening in the school, he needed to to be able to run the yearbook as appropriate. He was usually told about them before hand, but he hadn't been told about a kissing booth. Though he was staring at one. "Hey," he said as he approached. He figured this was unsanctioned, but he might as well capture it for the yearbook. "Can I take a picture of, all this?" he asked, motioning to it. "For the yearbook?"
Audrey narrowed her eyes, assessing the boy who came over. Fraser - she didn't know him personally but she knew he played Quidditch for Gryffindor. He was kind of cute, she thought, so she leaned back with her arms folded and a bit of a smirk. "Sure you can, but it'll cost you..." she said, not at all ominous.
Fraser raised an eyebrow at the girl's words, looking at the unsanctioned event within this event. "A kiss?" he said, assuming that was what it would cost him. That wasn't really a high bar, and it would give him the picture for accio to make sure they had this documented. "Did no one ask you to the dance?" he asked, wondering why she'd set this up.
Audrey grinned, he seemed to catch on fast. "You got it in one," she said, though her smile faded with his next question. "," she answered, totally not bitterly or anything like that. "The fourth year boys are just totally blind," she said with a melodramatic sigh, which was abruptly cut off by commotion in the middle of the floor. "Oh, Merlin, you gotta take a photo of that! The Gryffindor captain just totally proposed!"
June wasn't the biggest fan of Valentines. But she liked to dress up nicely and be more pretty than everyone in this castle. Also it was just hilarious to watch people and usually drama unfolding. They were getting on an age where girls her age seemed to have interest in romantic stuff and see boys differently. But June was too busy with her own, and no one was good enough for her, yet. In a way she was more curious, because signing up for spin the bottle was perhaps an waste of her time, but at least she had a lot of information and was there. But some part of her was curious to an kiss, how that felt. Her parents had been together very long and they didn't kissed much in front of them and she wasn't much of a hugger herself. Most people were dirty in her eyes.

When she arrived at the great hall she walked further noticing some familliar faces. And her eyes went on an familliar redhead, he wasn't at the spin the bottle. And perhaps that was something good. But she had to grin about an sign she saw, how desperate. The Ravenclaw girl who threw confetti after her paint situation had dissapointed her now twice. Just as she wanted to say something about this and wonder if Fraser would be so stupid to kiss this girl, she heard Audrey saying and followed her gaze towards an strange situation. '' Are they for real..?'' June said confusing. The fact that it were two boys were one thing, since June always had her opinion ready about things who seemed less than the standard. She now hoped the other would say no, so that they had some drama going on. '' Hi Fraser, what were you doing here?'' she asked now looking at Audrey.

sorry for the length
Now, Audrey wasn't necessarily the most family oriented person on the planet, in fact the less time she spent with Oz the better. However, they were still bound by blood, and Audrey had been mortified on his behalf when June had been a total b*tch and refused to kiss him. In spin the bottle. That was the point, you sucked it up and kissed whoever you landed on. But now June seemingly had to swoop in to stop other people getting kisses, and Audrey was absolutely not having it. "He was just about to kiss me and then take some photos for the yearbook," she answered, seeing as June was looking at her. "After spin the bottle, aren't you better off standing a million miles away from my booth?" She replied sweetly, but dangerously. "Seeing as it's not your thing and all."
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Fraser glanced round at his quidditch captain, and did try to quickly take a few pictures, although it seemed that maybe it wasn't going well. He lowered his camera and glanced back at Audrey and then June. He didn't know why, but seeing June made his heart speed a little. "Hey," he greeted her, his voice a little softer for her. "I'm just getting pictures for the yearbook," he said, repeating a little what Audrey had said.
June watched Audrey and than Fraser and smirked. She didn’t believed anything of this. She had an feeling about how Audrey was. As Audrey tried to tell her what to do June wouldn’t have that. “ No I’m perfectly fine here. “She said giving an sugar sweet smile back. “ I decide for myself what I do and not.” June made sure to tell her. She didn’t forget stuff and she knew it was her who added glitter to the paint in the entrance hall a while back. June looked back at Fraser and focused on him like Audrey wasn’t there anymore. “ Ofcourse you are. Want another picture?” June said knowing he would never say no.
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