Unfinished Business

Jay Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15 inch willow and dragon heartstring
Jay looked at Benson curiously. He had no idea what it was that his old friend was thinking of when he said they had 'unfinished business'. He leaned against the paperwork covered desk and looked at him. "What's this all about??"
Benson leant over the desk in a menacing manner. "I just came to make sure you still remembered our arrangement." He got the feeling he wouldn't remember, it was made just after Shaylah was orn after all. "Think back around eleven years ago my friend and you will remember." Both of the men had signed the contract saying the only way it wouldn't go ahead was if there was a change in the childs gaurdian and they didn't want it to happen.
Jay frowned. He still had no idea what Benson going on about. He could barely remember his brithday, let alone eleven years ago. "Is it something I was meant to remember?" Jay asked curiously.
Benson was about to answer when he heard his wife through the door, he knew exactly where she was going and what she was going to do, or rather, who she was going to do but he still didn't care. He got out his wand and summoned the contract the two men had signed. "Maybe this will jog your memory." He handed it over and watched his friends face as he read the piece of paper that hand promised his daughters hand in marriage to Markov, his own son, and the term that it can be broken; if either of their legal gaurians change and wish for it to be stopped.
As he read through the paper, Jay suddenly realised what Benson was talking about. "Oh cr@p." He sat on his chair and hit his head on the desk. "Tracy is going to murder me, literally. And Shay will probably do the same." Jay wasn't the kind of person who liked to stay withinthe range of a woman's punching range when they were in a bad mood with him, especially when it was his daughter or his ex-wife.
A small smirk flikered across Bensons' face before he immediatley returned to a business manner. "I had a feeling you had forgotten about our, arrangement. I felt I'd remind you and let the girls see each other again. My Ivana has certainly changed since they last saw each other you must admit." When the girls had last been together Ivana was tall for her age, chubby, had gappy teeth and glasses. Now she was shorter than average, slim, had perfect teeth and had lost her glasses. She looked completely different to her seven year old self.
"I have to agree with you there." Jay laughed remembering what Ivana was like as a little-or not so little-girl. She had never been very good looking but Jay didn't care. She made Shay happy and that was all that mattered in Jay's eyes. "When she walked in the door, I didn't realise who it was. I only recognised her when I realised that she came in with you and Taneaka."
Benson laughed, whil ehe had always seen his little girl as beautiful, even he could see the transformation that had heppened. Both of his children had changed since they last saw the Rouge's. "Markov has changed too, do you feel he is a fine man for your daughter?"
"Yes, he definitely is." Jay grinned. He had always wanted his daughter to pick someone like Markov as a husband. "I feel like she's not interested in boys at the moment though. I don't know how easy it will be to get her interested in Markov."
Benson grinned, apparently Jay had forgotten how she used to be around. him. "Well, If i remember correctly, she used to have a crusj on him anyway and he has grown up quite the ladies man. I feel they should hit it off immediatley." His other thought, that he chose not to mention, was htat they would disagree for the sake of rebellion.
"Suppose you're right. I don't think Ivana will be very happy when she finds out her best friend is going to be marrying her brother." Jay didn't know how Ivana would react. He just made a guess.
Benson laughed. "Are you kidding me, she'll be ecstatic. She always wanted a sister and now she will, her best friend no less." He aused for a second, thinking. "I suppose it'll lessen the blow of her engagement aswell."
"Who's she going to get married to then??" He grinned wondering who could possibly be good enough for Ivana. Jay could always relate to Benson in the fact that the both of them wanted the best for their daughters.
Benson puffed out his chest, proud of his choice. "One of the Olaf twins, I went up there to check them myself, just before the children finished school." He hadn't actually met the boys themselves but, from their fathers description, he had chosen the right one. They even looked good together when he held up the photo's together.
Jay shrugged. "Never heard of them." Jay didn't listen to gossip much so didn't hear what people thought of each other. "I take it they're purebloods??"
Tracy knocked and then entered Jays' office quickly. Normally she would wait outside until she was allowed to enter but this was an important matter. "Gentlemen." She greeted them. "Jay, I just thought I would tell you, I have told Sydney about you and me and, as a result, Shaylah and your daughter is currently being told you would like to see her here." She smiled nervously.
