Umm... Hi...

Jerrod Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14.5" walnut with essence of vampire blood
Jerrod hadn't been to the lake in a while. He never had the motivation to look at water staying still. The cliffs were loads more interesting as you could look over everything and he'd even managed to spy on people a few times. Today was hot though and the cliffs didn't have enough shade. He didn't feel like sitting in the boiling sun. There was also the fact he didn't want to bump into his sister and he had a feeling she was going to be up there.
Jerrod sat on the shaded grass and slid his shoes off so he could feel the warmth of it between his toes. Then he leant back and opened his book to the page he'd got to and just felt the calm breeze in his hair. He loved this feeling of being alone and just having his own thing to do. That's what having so many siblings does to you really. It makes you cherish the only alone time you get. That was the only thing he liked about this school. Well, that and the freedom from his mother.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry. Lost my muse :(
Danielle strode out toward the lake, her head fuming. Damn that boy to hell! Her brother had been chastising her, saying she needed to become closer to people in the school. Well, he wasn't doing that was he? The only friend he had was Hayley, and she wasn't worth the mud beneath her feet. Danielle was wearing one of her favourite Summer dresses, that was one good thing about New Zealand-the weather. Other than that.. The people were loathsome, it was swarming with mudbloods, and there were limited shopping opportuninties. What was she supposed to do when she was upset if she couldn't shop?

That was what she was about to find out. She whipped out her wand and began attacking her surroundings. "Reducto!" she yelled, blasting open a large rock that was in her path. There weren't many people around, so no-one was getting hit by the ricochet, but the flecks of rock plopped into the water, causing ripples to bubble across the surface. "Wingardium Leviosa!" she commanded, lifting another rock and hurling it into the centre of the lake. This caused even more disturbance, which caused Danielle to think that she might be angering the merpeople. Well let them come, the filthy half-breeds. she thought. I'd like to see them try and stop me now! she rose another rock and prepared to toss it into the lake.
Jerrod lifted his head from his book when he heard a large bang. He looked around and saw ripples going across the lake. He frowned in confusion then saw a rock fly into the lake causing more ripples and a huge splash. He looked over to the edge of the lake where it had come from and saw a girl a bit younger than her. He recognised her but he couldn't remember where from. Maybe from the common room?? Or perhaps he'd just seen her in the hall or the corridors?? Then the girl threw another rock into the water and he decided to go and see what was wrong.

Jerrod closed his book and tucked it into the back of his trousers so he didn't have to carry it. When he reached the girl, he put a hand on her shoulder and smiled politely. "Hey. Are you okay??" He knew the question probably sounded extremely stupid as she quite obviously wasn't okay but Jerrod was terrible with girls as the only ones he'd had to deal with were family and Riley. At least now he was more likely to be nice to a girl compared to before he went out with Riley. Before they were just freaks that talked about shoes and bags and wouldn't shut up.
Danielle let the next rock collapse into the lake. She put her wand away, breathing heavily. That felt much better, maybe this was even better than shopping. She loved shopping, but this was probably a better way for her to vent. She had far too many clothes. Scratch that, a girl could never have too many clothes. She was about to collapse back on the grass in relief, when she heard a voice. "Oh, I'm fine now." she smiled, in a good mood after her tantrum. It had been a tantrum, and she didn't like being childish, but Danton was driving her crazy, he was so enamoured with all of Hayley's ideas. Hayley this, hayley that. The sun shone out of Hayley's backside, according to Danton. He was completely wrong about her, she was calculating and cold, but not in a good way. She wasn't a good friend for Danton, even if they were first cousins. And she didn't like this whole idea of showing family unity with Hayley, whatt the hell?

She turned to the boy who had arrived and held out a hand in greeting. he was a Slytherin, which meant she would at least give him the time of day. "Danielle Howard, pleased to make your acquaintance." she smiled, her bad mood forgotten
Jerrod was glad the girl calmed down when he arrived. He may not have cared much for girls but he had been taught respect by his dad and knew that hurting a girl was wrong. He didn't want to be forced to hurt her because she wanted to take her bad mood out on him. It wasn't the way he wanted to deal with things. Especially when he was in a good mood, something that didn't happen too often. Jerrod guessed that the girl had already got all her rage out on the rocks. He knew how much girls loved to talk though and knew that this girl was likely to want to talk it all through with him. He was never thought of as a good person but karma was beating him and he guessed he should probably do a few good deeds to try and even out some of the bad ones he'd done.

