Open Tu As Gagné!

Sophia Corelli

Professional Quidditch Commentator 🎤 LOUD
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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"Tu as gagné! Tu as gagné!" Sophia shouted into her microphone, her voice carrying out all throughout the quidditch pitch. "Beauxbatons gagné! Beauxbatons win against those lousy Americans," Sophia shouts again, only this time the professors didn't seem too please with her commentary. "Oops, sorry professors, I'll try to be a little more nicer," she would say but it didn't come across sincere. Sophia ducks down, running away from their dagger stares. Her legs carries her quickly onto the pitch as the school's team landed on the ground. Sophia wanted to speak to all of them, but there was one in particular she wanted more than just a few words. "Mualla, Mualla! Witch of the hour, what a game! Wee? You did amazing out there, how was it playing against the Americans? Was it a challenge? From the looks of it, it didn't seem like it!" Sophia ask the brunette, it was a great game and Mualla seems like the star of the matchup. Sophia couldn't be the only to think the girl should be rewarded mvp of the game. The professors would be dumb as rocks not to.
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''Will you keep it down?! I did terribly, I hit Simone!'' Mualla hissed when her friend approached her. She would have to apologise to the older girl again later. She obviously hadn't wanted to hit to her but something weird had been happening with either her bat or the bludgers, as she kept hitting other people during the game, people she hadn't actually meant to hit - except for that douchebag of a keeper perhaps. She was glad that she had managed to hit him twice. Of course, she wasn't going to admit that it been an accident, hitting the people she didn't mean to hit, she wasn't stupid. ''A challenge? Pfff, those Americans were easier to play against than my twelve-year-old brother,'' the girl said with a smirk. ''If this is the best they've got, they will never stand a chance against us or Hogwarts.''
Sophia made a face as to say oops mixed with between, how dare you hush me up?! Sophia dismissed Simone getting hurt with a wave of her hand. "She going to be alright, Simone a big girl. It's not like you hit her twice," Sophia spoke gleefully. She can't help it, the girl loves a good match. She loves it even more when her favorite team wins the match. Although, she did questioned silently what was up with Mualla's bat when it happened. Like the bat was possessed or something, Sophia grew a little worried. It didn't last long as Mualla seemed to have gain back control of her swings. "Mualla, you savage witch! I guess those Americans didn't realize what they were going up against until it was too late," Sophia grins, tapping the side of her mic. She indulge when her friend behaves this way. Feisty Mualla, is fun Mualla. "Speaking of Hogwarts, what's your plans for that match up? Are we going to see a repeat of what we saw today?"
Scott was trailing behind Sophia secretly when his sister suddenly shouted at the top of her voice. He was not really into Quidditch like her but he tried to keep tabs on it anyways. For school pride. He listened as she interviewed Mualla and he almost winced when they were talking about bludgers and how Soph somehow wanted a repeat of it against Hogwarts. "I hope not.", he moaned aloud, expressing his dislike for violence. Unlike his boyish sister, Scott was perceived to be gentle. "Soph, does Quidditch have to be violent?"
While it was true that things could have gotten a lot worse, the fact that the opposing team had been laughing at her when she accidentally hit Simone, annoyed Mualla more than anything. At least she had managed to his people, though. She didn't see them hitting anyone from the French team, however. She grinned at the other girl's comment. ''I wonder if they even practised at all before the match, this was almost too easy to do.'' She was not trying to be cocky at the moment, she was just really annoyed at some of its players still. ''But there is nothing to worry about anymore, we have won the match which means that we will be the ones playing against Hogwarts.'' After today the girl was confident enough to say that they might even have a chance against them, even if some of them were way better players. She shrugged her shoulders at Sophia's question. ''Most likely repeat what I did today, except avoid hitting any of our own players, of course,'' she answered. Mualla turned her head towards her friend's brother when he joined them and said, ''Scotty, boy, of course, Quidditch has to be violent. What's the fun of it if it isn't?''
Sophia egged her friend on, everything she said was quality material to her listeners. Was this thing still streaming on air? It's hard to tell, professors didn't exactly give her permission to stream it live over the radio. Sophia had her ways around certain barriers, or else the only one listening were the students inside the castle who had been too lazy to enjoy the game outside. "Don't be such a pansy, Scotty! If you don't like quidditch why do you insist on coming to the games. It makes no sense," Sophia frowns, slightly glaring at the younger boy. "Pay no mind to him, he doesn't get the game like we do. Mualla may play professional one day, right Mualla?"

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