Banson laughed. "Of course, would I set up my only daughter with someone who wasn't?" He laughed again and opened his mouth to say somehthing else when he was interupted by a knock on the door and Tracy, the lady of the house, entering. Of course he was confused by what she said but he understood that it was his time to leave. "I will go out to re-join my children then. I am sure my wife will be finished soon." He stood and held out his arm to Tracy, escorting her out of the room with him.
ay laughed with Benson then turned to look at the do when Tracy entered. He nodded to her then sat at the chair behind his desk. When the tw of them left, he put his hands in his head and groaned. He had been posponing the talk with his daughter for eleven years and it was now the time when he knew he had to tell her. There was also the matter of Markov. He was going to tell both at the same time so Shaylah would hate him for both at the same time instead of seperately. When he heard Shaylah enter the room, he sat up and looked towards her.
Shaylah walked into her dad's office with a smile on her face. "Make it fast, dad. I have friends round." Her expression changed when she saw his face. He had his serious face on-the face he usually used when his death eater friends were tlking about business. She didn't know why he would be talking about something like that with her so she had no idea what to expect from this talk. "What's up??"
He looked at Shaylah and sighed. "I have certain things which need to be discussed." He decided it was best to start with Markov seeing as that was likely to have a smaller blow. "When you were younger, I used to spend alot of time with the Kalforoviches. I always took you with me because you always seemed to love the company. You ended up being best friends with Ivana." Jay looked at his hands as he placed them on his desk. "Benson and I the agreed that you and Markov looked perfect together so we signed a contract stating that when the two of you are old enough..." He paused slightly. "...You're going to get married to each other."
Shay nodded her head in agreement as her dad said how they had always loved spending time with the Kalforoviches. It was true that Ivana was Shaylah's best friend when they were kids and also Shay had always had a bit of a crush on Markov. No matter how much she liked Markov, the blow of what her dad said next was huge. Her jaw dropped and she glared at him. "You what??" Her voice raised slightly. "So, you've practically planned my life out for me." Shay loved her dad but she couldn't believe he would make such a decision.
Jay looked back up at Shaylah. "I'm sorry, Shaylah. At the time I thought it was the best idea. You and Markov seemed to be pefectly happy together. You liked him, he liked you and one plus one equals two." He looked apologetically into her eyes.
"There's something else." This was going to be hard to explain. "I need to talk about your mother." He could see Shay's eyes glimmer at the mention of her mum. "We were high school sweet hearts at Hogwarts. She was the straight A student with a perfect record who was dating the mess around who was always in detention." Jay grinned as he remembered his time in school. "We split up and went in seperate directions after we left school. A few years later, she turned up outside my house saying how she had been forced into an arranged marriage and ended up giving birth to a girl. She was stressed out and had run away from her husband. I let her stay at my house for a while and we ended up acting the same as we had when we were at school." He took a deep breath. "She was then pregnant with you. Your mum explained to me how she was fine with having a baby a she was now ready. She stayed with me through the pregnancy and then she gave birth to you. We were so happy with what had happened. The problem was her mother. She hated me but thought her arranged husband was amazing. She blackmailed your mother to leave me and return to the other man." Jay leaned on his desk. "Your mother is someone you already know and so is your half sister." He paused and took another deep breath. He had said everything he needed to say. All that was left was two names. H had to say them. "Their names are Tracy and Sydney Caine."
Shaylah was about to turn around and leave but then she heard her dad mention her mother. She stayed where she was with her feet glued to the floor. She looked at her dad suddenly drawn in by his words. She laughed slightly as he mentioned how he was always in detention. Shay realised how Jay had just said that she had a half sister. She was getting so blown by what was happening.
She listened intently as he told his story, lookng at her hands the whole time. She looked up from her hands to her dad's face. How could her mum be someone she knew?? Wouldn't she have been told already or been given some sort of hint. The two names made her feel overwhelmed. Her mum was Tracy and one of her best friends was actually her half sister. "You went this long without telling me?? Why?? What's so wrong with knowing who my mum is??" Shaylah groaned into her hands. "Does Sydney know??"
Jay stood up and walked over to Shaylah before wrapping his arms around her. He thought this was probably one of the best ways of showing how sorry he was that he kept such big secrets from her. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you. I couldn't handle it so I didn't want you to have to either." He looked at her when she asked the question. "Yeah. Tracy's just told her."

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