Open Turbo Triple Kiss

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Open after @Marley Owens-Lee

Teddy made his way to the Quidditch pitch with a swagger in his step, clutching his brand new Turbo XXX broomstick, or as he dubbed it, Turbo Triple Kiss My Ass. It was a model that made older brooms look like outdated relics and Teddy felt like the undisputed king of the Quidditch pitch with his polished new broom.

He glanced around, hoping there would be people to show off to, but the pitch was disappointingly empty. No matter, he thought. This way, he could fully enjoy his new broom without any interruptions. He mounted the Turbo XXX and kicked off from the ground. The broom shot forward like a bolt of lightning. Teddy felt his stomach drop as the pitch blurred around him. "Whoa!" he yelled, gripping the handle tightly as the broom accelerated with a force that nearly blew him off. It was like being strapped to a rocket, and he loved every second of it.

He zipped around the pitch in record time and curved around the goalposts effortlessly. He could already imagine the frustration of the opposing Chasers trying to score against him this season. With a broom like this, he could dodge bludgers effortlessly too. Part of him wished he were playing Seeker just to see how quickly he could catch the snitch. No matter though, he was still excited for Gryffindor's first match.
Marley knew she wanted to get some Quidditch practice for a bit. Even though it would most likely be herself to practice, she still wanted to get some practice done anyway. The Hufflepuff came to the quidditch pitch, noticing someone zipping around the quidditch pitch at a fast speed, which amazed Marley. "Woah!" Marley said cheerfully, as she continued to watch who it was zipping around in amazement, completely forgetting that she wanted to practice in the first place.
Teddy zipped around the Quidditch pitch, and as he executed a particularly sharp turn, he noticed someone below watching. At first, he couldn't make out who it was, but as he smoothly descended, he recognised Marley standing near the edge of the pitch. "Hi Marley!" he greeted her with a broad grin and a wave. Finally, he had someone to show his new broom off to. "Feeling a bit nervous for Hufflepuff now?" he teased.
Marley grinned as she finally recognised who it was on the broomstick. "Hiya Teddy!" Marley says happily with a smile and wave. The Hufflepuff chuckled and shook her head. "Please, you wish!" Marley teases back with a laugh and a shake of her head. "While you may have a fast broom, I'm sure we'll still be able to kick some butt" Marley says with a giggle. While they hadn't really done well last season, she was positive that they'd do better this year, she wanted Hufflepuff to do what they could do. "Is that a new broom? It looks super fast. You feel the wind against your hair?" Marley says with a smile, as she peaked at a freshly new broom before commenting on the boy's long hair.
"Well, I suppose the only way is up for the Hufflepuff team," he quipped, lowering his broom to just a few inches from the ground and sweeping the stray hair from his face. "I decided to go for a new look this year, what do you think?" he said, referring to both his broom and his long hair. "Want to give the Turbo a try?" Teddy offered, he wouldn't trust many people with his prized Triple Kiss broom, but Marley was an exception.
Marley laughed and shrugged her shoulders at her friend's comment. "I guess so," Marley says with a smile. She had a strong feeling that Hufflepuff was going to do well this year, she hoped so anyway if she was being honest. Marley nodded with an impressed smile. "Both are looking very fresh. The hair looks nice. What made you decide to grow it out?" Marley asked her friend curiously. The long hair made it harder to recognise him when he was up in the air. Marley's mouth went ride. "You want me to try your broom? You sure about that? You're not pulling my leg this time are you?" Marley asked with a chuckle, still unsure if her friend was joking with her this time or not.
Teddy absently played with his long hair as Marley commented on his new look. "It wasn’t intentional at first. I just missed a few haircuts but now I actually like it," he said with a smile, glancing at his broom. "Oh, I wouldn’t joke about something like this," he added, though he was known for his playful teasing and could easily give someone false hope about trying out his top of the range broom. But today, he was serious. As he touched down on the ground, he added. "Just don’t break it, okay? I trust you Marley."
Marley chuckled and shook her head, not surprised by the fact Teddy had missed a few haircuts, she wasn't surprised by that fact if she was being honest. She smiled at her friend reassured her and was positive he wasn't joking about the matter. Marley watched as her friend touched down to the ground. "If you're really sure you want me to go on it. Just know once I get on that, there is no going back" Marley jokingly warned her friend. She was still a little unsure if he was legitimately serious about her able to fly his new broom. "Me? Breaking things? I promise I won't break it" Marley says with a small smile, promising her friend that she wouldn't break his prized possession.
Teddy had confidence in Marley, she'd been a best friend since they were first years and she'd never given him reason not to trust her word in all that time. He really hoped this wasn't the time she proved him wrong. He offered her the broom. "Good. And don't tell Amodeus, I won't let them have a go because he'll kill himself." He wasn't wrong though.
Marley watched as Teddy offered her the broom. It had seemed he was dead serious for her to able to try the broom. She looked at the broom once more, laughing a little at Teddy's comment. "You're not wrong there, but I promise to keep my lips sealed" Marley says with a chuckle and a shake of her head, before showing she locked her lips with an imaginary key, before throwing the imaginary key in the distance. She knew how clumsy their friend could be. She gently took the broom, immediately liking the feel of the broom. "Oh wow, this feels great! I can see why you love your precious broom" Marley says teasingly with a giggle, as she looks at the broom once more before she mounts herself on the broom.
Teddy grinned as he watched Marley admire his broom, “Yeah, it’s a beauty, isn’t it?" he said, feeling a mix of pride and apprehension. He took a slow step back to give her space to take off, but a sudden pang of protectiveness hit him and he stepped forward again. It felt like he had handed over his newborn baby for someone else to hold for the first time and he needed to be there to protect the head, just in case. “Maybe I should take her back,” he said suddenly, his voice wavering with second thoughts.
Marley nodded her head in agreement. "She definitely is! You picked a good one for sure" Marley says with a smile. She wasn't going to lie but she was a smidge jealous at the new broom that Teddy had. However, she was also content with the broom that she currently had. She was about to fly off in the air but frowned a little when she noticed how suddenly concerned Teddy was. Marley understood why Teddy was nervous. He hadn't handed anyone his new broom before. "I can get off it if you want me to" Marley says to her friend understandingly, she'd be a bit bummed if she wasn't able to try off the broom but she knew this was her friend's possession and not her own.

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