Trying Something New

Alex sighed. It seemed she wanted to know more than that about the matter. And why on earth was she surprised at him doing this. It wasn't the first time it had happened. 'Yeah, quite sore actually. So glad my leg was healed in the summer or it would of been murder,' he joked slightly, referring to his broken leg from the summer. 'Just made a fake door you know. One of the girls actually ran into it already, but I mean she had found the real door in the end. It was just a bit of a laugh and I was going to put it back after that but Maria just kept screaming which made me forget. She didn't even hear me shout stop before she went out cold. It wasn't much harm done but still. I know she isn't going to be getting along well with most of the Hufflepuffs for a while,' he told Kiera in one go. It felt better to have it all out his system now, and was actually grateful for Kiera pushing the issue. Kissing her on her head, he gave her a smile.
'Don't go seeking her out now. She didn't mean anything by it. Just temper,' he added, guessing what Kiera was probably thinking. He couldn't blame her though. He probably would of gone pretty crazy as well at someone who started playing around with her. In fact he did last year.
Kiera listened to the story, biting her lip. She wasn't amused when Alex referred to his wreck during the summer. It had not been a pleasant thing for her to see. Kiera held her tongue as she heard the full story. She couldn't help but smile as he kissed the top of her head. It was such a sweet gesture. "I'm glad your putting your magic to good use." she said dryly, rolling her eyes. That was all she was going to say on the subject. She knew better than to lecture him about the improper use of magic. It was his fun after all. Kiera pouted slightly as Alex figured out what was going on in her head. She looked up at him. "Oh fine. Let's just hope I don't catch her breaking the rules then." she said reluctantly. "How did you know I was thinking that anyways?" Kiera asked. He was so good at knowing exactly what was going through her head.
Alex's lips curled up at the corners as she began to be sarcastic with him. To be honest though, he was glad she wasn't thinking of lecturing him. He had had enough of that already but he probably wouldn't complain at Kiera if she did.
Laughter bubbled from him as she asked him how he knew what she was thinking. He smiled at her before giving her a deep kiss. 'I'm not your boyfriend for your good looks you know. I do actually know you as a person quite well,' he told her, as he gave her another kiss. 'Not too mention if I was you, that's exactly what I'd be thinking,' he added, just so she didn't feel like she was very obvious.
Kiera grinned as Alex laughed. Her pulse raced at his kiss, though she kissed him back just as deeply. Kiera laughed as Alex told her it wasn't all about her looks. She smiled slyly at him. "And here I was thinking you just wanted a pretty face." she teased him before he pulled her into another kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissing him was definitely still a hobby. Kiera laughed at that thought that was connected to a conversation they had last term. Kiera grinned at Alex. "I should hope you wouldn't let little first years go around kicking and screaming at me." she said in a teasing manner.
Alex tutted at Kiera playfully. 'You have yet to learn many things,' he joked with her, smiling a crooked bad boy smile at her. His smile was wiped off though as she teased him about her safety. 'Course I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't even let them touch you, let alone kick you,' he told her before rolling his eyes. Honestly, she had no sense today. He gave her a smirk before sticking his tongue out at her.
Kiera was sure that Alex could hear her heart as he smiled her favorite smile. It was the crooked grin that often made her thing he was up to no good. She melted at the sight of it. However that smile was quickly gone. At first it confused her but then she understood. Apparently, he did not want to joke about something that might harm her. Kiera snuggled closer to him. That only endeared him more to her. "Silly, if it was somewhere like the Gryffindor House you couldn't do anything about it." she said rolling her eyes back at him. "And you think I'm the one without sense." she teased him. Kiera turned her face upwards. She kissed his jawline since it was all she could reach without moving.
Alex laughed as she said if it was the houses, he couldn't do anything. 'Well, I'd just have to steal some truth serum, drug you, find out the password and spy on you so nobody does touch you then,' he replied to her, smirking. He would never do that of course but it would always come in handy if he did have some truth serum. Maybe he should go back to potions for the fun of it perhaps.
'How did you know I was thinking that?' he asked back this time, wondering how she could tell that from just looking at him. He hadn't been that obvious had he? He bent his head slightly giving her a kiss on the nose back.
Kiera grinned as Alex told her his little plan. She knew he was joking but it was still funny to think of. Kiera twined her fingers with his. She shook her head. "No point in going through that. You would probably be the first to hear about it if I got hurt. You should probably be more concerned about me hurting myself on the Pitch than in Gryffindor." she teased him, though there was truth to it. Kiera was planning on learning a few new tricks on her broom so that this could be her best year yet. Kiera smiled as he kissed her nose. He never stopped amazing her. "I don't just date you for your looks you know. I actually know you as well." she quoted back to him.
