Closed Unexpected Surprises

Miran Kemp

Healer- Quiet- Single Dad- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Hand me down
Miran was settling in surprisingly well with Martine and his brother. He'd been nervous when he'd come here, and even more so when Martine had convinced him to move in. He had been working on cleaning up the kitchen, wanting Martine to rest while she was home. She cleaned enough for her job- though to be honest, she'd been the one to teach him how to clean up properly in the first place.

He had just finished cleaning the stove when he heard a knock on the door. "I've got it," He called, jogging over to the door. He opened it, confused a moment when no one was there. He looked up and down the street, before stepping back. A little noise then made him look down, and he froze, the color draining from his face at what he saw. There was a little basket on the step, with a newborn baby wiggling. He lowered gently, picking up the attached note. Dear Miran, This baby is yours and she deserves better than I can do for her. Take care of her.

Miran swallowed hard, staring blankly at the baby. There was a folder, and he picked it up, pulling out an unofficial document with a womans name and his own, but not the babys. He remembered having a one night stand with someone about a year ago maybe, but he'd been drunk. He'd gone to one of Basils quidditch parties, drank too much, and woke up in bed with her. He hadn't seen her since. Apparently, that was all it took.

"Martine?" He called, his voice shaky. He stayed on his knees, afraid to pick up the baby but afraid to move. "Martine!" He called a little more desperately, his voice breaking as his panic rose more quickly.
Martine liked having her home filled with the sounds of life. For so long it had been just her and then her and Basil, and now, her adult children came and went. She had very much taken her late husband's other child under her wing, knowing how difficult it was for people to get set up in life. She nodded as he went to the door, but where the door didn't close the door quickly. She was also sure she could hear the sounds of a baby. She had already beginning to approach when she heard his voice. Martine walked towards the door and spotted the little basket immediately. "Oh, a baby?!" she exclaimed. "Bring them inside, out of the cold," she said, wanting to deal with this where the baby could be warm.
Miran swallowed hard but obeyed immediately. He leant down, picking the baby up gently in his arms. She cooed, shifting in his arms and yawning. He blinked, grabbing the basket in his other hand and walking back inside. He set the basket on the counter and sat down carefully, cradling her like she was made of glass. "I... do you remember that party of Basils a while back, I got drunk and ended up staying out all night?" He offered, looking shy.
Martine closed the door, and with a little magic made the room a little warmer. Hoping to warm the little baby up. She watched Miran pick up the little thing as he remembered what had happened. "Well, this can happen if you aren't safe," she said, there was no scolding, no point now the baby was here. "I probably have some old baby stuff lying around," she said, thinking about all the things she'd held on to. "But first thing, was there a note? Does the baby have a name?" she asked.
Basil chuckled shyly, his breath catching as the baby fussed and shifted in his arms, staring at her with wide eyes. "There is a note, but no name," He offered, nodding to the basket. "I... don't know what to do, do you want to hold her?" He asked, tearing his eyes away and looking up to Martine. He bit his lip, looking nervous. "We have to keep her, don't we?" He asked, his grip on the baby tightening just a bit, worried for a moment that Martine would take the baby away.
Martine guided Miran to sit down, trying her best to keep him calm. She shook her head lightly. ”I think you need to hold her a little more,” Martine did want to hold the baby, babies were cute and squishy, and she loved them, but this wasn't about her. She gave a soft smile, ”It's up to you what you do, we can keep her, you can be her dad. But you don't have to,” she said. Martine had lost her own children for a little while, and it had been hard to be without them, but she didn't think that if Miran wasn't ready, if he wasn't in a position where he felt he could look after her, then he shouldn't have to. ”It is for you to decide, sweetie, and I'll support you,”
Miran hesitated, just rocking the baby gently in his arms. "Of course I'm going to keep her," He countered immediately, drawing her in a little closer. "She's my daughter. I- it might not be ideal, but- I can't lose her," He looked down, shifting the blanket to cover her a little more. "I just... don't know what I'm supposed to do." He peeked up at Martine. "I don't know anything about babies," He smiled shyly. "Could, um, could you help me?"
