
Ashelia Fortescue-Bleakley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kinda left without a word last time cause I kinda felt like I didn't really belong anymore and that I couldn't write anything worthwhile and my characters were bad and I didn't know how to make friends etc etc etc.

Anyway. I'm being treated for my severe depression which has recently relapsed, started university again, am surviving (I think, we'll wait and see), and have been playing a lot of video games. Currently having some R&R down on my family farm and Ashe here set up shop in my head and refused to go away so, here I am, haha.

Sorry. Sounds a bit awkward. Never been good with people or words. It's been a rough year but I'm hoping to just get back in to the joy of RPing again. I hope we can be friends and that people like my characters. :)
HELLO :woot: :woot: :woot:

I did that too, last time I left and returned. I'd been gone for a while and felt like I was just really out of place and no one wanted me around. But then I stuck to it and resettled in. ^_^

I'm really sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. My inbox is always open should you need an ear to yell at talk to ^_^

I've missed you! Welcome back, and we should definitely plot some time! :D :D

Claire :wub:
I'm glad you found your way back to HNZ. Hope things keep getting better for you. :)
Welcome back! :hug:
Welcome back! We never got a chance to plot, but I'm glad to see you feel well enough to come back on! If you ever need anyone to talk to just let me know!

<3 Cole

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