🌹 Rose Giving Twin Rose

Estella Fuentes

class of y42 📓 | 'essie' 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
The day was only halfway done and already Essie was quite tired. She had been trying to find a Gryffindor for hours with no luck and so headed to the Great Hall as a last resort. She figured he would eventually visit the hall for some food sooner or later, even if he was also busy delivering roses just like she was. The girl waved the yellow rose above her head as she paced up and down the tables. "Xinyi Huang!" she exclaimed, looking around to see if anyone reacted to the name.
Xinyi had just sat down to eat when he heard his name. He looked up, holding his fork of food midair. He swallowed nervously and held up his hand to get her attention, hoping he wasn't in trouble or something.
When Estella saw a hand go up in the air, she quickly headed over to it. "Are you Xinyi Huang? I have a rose for you." she said, holding out the yellow rose. "From your friend, I suppose." Essie hoped that it was a nice rose with a good note attached.

Note said:
Hey, we should hang out without the girls sometime. ~Rin
Xinyi nodded at the girls question. "I am," He offered shyly, his eyes going wide as she offered him a rose. He took it and peeked at the note, blushing. Rin... Like Soren? He peeked up and spotted the other Gryffindor down the table, giving him a shy smile and wave before turning back to the girl that had delivered the rose. "T-thank you," he stuttered shyly.
It didn't take much for Estella to realise that the boy was a little awkward. She chuckled at him waving at who she supposed was the person that gave him the rose from down the table. "You're very welcome!" she exclaimed to the younger boy. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

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