Trying Something New

Kiera didn't let her emotions betray her. She did wish he would start to feel like that. She had a feeling she was going to need his help later this year. Kiera was already worrying about her NEWTs and they weren't anytime soon. Kiera was suspicious as Alex agreed that she didn't want to know. That probably meant she wouldn't approve. Kiera just shook her head and laughed with him. "You have too much free time on your hands." she said, leaning up to kiss him. Kiera shook her head as he asked if she had done the homework. She frowned. "I didn't even know we had homework. I left class early. I was feeling very bad." she said. "I guess I need to do it. Do you remember what it was?" she asked him curiously.
Alex laughed as Kiera told him he had to much time. It was true. After dropping so many classes, he had the whole rest of the week doing nothing at all. Alex kissed Kiera back a bit more than the apropraite level that the first years should be seeing. But what the heck, he didn't care about them anymore.
'Well, maybe you could fill some of it up then,' he told her, a hint of joking in the midst of his proposal. His smile was wiped off though as she said that she felt bad. 'I thought you just forgot something. Why didn't you tell me?' he asked, frowning at her, now worried. 'You're ok now though, right?' he added. Here he was joking with her and she was probably feeling sick as ever.
Kiera grinned as Alex told her that she could fill up some of his free time. Her heart did a little flutter. She didn't have much free time lately but she would always make time for him. She leaned her head on his chest. "I'll fill up as much of that time as you want." she said with a flirtatious smile. Kiera frowned as his smile vanished. Had she said something wrong? The frown vanished from her face when she just realized he was worried about her. Kiera smiled warmly up at him. "No, no, I'm fine now. I went to the hospital wing and took a potion." she reassured him. Kiera shook her head. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry silly." she said teasing slightly.
Alex sighed in sheer relief at the response. 'Right,' he managed to say, a small smile creeping back on. 'Right,' was all he could think of saying once more. He looked back at her smiling. 'Oh, the homework was an essay on Acromantualas and Basilisks,' he told her finally remembering she had asked what it was.
But suddenly, he wasn't sure it was on the both of them anymore. 'Umm, or it could of just been on one of them. Not sure,' he added aloud. he shrugged and allowed himself a dopey smile. He leaned down and gave her another kiss. 'But I'm sure you'll finish it in no time at all,' said Alex.
Kiera could see the relief come onto his face and it made her smile. She thought it was adorable that he cared enough to worry. It made her feel special. Kiera buried her face in his shirt. She breathed in his smell. He smelt wonderful, it was almost intoxicating. She listened as he told her the homework. She shrugged. "I'll just do it on both then." she said as if it wasn't a problem. Luckily, Alex hadn't yet noticed her weight loss from stress. It was the second week of school and she had lost five pounds. Normally, that wouldn't be a lot but on the tiny girl, it was a good bit. She was under a hundred pounds. Kiera just kept forgetting to eat. She smiled as he leaned down to kiss her. Too soon his lips pulled away. "Hey!" she said, her face slipping into a pout. "I wasn't done kissing you yet." she said, a seductive look slowly crossing her face.
Alex thought she'd do as much on the homework issue. He grinned as she complained that she wasn't done kissing. 'Kissing me? I'm sure it was I who was kissing you,' he joked with her, Never the less though, he leaned back in and kissed her longer than before. Pulling away to catch his breath, he gave her a crooked smirk.
'Done yet?' he asked her, his voice flirting with her. But he didn't wait for an answer. Instead he just leaened in and kissed her some more, smelling her addictive scent all too much.
Kiera laughed as Alex joked with her. She shook her head and started to disagree, but she didn't have time. Before she realized it, his mouth was back on hers. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling herself as close as she possibly could get. It was not appropriate kissing for being out in public like they were but Kiera could care less. Her heart was racing as he pulled away from her. Her stomach did a familiar flip flop at the sight of her favorite smile. It was if they were the only ones who existed.
Kiera was about to answer no when he leaned back in. She liked how often they had the same thoughts. Kiera thought that her heart was going to melt completely.
Alex's heart pace was definetely quickenned as he pulled away from Kiera again. Her scent still filled him up and seemed to make swirls in his 'hollow' space in his head but that was impossible. He smiled at the look of her before sending a mischeivious smile her way.
'You know it'll be me who'll be getting the detentions here,' he teased her. It was true though. It would be him who would take the punishment though. It wasn't like he wasn't used to it anyway.
Looking over her, he noticed the first years had scampered off by now and everyone else seemed to be in their own businesses' anyhow. 'So you needing any help with the homework by the way?' he asked Kiera. It was a good offer seeing how it was the only thing he could really help her with, lesson wise. But he didn't mind helping noen the less. She probably had a dozen assingments at the moment still to do.
Kiera's heart lurched at Alex's smile. Her pulse was racing as they broke away from each other. She was glad so see that the first years had vanished. Kiera looked back at Alex with a wide grin on her face. "It might be fun to have detention together." she mused, never having had detention before. Kiera hadn't been in trouble since she came to Hogwarts. It would be funny if she got in trouble now after she made Head Girl.

Kiera was surprised as he changed the subject back to her homework. She shook her head. "I don't think so. As long as I don't have to see pictures of those horrible snakes." she shuttered. "I hate snakes." she said making a face.
Alex was slightly surprised as Kiera thought detention would be fun togehter. He couldn't hide it though as best as he tried. An amused smirk crept onto his mouth. 'You gotta be joking Kiera. You're a head girl with a perfect record and you think I would let you ruin that. No way. Besides, detention isn't that fun, trust me,' he told her, not meaning to be harsh. He was just stating the fact. Maybe detention would be fun to her though. Maybe he only found it boring because he was so used to procedures of it.
He laughed as she said she was scared. 'Snakes? Hmm, maybe I should make myself a snake for halloween then. That would be funny,' he teased her though he would never do such a thing. He still had no idea what Kiera had in mind for him for halloween. Because he knew what she was going to be still.
Kiera saw Alex's surprise on his face. She didn't know why he would be surprised until he spoke. It was clear he thought she was not being sensible but he was assuming she would let him take all the heat for what she had a part in. She thought it was best not to bring that up. "It might be fun ." she said thoughtfully. "What do you do in detention?" she asked curiously.
Kiera pouted as he laughed at her fear and then said he should be that for halloween. She highly disagreed. "If you were a snake, I would be skipping out on the Halloween feast this year." she said grimacing. "A snake bit me when I was 2. Cameron was playing around with it. He threw it at me and it bit me" she explained.

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