Open Unofficial Gobstones Club Y48

Jasper Beese

Flaky friend | Gobstones forever!
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Acacia Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
One thing Jasper had learnt about himself was that he was an ideas man and not a planner. He hadn’t done much to plan this Unofficial Gobstones Club. Planning wasn’t exactly his thing, too boring and too much effort, but that’s where Tori came in. She’d done the legwork, pestered him until he finally set a date, created posters and made sure it was organised properly. Yes, it was now November and most clubs were established weeks ago, even the unofficial ones, but that didn't matter. Better late than never thought Jasper. He was committed now and even a little early for the meeting. He sat at a table in the student lounge surrounded by equipment that included sets of gobstones, cleaning rags and a spray bottle for spills (you did not want to leave gobstones goo to fester). He bounced a gobstone in his hand and waited for others, wondering who, if anyone, would turn up. He hoped Penguin would come, he really liked her company, and Tori of course. Jasper would be totally lost if Tori didn't come!

OOCOut of Character:
Open to all after @Victoria de Lacey has posted
With a notebook and sign up sheet in hand, Tori quickly entered the Student Lounge, flicking her wand at a couple of streamers to levitate them a little higher so they weren't crooked as she did so. She dropped the notebook and sign up sheet next to Jasper, quickly writing down both of their names next to the words President and Vice, just so people would be aware who was leading the group. She knew a little about Gobstones of course, but nothing like her best friend. "Okay, I think I did everything, I made sure to put some flyers outside the classrooms and I asked Susie and Lili to put some in the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Common rooms, I was gonna pay Lumos, but he did it for free which was a bit of a surprise, but surely people will see them, so we've done everything we can!" She hoped it was enough.​
Kanako had seen the flyer in the Slytherin commonroom. She remembered gobstones with Jasper - well, not actually playing them, but being about to at the speedy friends event - and she thought maybe it'd be something to try out. However, entering the student lounge and seeing Tori next to Jasper, Kanako immediately regretted it. Nope, not today, she thought, and walked immediately out once again.
Peregrine had been keeping half an eye out for the gobstones club - she figured Jasper was kind of busy, so it hadn't been set up with the other clubs. That was fine, she had joined a couple of the other clubs and had been busy herself settling into Hogwarts. But of course as soon as she saw the fliers she made sure to be there for the club. She really didn't want to let Jasper down, for some reason.

As Peregrine approached the student lounge she saw a girl who was a little older walk straight out with purpose, and Peregrine meekly walked in looking at Jasper and the other Gryffindor girl. She wondered if something had happened. "Oh, um, did I miss something?"
"Hello! No you didn't miss anything, Kanako must have just decided that this wasn't the club for her," she said, casually. It annoyed her that Kanako hadn't even bothered to talk to Jasper, just seen her and decided that was enough to make her not want to join the club. As much as she tried to avoid that Slytherin whenever she could, she wouldn't have been so gauche as to not allow her to join a club if she had interest in it. But then, Kanako didn't like her, for whatever reason, and the feeling was entirely mutual. "Are you here to sign up? This is Jasper and I'm Tori, we have a sign up sheet if you like and Jasper can show you have to properly care for your set if you want!" She did't know if the girl had her own set, but if she didn't, that was okay too.

@Peregrine Piper
Oh, wonderful, thought Peregrine. Perhaps now she'd be able to subtly sort out the confusion behind her name without directly correcting Jasper and making that very awkward. "Nice to meet you Tori, I'm Peregrine," she said, wondering if she should add 'like the falcon'. Then again, that might make it more confusing. Maybe writing it down would help. If Jasper didn't beat her to it, somehow. She also wasn't sure whether she should shake hands, or if that would be too formal. She put her hand out, and then gave up halfway to indicate generally in Jasper's direction. "We've met, Jasper said he'd help me beat my brother at gobstones," she said brightly, though she was anxious to get to the signup sheet.

The comment about having a set gave her pause. They had a gobstones set, but Percy had insisted on keeping it at home and her mum had told her that she should leave it for Percy to play with, since she was the older and more mature sibling and all. And having two was a luxury they hadn't been able to justify, not really. "Er, I don't have a set, but I'm hopefully getting my own for Christmas," she admitted. She had asked her mum for one - shortly after talking to Jasper in the first place, as a matter of fact. Surely now it could be justified, even if it was an inexpensive one. Or a group present from her mum, and Percy, and Uncle Gaius. "Sorry, I hope that isn't a problem..." she felt awkward, just like the Quidditch group all over again.

@Victoria de Lacey
Jasper was distracted by the cool streamers Tori put out that he missed the initial introduction and hadn't properly registered anyone immediately walking out. “Penguin! You made it!” he said enthusiastically after she'd introduced herself to Tori, “Don’t worry about the set. You can borrow my old one until Christmas!” Jasper turned to Tori, his grin never fading. “See? Told you people would come! This is already a success,” he said confidently, even though only Penguin had shown up so far but you can easily play Gobstones as a three.

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