Trying Something New

Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Kiera was tired of being indoors. It was early in the morning but Kiera had been up for over an hour. She finally gave up trying to sleep and got dressed for the day in some muggle clothes. Since it was still chilly outside, Kiera put on her favorite pair of jeans with a light pink sweater. Kiera quietly left her room with nothing but her wand.

Kiera made her way down to the Lakefront with the intention of being able to practice the patronus charm without interruptions. She was determined to get her Patronus this year and Professor Rowann's words had only encouraged her. Kiera had attempted the charm several times before. So far, all she had been able to make appear was a few wisps of silvery smoke. Kiera found her favorite tree, one that she had sat underneath with Alex. Kiera crossed her legs and held her wand out in front of her.

Kiera knew she had to pick out a good memory if she wanted this charm to work for her. Kiera had read a few books about this charm and knew that the memory had to be especially happy. You were supposed to picture it in your head as if it were a muggle movie playing. Kiera smiled as she chose out her memory. It was definitely a happy one. Waving her wand, she said, "Expecto patronum!" Kiera grinned as she had a bit more success. This time the smoke resembled a shield instead of the little wisps of silver.
Alex was bored right now. He had spent the morning with some of the boys in the dorm mucking about on new looks and had decided he would try his hand at some beauty spells he had gotten off one of the girls. Course, half of them were definitely not acceptable for him or any of the straight boys anyway but some of them were quite ingenious, even if it was him saying that.

So with the boys, he had decided they all needed a new hair color and the truth of the matter was he was fed up with the blonde in his hair, not that he wanted black again. But something in the middle would be nice. Not to mention a new style of cut altogether. It had grown to be a little shaggy over the year and he felt he needed to shape his act up, being head boy and all.

But now that had been done, he had nothing else planned for today. So this was what he found himself doing yet again for the zillionth time in this school. HAving a wander outside...and stumbling upon people. Seeing his tree currently occupied by his second favourite person in his world, he smiled to himself. And she was practicing her patronus which seemed to have a lot better shape than his silver wisp.

'Hey, good patronus,' he commented taking a seat next to her. He hadn't remembered though with his new look to cover his voice up though this time, and his broad glaswegian accent slipped through quite successfully. Not many people heard it, which he was glad. He found the accent very ugly in his eyes and it wasn't exactly the best image to give people.
((Hmm who's his first favorite then? :p ))

Kiera was startled as she heard a voice behind her. However, she recognized the voice at once. It was her boyfriend Alex. "Thanks. I've been practicing a good bit. Its getting better." she said happily. She grinned as she turned to look at him. Beside her a boy that did not look like Alex. Her mouth dropped and eyes widened. Kiera's eyes were suddenly confused. The boy sounded like Alex but he had brown hair styled in a different way from her Alex. But it had to be him didn't it?

Kiera just stared at him for a few moments. "Alex?" she asked though she was sure it had to be him. But what had he done to his hair? Kiera didn't understand. "What did you do to your hair?" she asked.
(( Hmm, guess. :tut: ;) ))

Alex smiled as Kiera said she had been practicing. He trusted her to do all her school work the minute she got it as well, unlike him who always did it at the last minute in a rush. Sometimes, he had even done it at the breakfast table just before his lesson. He looked as she turned to see him and was confused when her mouth dropped. 'What?' he asked, completely dumbfounded at what could of brought this on.
His frown cleared though as she asked what he had done to his hair. He looked up, putting his hand on his head, checking for an egg or something incase someone had thrown it on him with out him noticing. He smiled his normal crooked smile at her, shurgging. 'I was bored so I decided it would be fun to take a pair of scissors to my hair,' he told her truthfully. 'Why? Does it look that bad?' he asked her, a cheeky smile forming on his lips. He had thought it had looked quite nice but maybe he was in for some trouble with Kiera for it.
((I haven't a clue :doh: ))

Kiera listened to what Alex said. All this came out of boredom. For him to have cut his own hair, she had to admit he had done a good job of it. She looked at him curiously as she tried to adjust to seeing his hair this way. It really changed his whole appearance. Kiera quickly shook her head as he asked if it was bad.
"No no of course not. I mean its just going to take some getting use to. Your hair has been blonde as long as I have known you." she admitted, still not taking her eyes from his face. "Actually you look rather dashing." she told him honestly. The new hair was starting to grow on Kiera. He was still attractive, just in a different way, and possibly an even better way. "Why didn't you tell me you were thinking about this?" she asked curiously.
(( Alex of course :cool: :r ))