Jerrod shook Danielle's hand and forced a smile onto his face to try and keep her calm. "Jerrod Green. Please, the pleasure's all mine." He wondered whether she'd heard the name before. The Greens weren't exactly famous but his dad had been in the newspapers when he was killed and his cousins when they died and then there was Ana going to azkaban. "So, what was with all the rock murdering??"
Danielle observed the boy who had approached her, blonde hair, blue eyes. The main fact was that he was a Slytherin, so at least she had some chance of him not being some snivelling mudblood. Danielle shook his hand, he had quite a firm handshake which was good, she looked upon those with a weak handshake with distain. Weak handshake's belonged to weak people.

She wasn't moved by the boy's name, though she recognised it from somewhere. that was one thing about New Zealand, back home, everyone knew the Howards and Huberta's. Here, not so much. She sighed before answering the question. She had knwon it was coming, so in a fit of madness, she decided to answer. "It's my brother, he was nagging me. It was either the rocks I cursed, or him." she answered, truthfully. She had been on the verge of cursing Danton. A nice, Densaugeo curse would've done him good, and she'd have loved to see him with huge teeth. she smiled at the image in her head. "So, what brings you down here?" she asked, sitting on the grass, knowing that there was a rick of grass-stains. No matter, she'd get the house-elf to clean the dress.
Jerrod nodded as he listened to her explain what had happened. He held his hands up in surrender as he said "Now, don't murder me but I have a twin sister and I am very protective over her. Sometimes she reacts in the exact same way as you have but you should know that whatever he's nagging you about, he's probably only doing it because he loves you." Jerrod knew he would happily go to the ends of the earth and beyond to put a smile on her face. He also knew that there were times he should back off that he didn't and it ended in him and Lily having arguments. These sometimes ended in one of them storming off and sometimes ended in a fight but they always made up in the end and that's what made their relationship so amazing.

Jerrod shrugged. "I had come to read but when I saw chaos I figured it would be more fun to talk to someone than to sit by myself with a book." At least he seemed to be making a new friend which was an unusual thing for him. His friends were his family and books. There was the occasional student at the school but he considered most of them to be freaks. "Plus, if I'm around my sister too much then her voice starts to drive me insane. She doesn't stop talking." Lily had always been a chatterbox when she was around people she felt comfortable with. If she got on a role then there was no stopping her.
Danielle smiled slightly as he raised his hands. She laughed at his comment, it was rare that someone could make her laugh. Even Danton couldn't do it, but then again, Danton took things so seriously, he couldn't make anyone laugh-except maybe Hayley. "My brother isn't exactly concerned about me." she explained; "He wants me to make more connections in the school, but to be honest-I don't care, I don't need it." she added. She didn't want "friends." She didn't need friends. Even back in England, she'd had her little followers, as she used to call them. She had never needed them, but she'd enjoyed their compliments. They'd all been pretty as well, they made her look good. She didn't miss them though, because none of them had ever understood her. She would like friends, real friends, but people tended to want to be around her for her money, or her connections. She didn't like that. Relationships were about mutual respect and understanding. Her brother respected her, but he didn't understand her. She loved him, and he loved her, but they didn't often see eye-to-eye.

"Yes, I suppose it would be." she smiled, and then she looked back up at him, as he talked about his sister. "But I thought you loved and were protective over your sister?" she laughed, as he talked about her talking. "I'm joking, I'm sure you're right about Danton." she conceded, Danton could be annoying, but she did love him. She really hoped this guy wasn't a mudblood. she was enjoying his company, and it'd be a shame if she had to hex him.
Jerrod nodded and thought it through. "Well, I can see both sides of that really. I can see how you don't want to be forced into making friends with people that you probably think don't deserve your friendship but I can also see that he probably thinks you could benefit from the company of having other people around you." He himself had spent ages with Lily as his only company in the school as he never wanted to speak to anyone else in case they were unworthy. Not much had changed but he had a few people that he spoke to now. He'd never count them as good friends but they were good company and they were worthy. It had just taken him a while to work things out.

Jerrod smiled. "Yeah, of course I love her. She's my sister and probably my best friend as well. If you spend a week with no one but your brother, you'll understand what I mean. You start to miss other people and want to talk to others. There's also the fact that conversations begin to get repetitive. You both run out of things to say and say things you've already said. That's when you know you have to get away for a bit." That's how Jerrod had spent most of his life. He'd been with Lily through out but there was always a time when he'd left her and gone and spent some time with Nick and Steve because they had other things to talk about. Then there was also the fact that they were boys.
She resisted the urge to laugh at his next statement. Danton wasn't worried about her having friends, he knew she didn't need them, but he wanted them to broaden their circle, and influence more people. Yeah right. As if anything that happpened in school mattered. Still, she couldn't blame him for trying, if it had been anyone, but her and Danton, he'd probably be right. "Well, I suppose there are always two sides." she answered, trying to be diplomatic.

