Two Families Uniting Plans

Kristo Olaf

Kristo paced back and forth the mansion in which he inhabited.
His eyes were unfocussed and cold as he constantly retraced his steps, waiting for his old school friend to arrive..

The large doors of the mansion were locked and kristo set about removing various charms to allow his friend in.
The children were at school but the holidays were nearing and Kristo wondered if the Olaf spawn would be rejoining him for a month.
Benson apparated over to his former freinds home. He came out near the house, unble to get inside due to the protection on it, hiis was the same. As he waited for his friend, Kristo, to allow him inside he thought about what he was here to do.

Markov, his only son and first born child, had been paired off at age two to a young lady in his daughters year. Now, ten years on, it was time for his daughter to be paired off with someone. That someone would be one of the Olaf children.
Kristo removed the charms and opened the door with a wave of his wand.
He smiled as he saw his age old school friend.
Kristo had never really taken the time to make friends at Durmstrang but Benson and he had got on fairly well.
"Good to see you, Benson!" Kristo said cheerily, beckoning the man inside towards the living room.

Mrs. Olaf had noticed the arrival of a guest and busied herself re-charming the door and setting down a tray of wizarding drinks for the two men.
Kristo took some goblin made wine in his hand and sat down with a smirk on his face.
"How has life been treating you?" He asked Benson.
Benson smiled as Kristo opened the door. "Kristo, I could say the same." He followed his old freind in, suprised at the changes he could see in his old friends features.

Benson sat down beside Kristo, no nvitation needed from him, and also took a drink. "I has been treating me wonderfully, I have a lovely wife and two beautiful children. Which, I believe, is the reason for our meeting." He sat up straighter and adopted a buisiness like pose. "I hear you have sons around my daughters age?"
Kristo smiled and took a sip.
Benson looked quite different to their school days but Kristo could still pick out the youthful features he recalled.
"Ah," he said, and he smiled again, "I see you don't hang about.. Well, yes, I do have sons around your daughters age- Yosif and Yulian. Twins. The only ones in the family in a century."
He held up his wand without muttering a word and a photograph in a firm golden frame shot into his hand.
Kristo handed the picture to Benson.
"Those are the boys," he said proudly, although he took more pride in Yulian, the slightly older twin, the taller twin and the more outgoing twin.
"I believe that Yulian would be the perfect suitor- Although it is entirely your choice."
Kristo drank down some more of his wine.
Benson took the picture and examined the boys. They seemed to look appropriate, they had good features o pass down the family line. He thought for a second, he could tell the slight differences but did not know which one was which.

"Yulian, tell me about him. And about Yosif." Personalities could be passed down too, he could see that ion his wife and daughter, they were both terrible gossips.

Before the man could start speaking Benson had a thought. "Do you need anything of Ivana?" Kristo had not met her so had no idea what she looked like or what she acted like.
Kristo opened his mouth but forced himself to pause as he heard Benson's question.
He turned to the man before him, a look of seriousness spread across his face.
"My good man," he said in a tone of almost surprise. "I have complete faith in your daughter being ideal for one of the twins.. Especially if you are anything to go by." He winked and raised the wine glass to his lips before lowering it and speaking.

"Yulian is a smart lad with a good a brain.. Sadly, he has a tendency to use it for mischief. He's never been in trouble at school and he is fantastic at Transfiguration."
There was an unintended obvious pause as Kristo thought about Yosif.
He was proud of Yulian for being a strong young boy, not afraid to show his true colours.. Yosif, however, was different..
Kristo gave a light sigh. "Yosif is a hard-working boy who believes in family. He's very well behaved in comparison to young Yulian but he is shy and weak." Kristo cringed a little at the word.
He wanted strong family who were not frightened to charge at their enemies, wands drawn.
"Yosif is good at Herbology.. He comes home and immediately sprints out to the grounds to check on his garden."
Kristo sneered. It was not a sign of strength, surely, if a boy should enjoy tending to plants.
Benson cringed at the word weak and again when the garden was mentioned. HE did not want a boy like that for his daughter, he wanted someone to lead her and protect her, not someone to show her how to grow vegtables and pretty flowers.

"I believe I will go with your first instinct. Yulian sounds almost perfect for her." He was slightly worried baout the mischeif that was mentioned but, wiht enough effort, that can be scared out of someone. Now that they had agreed on a match all they needed was the contract.

Out of curiostiy Benson took out the picture of Ivana from his pocket and placed it next to the taller twin, he had gathered that was Yulian. They seemed to fit to him, this was a good match for his little girl.
Kristo strongly agreed with Benson.
He smiled as he saw the two photographs together and the two children looked ideally suited.
"I shall summon the necessary.." Kristo said, raising his wand and causing some a piece of parchment to join him. He also summoned a quill which began writing.

He handed the document to Benson.
It stated that Yulian Olaf and Ivana Kalforovich were to be wed once of age.
It had been worded more detailed but that was the gist.
Benson took the page, he read it over to make sure it was correst. He filled in a few gaps, such as the middle name of his daughter and small details like that before he was satisfied and signed it where his signature was needed. "I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to join families my good man." He raised his, still full, glass and toasted. "To the future." Before downing the entire glass in one.

Benson waited for his fellow man to swallow his drink and for the burning in the back of his throat to seize before he spoke again. "Now we have completed the arrangment we must now arrange a meeting yes?"
Kristo signed the parchment too, placing a protective charm on it.
"To the future" he chorussed, gulping down his wine.

"We must indeed," Kristo said, enjoying the feel of the liquid racing down his throat.
He thought for a moment. His head was a little dizzy.
Kristo managed to focus his vision on Benson.
"The upcoming holidays," Kristo said, pointing randomly in the direction his calender would be in the other room, "The boys will be home then.. If Ivana would care to do so also then I believe that it would be a good time.. Need to ease them in to the idea.
You and your family should stay with us a few days in December. We have plenty of room."
December was under a month away.
It may have seemed like short notice but to Kristo there was no time like the present.. Or as soon as possible.
Benson thought for a second. He had plans for the weeks of christmas, that was when he would be reminding his other childhood friend about the arrangement they had made for his son. "I can make the week before or after christmas." He finally said, that way the family had a week for themselves aswell as everyone else. It also meant the children had a week to sulk during the holidays as they both learnt about their upcoming engagements.

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