Alex bit his lip thinking about when he did meet her. She was right, he had been blonde when she had met her. She had never seen his normal hair colour then. He smiled at her, laughing as she called him dashing. 'Hmm, at least it fits the dashing knight figure,' he joked with her, referring to their inside joke they had for ages.
'Well, it was just a spur of the moment thing really,' he shrugged, not really sure why she was so fused with wanting to know. He smiled at her charmingly before he remembered her patronus. 'By the way, what memory were you using for your patronus?' he asked her, wondering if he was perhaps using the wrong memory for his.
Kiera laughed as he said that the new hair fit the dashing knight figure. He was right, even if he was joking. She nudged him playfully. "Yes I have to agree." she admitted. Kiera smiled as he said it was spur of the moment decision. That made her feel better instead of feeling like he had not told her on purpose.
Kiera blushed as he asked what memory she was using. It was a little embarrassing to admit how infatuated she really was with Alex. However, she had a hard time denying anything he wanted to know. Kiera smiled sheepishly up at Alex. "Well, I was using a memory from this past summer." she started off saying. "It is the one from the hospital...when I told you I loved you and then you said you didn't think you could be without me." she said, hoping he hadn't just been saying that to her at the time.
Alex smiled as she nudged him on par with his joke. Upon hearing what memory she was using, his moved slightly away from her to get a good look at her. 'Really? That's your memory?' he asked, slightly amused but surprised in actual fact. He had been told it was meant to be the happiest memory you had which was pretty hard for him to do.
He had many memories that he had loved so much, but many of them kept reminding him of the fact Haden wasn't there. And when he found memories where Haden was, it always reminded him that he was dead and even with his first car. It linked all the time to the horrible cat. He had even found out he had a fear of cats now, not that he would tell anyone about that. He hid it very well.
Kiera didn't know what to make of Alex as he moved away from her. She wondered if that meant that he really didn't mean what he had told her. She frowned at his question.
"Yes that's the memory I used for the last attempt. Before that I was using the first time I won a competition, when I was only four. I figure it wasn't strong enough because I couldn't remember it as well. So I chose another memory closer to now." she said, explaining her thought process.
"Is it bad that it was my memory?" she asked cautiously not sure of what Alex would say about that. "I was very happy then." Kiera told him, meeting his eyes.

((Kiera doesn't know about Haden right?))
(( Nope, she doesn't :cool: ))

Alex's smile turned into a smirk as she said it wasn't a very strong memory. She obviously didn't have his terrible memory then. He could remember things since 5-6 years old vividly still to this day though he wished he didn't. With his past, it was stuff you didn't want to see much with all the crime and deaths imaginable.
'No, it's not bad at all. Just funny that it works for you but not me,' he replied to her. He had sensed her cautioness and realized he might of acted a little weird in response before. 'But everyone's different I guess,' he added, shrugging.
Kiera's expression didn't change as Alex said that memory wouldn't work for him. It hurt her feelings slightly though that he didn't think that memory was a happy one. It was one of Kiera's favorite memories. She looked down at the ground and picked at the grass blades. Anything to distract her from his face. Kiera wasn't about to admit what she was thinking.
Kiera nodded her head. "Yes, I suppose everyone is different. Have you tried this spell yet?" she asked. She knew several of the people in their year had been trying this spell. "What memory do you use?" she inquired.
Alex looked at Kiera's hands as she seemed very preoccupied with the grass. Had he said something wrong he wondered absentmindedly. 'Yeah, that's what I mean. I tried it with that memory for a while but it didn't seem to work. Actually, all the memories I have tried so far haven't seem to produce more than just a wisp,' he told her, his smile showing his fondness for her. She looked as nice as always today and was still jealous that even with his new hairstyle, she still managed to outshine him with beauty.
'Hey, you ok?' he asked her, his hands taking a loose strand of her hair and tucking it behind her ear.
Kiera listened as he said he had tried using that memory. It made her feel better that he had at least tried to use that memory. That meant he counted it as happy right? Kiera looked up at Alex. The smile he was looking at her with made her heart melt. How could she not love him when he looked at her like that? Kiera shivered at his touch. The corners of her lips pulled upwards forming a pretty little smile. Kiera now found his new look even more handsome than his old one had been. "Yes, I'm alright." she told him, meaning it. "So why do you think your memories aren't working?" she asked him, changing the subject back to Patronuses. "I only just now got it to make a shield thingy." she told him.
Alex shrugged. 'I have no idea. Honestly, I don't know what else to choose from. It's really frustrating,' he told Kiera. And it for several reasons it was frustrating. Not only did he have to dwell in his memories so many times but he had now found a spell extremely hard to do which was a first. He had always found his spells easy until this one.
'Maybe I'm not focusing enough into the memory enough,' he suddenly thought. Maybe that was it, he needed to feel like he was there again. Smiling wider at this thought he put it into his notes of things to do. 'But then, maybe it's just waiting for the right memory,' he added. Not many people on his class had mastered it yet thankfully though so he was not the only one.
Kiera nodded her head as he said it was frustrating. It was very frustrating in indeed. Kiera had never found charmwork difficult. It was something she naturally excelled at. Kiera listened as Alex thought outloud. "I think you are suppose to feel like you are there. Submerge yourself into the happiness of the moment." she said. Kiera wished desperately that she could master this charm during this year. It would be an accomplishment for her. She looked at Alex. "If you've run out of memories, maybe we should create more for you to choose from. Really happy ones." she said grinning at him.
Alex nodded out of habit as she agreed with his thoughts. He looked at her as she mentioned something interesting. Her grin made him laugh. Shaking his head slightly at her, he rolled his eyes towards the heavens. If she wasn't so sneaky like that, maybe he might not think she was a slytherin in disguise. 'Hmm, maybe we could do that. But they'd have to be very happy and that can be very hard,' he joked with her, his crooked smirk back onto his features.
He leaned in and gave her a tempting kiss, his smirk taking place as their lips parted. ''xcept for you course. ' he teased her playfully.
Kiera laughed as Alex rolled his eyes. She listened as Alex began to talk. She grinned wickedly at Alex. "It's not hard to have happy memories if you let them be happy." she said as if it was the most obvious think. Kiera's sentence was cut off as Alex kissed her. Her heart skipped a beat. She doubted that she would ever get used to this. Kiera melted into his kiss. Kiera smiled seductively as Alex teased her. "Maybe you should stop thinking so much and just be happy." she told him, rolling her eyes.
Alex laughed as Kiera told him to stop thinking and be happy. 'But that's impossible to be happy when I already am, silly,' he told her sticking his tongue out at her. It was true, he was happy, even though he seemed to be a lot more thinking that he normally was. 'Besides. What gives you the impression I'm not happy?' he asked her, curious. He wasn't sending involuntary vibes out, was he?