Alex smiled at her. 'Meanie. You know if I could, I would ban you from flying,' he told her, still not liking the fact she did so many risky things from such a height. But hopefully, she would never have to fall in front of his eyes.
He laughed as she quoted him back for his answer. 'That doesn't work on me silly. Because I have no looks to date compared to you,' he replied smiling. He bent low and kissed her back on the lips to add another point to his point he just made. It seemed today, he was the one who couldn't keep his hands off her.
Kiera giggled as Alex said he would ban her from flying. Though she didn't really think he was joking with that one. Kiera shook her head. "But what would be the fun in that. I like flying." she said simply. Kiera had only fallen a handful of times and she wasn't harmed too badly. Kiera looked at him with disbelief as he said he didn't have looks. She wholeheartedly disagreed with that. "You obviously haven't looked in a mirror lately." she commented." I guess you don't notice the girls staring in the corridor either." she said finding it hard to believe that he didn't see that. Kiera was distracted though as Alex leaned down to kiss her. She kissed him back deeply, happy for his affections. She put her hands through his hair as she pulled him closer to her.
Alex smiled against Kiera's lips before pulling away from her for breath. He remebered what she said before she had pulled him closer. With the sweetness still in his head from Kiera's scent, Alex raised an eyebrow towards Kiera's direction. Since when had there been girls staring in the corridors. He was sure he hadn't seen any as of late. 'Girls staring in the corridors?' he asked her his voice full of disbelief.
He laughed at her before shaking his head and sighing. 'And I guess you haven't noticed the boys staring at you either then,' he added quickly, before she managed to get a response in. Maybe she had been to busy sending glares at the 'girls' that she hadn't noticed the amount of boys gawking at her. Not that it didn't annoy him, he sent his signals towards them, but just subtly away from Kiera's gaze.
Kiera was spinning from their last kiss. Alex didn't know the hold he had over her. She laughed outloud as seemed to be in disbelief at girls staring at him. She didn't know why that was so hard to believe. He was dashingly handsome as well as funny and smart. He was quite a catch if she did say so herself. "Yes silly. Their eyes are always on you. I can't believe you haven't noticed." she remarked, slightly amused. She did have to admit that she usually sent a warning look or two their way. Kiera's mouth dropped as he said boys stared at her. She rolled her eyes. She only knew one boy, Link, that had a habit of staring at her but she had broken his heart a few days earlier. He didn't go to school here. Kiera grinned at Alex. "Boys? Staring at me?" she said, not believing him at all. She leaned her face up to his and pulled his mouth down to reach hers. Kiera kissed him deeply. She much preferred this sport.
Alex smiled. 'Maybe because you're much more worth looking at then them,' he replied to her, still not believing there were girls staring at him. What was in him that wasn't in half the other boys in the class? He laughed as she asked the same question as him about what he had said.
'Of course. You're one of the smartest and might I add, gorgeous girls in the school,' he told her before she kissed him again. It was now going back to normal today and he found it quite funny that almost minutes before he was think that she thought there was something odd about him. Shoving that out his mind, he put more effort into kiss, his hand running through her hair softly.
A shiver went up Kiera's spine as he ran his hands through her hair. A soft breeze blew, tousling Kiera's curls. She was quite enjoying kissing Alex. There was something new and exciting about each kiss. Kiera still couldn't figure out why he was always dazzling her. Maybe because he is perfect she thought to herself.She broke away as she heard a group of first years go by giggling at the pair of them kissing. Kiera grinned at Alex. "I'm glad you think I'm more worth looking at." she said to his sweet comment earlier. Kiera couldn't help but laugh as he said sweet things about her as reasons boys stared. She shook her head. "You're just biased." she told him, before leaning in for another kiss. It seemed she couldn't keep to herself today.
Alex felt a soft breeze against his back along with a shiver from the colder weather saying goodbye. He heard the first years first before Kiera broke away. Sending an ciing stare towards the first years very quickly, he smiled back at Kiera. 'You should be,' he commented back as Kiera said she was glad. Why on earth wouldn't she be?
Alex laughed as Kiera called him biased. He didn't think he was being biased but then, maybe he was a teeny bit. He smiled at Kiera. 'Not that much,' he objected, giving Kiera another kiss, not caring if the idiotic first years bothered to annoy them.
Kiera laughed as Alex stared at the first years. "They don't bother me." she said, ignoring them. They were probably just jealous that Kiera was the one kissing the Head Boy. He was attractive with his new brown hair. She ran her hands through his hair.
