Closed Trying to Keep Going

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Cyzarine's heart hurt. She missed him so dearly, so incredible. They had been together so long and it just didn't feel real that he was just gone. The business was managing despite the set back, and Cyzarine was pouring her heart and soul into it. Trying to make it work, trying to make it good. There was just so much guilt in her heart. The day had been long and tiring, but it had been good. She had kept busy, managing to keep her mind off it until the day was a close, when she was finalising all of the pieces that she needed to, to close up for the day. She saw his writing and it set her off. Cyzarine felt tears well and then her shoulders were shaking and she was just in tears, sobbing not very quietly.
Cooper was enjoying his job, his life, and he thought he had a pretty good deal. He had finished up for the day, filled out the right paperwork, and he was walking back to the office to turn it in. He was shocked when he stuck his head in and saw Cyzarine in tears. His eyes widened and he walked in, setting his papers on the desk. "Hey, boss," His voice was soft and automatically his hands were out, hovering over her arms. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Cyzarine tried her best to stop the tears when she heard Cooper. Cooper was a good employee, he was kind, but he didn't need her tears or her emotions. It was not in his job description to help her. "It's okay, I'm okay," Cyzarine assured him with a watery smile. "I'm just tired," she lied, trying to still stop herself from crying, wiping at her eyes though it was not helping at all.
-godmods approved-

Cooper frowned and gently pulled Cyzarine in for a hug, rubbing his hand against her back. "Hey, come on," He murmured gently. "We're friends, aren't we?" He offered. "You don't have to pretend with me, or be so formal. I've got your back," He promised, squeezing his arms gently. "You can let go."
Cyzarine leaned into his touch, into the hug, thankful for Cooper's kindness at that moment. She didn't want to pretend and her heart just hurt so much. She missed Mihail a lot, missed his support and the sound of his voice. Cyzarine turned slightly, leaning into Cooper, hiding her face behind her hands, and trying to lean on him. "I just miss him,"
Cooper let Cyzarine lean on him, rubbing her back and laying his cheek against her hair. "That's perfectly normal to miss him," He murmured. "You don't have to be strong. If you want to cry, you can. No one will judge you," He promised gently, trying to encourage her. "Just let it out."
Cyzarine was trying her best to bring herself in, to get herself under control, but she leaned against him, and it was enough to break her down a little. She gave a soft sob, covering her mouth and wiping a little at her eyes. She shook her head. "I shouldn't be crying on your shoulder, I'm your boss, you need me to be a little strong,"
Cooper just shushed her and rubbed his hand against her back gently. "Cyzarine, how long have we been working together? You're family. Now stop fighting it, stop trying to justify yourself. You've been strong for far too long. You don't have to be alone." He rocked her gently, trying to soothe her protests.
Cyzarine wiped at her eyes, trying to calm down and draw herself back together, just a little. She knew that though they did work together, that she was outside of her work a little alone. Going home to her dad when he wouldn't even be there, since he'd be at school. "I am pretty alone, my boyfriend is gone, and my mum lives on the other side of the world, and my dad teaches at Hogwarts. I go home after this place and I'm alone," she said. "Alone and in a home which I once shared with him,"
Cooper gave her a gentle smile. "So let's have a sleepover," He offered. "Then you won't be alone. I can crash on the couch. Or if you want, I can call in a favor and you can crash at the family Inn. My sister in law, Tyra, she's just the most amazing woman, she would love to have you stay over for some girls time." He gave her multiple options, and held his hand out for hers. "Cyz, come on. Let me help," He urged her gently.
Cyzarine wasn't sure why Cooper was being nice to her, this nice to her. There was no reason for him to be so kind. They got along well, and Cyzarine liked him, but there was no reason for him to be so kind to her. "Cyz?" she repeated slowly, thinking over the options he hand given her and taking his hand. "I can crash on the couch, I don't need to take your bed," she agreed, wanting to not be alone, but not wanting to put him too out.
Cooper chuckled. "Just a nickname- I like nicknames." He countered, and offered out his hands. "Let me apparate us back to my place. What do you say we get a floor bed set up, throw in some movies, and if you'd like we can curl up and you can just stop focusing on being the strong boss and let yourself grieve." He suggested. "Hell, I can go get some booze too, if you'd like."
Cyzarine gave a little smile, and then shrugged. "Some alcohol would be good," she agreed. "And let's keep it semi professional," she then added, not wanting to cuddle just yet, given that she was his boss. "Let me tidy up and meet you at the front in like five minutes?" She wanted to at least get things tidied and herself a little tidy too.
Cooper wasn't sure why he felt the little stab of rejection, but he brushed it off, his smile as easy as ever. "Anything you say, boss," He agreed, and stood, starting for the door. "Have you had dinner? I can order some takeout," He offered, already knowing her preferences from having done lunch runs before.
Cyzarine shook her head. "Haven't had time," she said before digging into her pocket and pulling out some money. "Here," she held it out to him. Not wanting him to spend too much of his money when she could help out with her own money.
Cooper shook his head, ignoring her offered money completely. "You can grab food next time," He told her, before stepping out to order dinner. He returned several minutes later, and offered out his hand for her. "We're all set. Come on, boss, lets head out." He grinned.
Cyzarine didn't feel great when he turned down her money but he was gone before she could make him take the money. She could slip more money into the tips jar. She got tidied up, wiping her eyes and tidying out the desk. She stood up when he walked back in and looked at his hand for a moment before taking it. "Let's go,"

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