(sorry, really lame :correct: )
Kiera grinned as Alex stuck his tongue out at her. "You didn't seem so happy a minute or two ago." she pointed out. "You looked like you were thinking about unpleasant things." she told him curiously. Kiera scooted closer to Alex. She put her head on his chest. She looked up at him, her eyes questioning. "What were you thinking about?" she asked, tracing her fingers across his chest.
Alex raised an eyebrow at her. 'Was I?' he asked, not being aware he had been. Hmm, he didn't seem to be aware of much nowadays...
He felt the warmth of Kiera flow into him as she sat next to him and let his arm slip round her. 'Umm, I can't remember. When are we talking about again?' he asked, slightly confused on what she was saying. Not too mention how ticklish he was and the tracing was giving him something to try and ignore.
Kiera let her fingers drop from his chest. She nodded her head at his first question. What was going on with him today? It didn't seem that he could remember anything. Were his thoughts on something else? On someone else? Kiera frowned at her boyfriend. "Alex, are you alright?" she asked him, now worried. "We were talking about memories." she said, answering his question.
Alex was a bit relieved as Kiera stopped tracing his chest. He wouldn't have to try and ignore the itching feeling to shiver under it. He laughed as Kiera asked him if he was ok. ' Course I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be?' he asked, now confused even more about why she thought there was something up with him. Geesh, he couldn't believe what was up with things today? He seemed normal enough to him.
'I know we were talking about memories. I was just confused on the when you were asking me about what I was thinking of.' he added calmly. He ran his long fingers through his hair a bit uneasy now. It seemed to be something wrong with him and he wasn't sure what it was now but it was making his self conscious.
Kiera frowned at her boyfriend as he said he was okay. Something was different but Kiera couldn't put her finger on what it was. "Nevermind. Let's just talk about something else." she said trying not to panic about the reason that he was acting strange. Kiera looked up at Alex. "So the other day, I was talking to this boy, Beau. He said something about you sending a girl to the hospital wing?" she said, raising her eyebrow at him.
Alex bit his lip as Kiera mentioned about Maria. It wasn't entirely his fault but everyone was making it seem like it was and it wasn't fair. After all, he had already felt guilty enough for it in the first place but people were reminding him all the time. He smiled weakly at Kiera. 'Yep, that's me.' he replied shrugging. He didn't think he'd bother trying to explain it to her. She would probably lecture him on it like Prof.Merrythought did.
Kiera looked at Alex skeptically. He admitted he had done that, and Kiera's jaw dropped. "What happened?" she asked curious. "Beau told me she kicked you hard." she said, making a face. She was not pleased at all that some little first year had tried to hurt him. Kiera intended to find the girl and have a little talk with her. Kiera leaned back into Alex as she waited for him to explain. She wrapped her arm around his chest in a loving way.

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