She couldn't help but grin as he said he wasn't that biased. Kiera disagreed. He was very biased. She just smiled a coy smile at him. "You know something? I love you." she told him, laughing. He was the best boyfriend she could ask for. She put her arms around him and kissed him with feeling. Not paying the slightest attention to the first years.
Alex smiled at Kiera. 'Hmm, you told me that already you know,' he joked with her, not bothering that she was telling him again. It was nice the feeling it gave him. He even belived himself to start falling in love with her, but he needn't tell her yet. He wasn't sure himself yet of his feelings to be honest. He felt the feeling behind the kiss and melted into it, absorbing Kiera's scent greedily.
Kiera laughed as he said that she had told him that already. She grinned. "Are you objecting to hearing it?" she asked teasingly. Her mood had turned into a great one. Kiera liked Alex's company. Somehow he always knew the right things to say. Kiera laughed as she remembered what had happened last term, having been reminded of it by the first years. "You remember telling me that we were going to have to stop this sport?" she said motioning to the two of them. "You said that they couldn't see the head girl snogging her boyfriend. How do you feel about that now Mr. Head Boy?" she said playfully.
Alex flashed her a cheeky smile. He didn't bother commenting on the question seeing as she was just teasing him. He laughed as she mentioned the talk they had had on the cliffs before. Alex's very pointless argument of them not kissing so much.
He shrugged towards Kiera before sticking his tongue out at her. 'I think the Head Boy needs a good cuffing round the ears for being so neglectant of the first years feelings,' he told her back, knowing fine well if the any of the Professors caught them, they'd get a warning most likely.
Kiera's heart melted at his smile. Why was it that every smile seemed to take her breath away? Kiera laughed as Alex told her the Head boy needed a cuffing round the ears. She grinned at him. They probably would get scolded if a Professor saw them like this but she didn't care in the least bit. Kiera laughed again as she had another thought.
"You know, maybe that's why they added that new lounge for us. They didn't want us snogging out here." she said playfully. "Though I don't mind. Maybe it will discourage the girls." she teased him.
Alex laughed as she had a guess on the lounge. 'You wish. I think's it's just so we can discuss school topics and practise our speeches without anyone overhearing us,' he replied, shakign his head at her. She was meant to be the sensible one here.
'Maybe I don't want the girls discouraged,' he teased back playfully. He meant nothing of it but he doubted if what she was saying was right, would actually discourage people. He doubted it was discouring the boys anyway.
Kiera listened to the idea Alex had about the room. She pretended to pout. "I think that I like my idea for the room better." she said with a sly smile towards him. If she had her way, she would probably be kissing him most of the time. "Since when did you start thinking about the meetings? I thought you didn't want your responsibility." she said curiously. Had he changed his mind? That would be news to Kiera.
Kiera pulled back slightly from Alex as he said he didn't want the girls discouraged. She crossed her arms and pretended to be upset. Kiera knew he was kidding but she was going to have some fun about it. "No discouraging the girls then?" she said.
Alex laughed. 'You would,' he joked with her before kissing her lightly. 'Responsibilty? Me? No, it's your meetings I'm talking about,' he replied, trying to convince himself inwardly. Was he becoming used to this whole responsibilty now? He didn't want to think aboutit. It was too scary.
He laughed as Kiera pretended to be upset. 'Well, it wouldn't hurt to play with them for a little while.' he joked back before smiling a crooked smile at her direction. He had just thought of quite a good plan. But there was no need to tell her here where anyone would ease drop. No, he'd save it for now.
Kiera grinned as Alex kissed her lightly. It was a nice kiss and one that was appropriate for the younger students around them to see. Not that Kiera cared. It was hardly a secret that the Head boy and Head girl were dating. She shook her head when she heard his answer. He didn't seem to like the idea that he might actually be getting used to having responsibility. "I think they are becoming your meetings too." she teased lightly. Kiera was intrigued as Alex said it wouldn't hurt to play with them. She laughed. "I'm not even going to ask." she told him with a smile on her face. He smiled her favorite smile and her heart melted. How did he always seem to be so perfect?
Alex sighed as she said they were his meetings too. 'You wish. I don't think that'll happen for a while yet,' he told her back with a quick smile. He didn't want that to happen for a long while, minimum to be honest. He laughed as she didn't want to ask. 'No, you don't,' he replied, still laughing. He shook his head at her smiling. 'So, have you done your homework yet?' he asked, referring to their CoMC assingment. He had yet to do it but she probably hadn't yet either, hopefully.

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