Twelve Days

Kara Piper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Emilie [main]
Kara was so glad that her family had decided to take a holiday to Europe. She needed to take the time off tutoring and the familar New Zealand scenary was slightly boring her. She wanted new adventures, new scenary, new backgrounds. It would keep her occupied. But finally, Kara was allowed to go out and have some time to herself. Robbie wanted to go with her, but she couldn't let her little brother follow her everywhere. It was only two more years until he would be in Hogwarts with her...after, Kara joined Hogwarts. She was walking down the street, window shopping. Window shopping was easier, you could pretend you had all the stuff, when you really didn't. It was much nicer then reality, when you were broke. Well, she wasn't entirely. She had 30 galleons, but she had to buy herself lunch, then meet her parents for dinner.

Kara stopped infront of one window, and hovered there. It was filled with little gadgets that you found in shops like Blue Kangaroo, and Lemon Tree, and Inside Out, except this one was called Elephant. Kara adsent-mindedly turned around, not really looking where she was going.
The last thing Daniel expected when he returned home for the Christmas break was a holiday to Europe with his favorite Aunt and Uncle. It wasn't so much that they had offered to take him with them it was more that his parents allowed it. Daniel's Uncle Adam was a notorious prankster when he was at Hogwarts with Dan's father. Adam had not mended his ways to this date and it was one of the things that Daniel loved most about him. The atmosphere when he was with him was so much different to that of home. It was a very welcoming change not to mention that he got to venture to a part of the world that was cold at Christmas. Daniel loved cold whether which made him seem very unusual but there was something about rain, wind and snow that Daniel enjoyed. They cleared his mind, soothed him, inspired him. Feelings he didn't get in New Zealand during the blistering hot school months. Even New Zealand winter wasn't really winter, not to the rest of the world. Daniel had never told his parents that he planned to move out of New Zealand when he graduated Hogwarts. He wanted to live somewhere he could experience real cold. This was something he hadn't told anyone, it didn't exactly scream a good reason to leave ones home country.

They had been away now for three days and Daniel hadn't had anytime to himself. He loved spending time with his Uncle but he was on holiday and he wanted to explore his new surroundings, take it all in, and so, living up to his promise. On the morning of their fourth day Adam allowed Daniel to wonder off. Adam himself wanting alone time with his wife. Daniel set off down the cobbled streets. He had come prepared for all, with both muggle and wizard money in two separate pouches shoved deeply in bag. Daniel was two busy looking up to see who was walking right in front of him, and evidently whoever was in front of him wasn't paying any attention either because the next thing he knew the two had collided. "I'm so sorry," He said flabbergasted feeling that apologize was just about the only thing he could do.
kara had to stop herself from falling over. "I'm sorry, it was my fault." Kara smiled weakly at the stranger. She didn't want to appear rude, that was the last thing on her mind. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. This was a bit of a diaster. "Um, can I do anything for you?" Kara smiled sheepishly at him.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, my laptop is dying, and I might have to go soon
OOCOut of Character:
Forgot to switch accounts
Daniel shook her head, "Absolutely not, I wasn't looking where I was going it was my fault and I won't here anything else," He smiled at her. She was a little younger than him and the last thing he wanted to do was to upset her. "There's nothing you need to do, don't worry about it. So.. where you from?" He asked overcome with a sudden urge to keep the conversation going for as long as he could.

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