
(((Mr. Olsen, I have not told you my name yet, so therefore you should not know it. ;-) )))

"Yes, I believe your friend here is right." Abby said nodding towards the girl that had helped bring the injured boy to the Hospital Wing."You can come and visit him later on in the day," Abby told Katie."Now could someone tell me what happened?I can't do anything unless I know what is wrong." asked Abby.
"We were swimming in the chilled water down by the lake and en we had a racing compettion and during that Dan suddenly became dizzy and then he went unconcious"Kasey explained
"Ah, well then I think he may just have a cold.He went unconcious because of the sudden change in his bloods temperature." Abby told them both. She made her way to her desk and pulled out a small bottle with scarlet liquid in it.Abby walked over to Daniel and said,"Here drink this.It will help."
Dan took the bottle with the liquid in it.And sipped it ."Yuck"he said."What s this thing?"he asked
Abby gave a small laugh when Daniel complained."It's medicine, all you need to know is that it will help you get better." Abby told him."Now I think after being in that cold water you will probably get a cold, but that ca be cured in mere seconds."
Daniel felt a bit dumb on how he acted on the sour medicine but well it was sour.You cant be happy in drinking it he thought."Thanks"said Dan to abby for curing him."So ,Am i okay now?"he asked

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