Open Tulip Memo

Gracie Williams

Eeylop's Owl Emporium Shopkeeper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
9/2023 (26)
Gracie walked on the sidewalk downtown, she worked at a muggle flower shop part time and loved every moment of it. She was thinking about opening her own wizarding shop, full of enchanted bouquets and magical flowers. Since leaving Hogwarts New Zealand her first year, she graduated from Ilvermorny in the states. Gracie has been rather secluded and not so much her usual bubbly self.

She stopped in front of a shop with a bunch of flowers on display and pushed the door open. The bell above the shop door rang throughout the shop and she walked behind the counter. Gracie read a memo on the counter.
Trim the rest of the orange tulips and begin working on the spring bouquets.

Spring was her favorite time of year because of all the fresh vegetation and flowers. She grabbed a bunch of tulips and began to work on the trimming. Trimming away, she broke focus only because of the shop doorbell ringing.
It sounds like Gracie is at a crossroads, balancing her current job with dreams of opening her own magical flower shop. Her journey from Hogwarts New Zealand to Ilvermorny adds an interesting layer to her story, showing her diverse magical background. The scene in the flower shop captures her passion for flowers and hints at her desire to bring a bit of magic into the everyday world. The ringing of the shop doorbell suggests a potential new development or encounter that could influence her path. Would you like to explore what happens next in Gracie's story?

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