Martine nodded lightly. "Okay, that's good, it's good that you feel certain about it," she didn't want Miran going into raising a child half-heartedly, when the child had already experienced abandonment. She gave a little nod, "Most people don't know what they're doing with their first," Martine reassured him and then nodded again. "Of course, I'm this sweet little girl's grandmother," she said with a smile. "She needs a name," Martine said, thinking it now time to chose one. "Then I'll see what baby stuff I have in the attic,"
Miran's eyes widened a bit and he swallowed hard, holding her a little tighter. "A name?" He asked, looking down at her and adjusting the blanket again. He considered it a bit, thinking through a few names. Eva? No, too short... Caroline? No, too formal... He bit his lip, his mind racing. "Maybe... Georgiana?" He asked, looking up for permission. "Georgie is cute," He smiled shyly. "Or maybe Susie-" He started to offer, before wincing. "No, not Susie... I like the -ie at the end," He offered, hoping for her help.
Martine listened along as Miran began to think of a name, she used some magic to make some tea. "Georgie is cute," she agreed. She wasn't sure if it meant anything. "What about naming her after your mother?" Martine suggested, not sure if he would want that, she got the impression that he was always looking for the family he hadn't had, so maybe that wouldn't be for him. But she thought it would still be worth suggesting.
Miran shook his head. "No, if I was going to name her after anyone it would be you," He admitted shyly, rocking the baby in his arms gently. She yawned and he froze, watching as she shifted in his arms. He stared at her with wide eyes as she settled again. "Oh, wow," He breathed, stunned for a moment by how delicate and precious the baby was.
Martine was warmed by Miran's words. "Well, maybe let's stick to Georgie," she told him. Though it was sweet, she didn't think that this baby and her should share a name. She gave a fond expression watching Miran look at the little Georgie. "Yeah, this is a real precious age," Martine told him. "Do sit with her, let her get used to you, and I'll find all the old stuff I know I have about here," she could provide some of the clothes, toys and everything else she had else she had held on to.
Miran nodded, rocking Georgie gently. "What am I supposed to feed her? Do we have a place for her to sleep? What about those little swing things? You put the baby in it and its all plush and cozy and it rocks them side to side?" He asked a million things at once, looking up to Martine. "I don't know how to take care of a baby... does she share a room with me? Need a room of her own?" He questioned, biting his lip as worry set in.
Martine placed her hand on Miran's arm. "We'll get some formula, and I've an old crib for her to sleep in," She assured him. "She can share your room for now, and when she can have a room to herself," Martine said. "We have plenty to get through the next few days and we'll go out and get extra things and get some books, it'll be okay," she assured him. If he was stressed, the baby would be stressed and they didn't need that.
Miran let her soothe him, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "You're right," He offered gently, taking another deep breath. Georgie was falling asleep in his arms. "Maybe we pull out the crib first? I can set her down for a nap then look into doctors appointments and what I need to do and things like that." He offered, looking for her approval of his plan.
Martine was glad she was able to soothe Miran somewhat. She knew that this was a lot for anyone to deal with and wanted him to feel safe and ready for this. She nodded. "Let her sleep in your arms or on your chest for a little bit, I bet Georgie's had a rough couple of first days," Martine encouraged, but was already moving to go to the attice and find all of the baby things that she had held on to.
Miran nodded, and stood up carefully, moving into the living room so he could get a little more comfortable on the couch. He kept Georgie in his arms as she slept peacefully on the chest. He watched her, keeping her tucked in as his mind raced. It was a lot to take in, suddenly being a father. She was beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. He was considering what he was in for, what he needed to do. He'd need to get some books, do some research. He didn't know anything about babies, or raising them. He sighed softly, tucking her in again. He didn't really need to, but he felt like he needed to be doing something for Georgie. Georgie. His daughter. His little girl. He bit his lip, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling to try and steady his heart rate.

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