Closed Unexpected Run Ins

Lucas Ames

Soft- Tall- Silent- Lost
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 inch springy Willow with unicorn hair core
1/21/2037 (24)
Lucas was starting to believe that Einar was just not going to come back. He had been waiting, but it was harder than he'd like to admit. He was going crazy just sitting at home alone. He'd decided to head out for the night, and after slipping on his favorite pastel pink hoodie- it was just so soft and warm- he made his way out. He wandered for a bit before finally ending up at the Leaky Cauldron. He took a seat at the bar, sighing and ordering himself something strong. He propped his chin in his hand, waiting. That was just his life, wasn't it? Always waiting.
Eli had settled into his job as a broom seller, and while it wasn't what he had really wanted to do after graduating, he was grudgingly enjoying it. Though he still didn't love dealing with people much. He hoped one day he would be able to make his own brooms, maybe mail order them out so he didn't have to talk to anyone. That would be ideal. Eli headed to a nearby bar for the night, not quite ready to go home. He headed to the bar and sat down, glancing sideways. He paused as he recognized the guy next to him. "Lucas?" He asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. He hadn't expected to see his old teammate again.
Lucas was drawn from his melancholy by an oddly familiar voice. He looked over, blinking in surprise. "Eli?" He asked, before smiling shyly. "Hey, long time no see." He greeted, turning slightly in his seat. "How are you?" He asked, struggling to come up with what to say. He'd never been the best at conversations, but he knew Eli. That made it slightly easier.
Eli kind of wished he hadn't spoken to Lucas, it wasn't like they had been friends at Ilvermorny, and now he was stuck in what might be a very awkward conversation. Surprisingly, Lucas didn't seem to mind seeing him. Eli had always had the idea the younger boy had been pretty scared of him back when they were teammates. Maybe things had changed. "Yeah, been a while." He said, pausing the conversation briefly to order something. Then he turned to Lucas to answer his question. "I'm alright, nothing special. You?" He asked, surprised to find he was actually a little curious to hear what he was up to now.
Lucas sipped his drink, considering the question. "Not a lot, really. I'm on my own now, staying in Alaska currently but thinking about moving." He offered, cradling his drink in his hands before looking to Eli with a small smile. "It's been a while... you look good," He offered, unintentionally a touch flirty, with a bit of an impish grin.
Eli paused the conversation to order a drink as the bartender noticed him, then turned to Lucas with a raised eyebrow. “Why Alaska?” He asked, trying to think of any reason anyone would willingly go to a place that cold. “I’d move too if I lived there.” He commented idly, fingers tapping on the bar a bit. They stilled at Lucas’ next words, Eli looked at him for a moment. Was he flirting? “Are you still seeing… what’s his name, the guy who left the team?” Eli asked, aware of how rude it sounded, but he truly couldn’t recall the guy’s name.
Lucas sipped his drink, unfazed by Eli's bluntness. It was hard to think he'd ever been scared of the boy- no, the man now, he supposed. "Oh, we broke up a long while ago." He explained. "He dropped out of school, and decided he didn't want any ties, I think. He took off to see the world. I get a post card sometimes," He shrugged like it was no big deal. "I left Maine to get away from my family, and at the time I only had him. He lived in Alaska, so that was where I went. Now that he's gone, though, there's really nothing holding me there. I'm thinking of moving to Washington. I enjoy the rain." He explained idly, taking another sip of his drink and offering a gentle smile to Eli. "How's life treating you?" He asked, cradling his drink in his hands.

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