"I have spent a week or more with my brother." she replied; "In the Summer, we basically have each other for the holidays." she replied, then seeing that she was being a bit awkward, she added. "We don't spend all of our time together though, Danton's too busy plotting with our cousin." she smiled at him, trying not to act like the cow she usually was. It was hard to be nice to people, it was so much easier to be mean.
Jerrod grinned. "There has to be two sides or there can't be an argument." An argument with one side couldn't be an argument at all. It was just one person had a point and the other being a complete idiot about it. That was never an argument in his opinion, it just created one and a pathetic one at that. It was just started around lies. "Whatever he's doing, I'm pretty sure there's something there that's got something to do with love. Either that or he's a heartless brother and I'm hoping he isn't."

Jerrod laughed slightly. "Well done to you two then. If I spent the whole of the holidays with no one but my sister then I would be so incredibly bored it's crazy. I mean, she's great to be around and we can have loads of fun but I don't like having her there all day, every day." Then Jerrod laughed again at what she said. "I've done a lot of that but it's never anything bad. I'm a bit of a prankster with my family. We can come up with some of the best pranks but they take a lot of work." Especially when there was so many people in the house all the time. At least now it was easier but there was less people to prank.
Danielle nodded in agreement. Throwing those rocks had put her in an extremely good mood. He was right about the arguing though. She just felt that her and Danton never argued before hayley came alng. "Yeah, I'm sure you're right." she replied as he talked about love. Danielle had never met a boy wh would talk about feelings before. Her family were pretty closed up about things like that. When she thought back, neither Danton, nor any other member of her family had ever told her they loved her, but she thought they did, otherwise-why would they put up with her?

She laughed along with him. This was very strange. She wasn't used to having a good time, or talking to people she didn't know, or who hadn't been introduced to her at some function or other. To talk to people she had chosed to talk to, not Donovan, or Dakota. "What kind of pranks would you do?" she asked, realising that Jerrod was thinking of a whole different kind of plotting. Her brother was plotting about how to rid the world of mudbloods, or at least how to establish himself in the schol. Pranking was the last thing on his mind. Danielle had never been pranked. Her family took themselves entirely too seriously in her opinion.
Jerrod glad Danielle agreed with him. He knew the point he was trying to make. It was just hard trying to show his point to people. Especially people when the person was currently annoyed with someone like Danielle was. At least he'd finally managed it.

Jerrod started laughing slightly when he thought of a few pranks him and Lily had done in the past, trying to think which one to tell Danielle about. "There was this one day when my brother Steve was going to have a really tiring day. He was being paid by my cousins to help carry bags when they went shopping and everyone who did that came back knackered so I knew the minute I heard that he was going to come home and collapse on his bed. While he was out, me and my sister went into his room and unscrewed all the wood bars along the bottom of his mattress." Jerrod smiled when he thought of Steve's face. "As soon as he got back, he collapsed on his bed and his bed collapsed on the floor." Jerrod knew that prank was kind of evil but so were most of them. It was still a good laugh for everyone else. Plus, there were no hard feelings because pranks were pulled on everyone in the house. A few of them had even got their own back on Jerrod and Lily.
Danielle smiled as she looked at the ground. It was weird talking to someone like this. Talking to someone when you didn't know them, when you hadn't been formally introduced. It was very odd. Her brother wouldn't approve, none of them would approve. She smiled to herself, she didn't care if her family didn't approve. she should be allowed have friends.

Danielle laughed, as he told her about the joke. She would have to try something like that, though it would probably make Danton angry. She cared too much about what Danton thought anyway. "I like the way you think." she commented, pushing her hair out of her face. It was mischevious and cunning, and she could use more people like that. "We never do things like that, our older brother would kill us." she answered truthfully. It was quite possible that Donovan could kill them, he was a Death Eater, but she didn't fear her brother. She could look after herself.
Jerrod shrugged slightly. "I suppose it's the kind of thing you have to grow up doing. That way your siblings know it's just you joking around and they accept it as a joke. Though, it also means you have to watch your back because one of them could chose to get their own back at any time." He knew exactly what that was like. Like the time he had spent ages trying to get mud out of his hair after messing around with Lily in the garden by the pond. He had walked outside to dry off in the sun and had buckets of mud thrown at him. He went back to the shower and spent even longer trying to get it all back out again. "What kind of relationship do you have with your brother?? No offence, but to me it sounds a bit boring." From what he'd heard so far, there was no fun and games between them. It was just her brother telling her what she could and couldn't do.


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