Trying something new and different

Meera Gupta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Beauxbatons was having Christmas break. For Meera Gupta this meant spending more time with her family in Paris and continuing her training with her mentor, Arjun. He had told her the other day that she had shown a lot of improvement in the past year and he was proud of her. This news had made Princess Meera very happy but she had no way of showing her thanks to her mentor. He was always at work. Guarding her or teaching her. She knew that he had the full potential of being an Auror. He was brilliant not only at his Defence Against the Dark Arts but also knew hand to hand combat, archery and sword fighting. Sometimes she felt guilty that Arjun could not enjoy social life because of her family. He was twenty two years old, smart and handsome and caused quite a steer among the female witches in social gatherings. But that was it. She knew that if it weren't for being with his family he would probably be a successful wizard right now with a girl by his side but convincing him to date was no where near possible. She had tried it two years back and had failed. This time, the Indian Princess had a new plan set for her mentor. He would probably be very mad at her for doing it but she didn't care. She was going to plan a fun night for Arjun even if it meant risking her own life and being without a guard in a distant land for a night. The stage was ready and Arjun was totally unaware of what she had in stock for him. Meera knew it was being irresponsible but this was her first time at such behavior and she was okay with any lectures she would have to hear later. The perfect day was selected by Meera. Her parents had a night out planned with their friends. She had put on a convincing act and had managed to get permission to attend the 'birthday party' of her friend. Her parents were too involved planning their night and they had not asked for details. As usual they had full trust in Arjun. He was going to accompany her, just what she wanted actually.

Meera had put on an ankle-length black coat. She had gotten an obvious curious stare from her mentor. This was so not in fashion but she had to do it. Besides she would get rid of the coat before they reached their destination and no one would ever be able to spot Meera with bad fashion. She walked out of the manner with her mentor and they apparated to the place. It was a dark alley in a wizarding village in London. As soon as her feet touched the ground she looked on both sides, sighing with relief to see no one had spotted them. It was a wizarding village, Meera was not afraid of the magic. She was afraid of the ugly coat. She started unbuttoning it as her mentor watched her curiously, slightly puzzled because he was expecting the location to be full of lights and crowded. Meera watched Arjun's eyes go wide as she finished unbuttoning her coat and threw it to the side of the street. If he wasn't seven year's older than her and her mentor she would have been sure he was checking her out. "What?" she said, her tone slightly rude. She did not care. Not for tonight. If her rudeness meant that Arjun would think before interrogating her than she was fine with being rude. When his reply was something that sounded like "Well..your outfit is ..". Meera quickly shot him a look and replied "Yes. It's short and revealing. I can't always wear Indian clothes" she said as she put her hand through his. She knew that he would always remember that she was a Princess, before she was his student and when she talked to him like this he would not say anything. She was right. It pained her to be so hard on him but it was all for his fun. She had made sure to select his clothes. It was a black jeans and a blue and black t-shirt with a coat. It made him look nice. She started walking, leading him to the planned spot. They emerged on a packed street with shining lights and they heard loud music coming from a corner. It was a wizarding club, the place where she was leading her mentor to.

As they approached the club, Arjun seemed to have realized something was up and he forgot all his respect for the Princess and stopped walking, bringing Meera to a sudden halt. "This is no birthday party!" he exclaimed. They were right outside the door to the club's entrance. "Of course it is!" Meera said, a smirk on her face. "My friend is of age and this is what she wanted" Meera said, making her tone sound like what she was saying was so obvious. Meera started walking again, leading her mentor through the door as she flashed two Identity cards. One was Arjun's which she had gotten from his wallet, earlier that evening. The second one was her's. It was fake as she was underage. She ignored the distraught look her mentor was giving her. She knew she had to spike his drink but she didn't expect that she would have to do it so soon. The music was loud and she knew that even if he wanted to say anything, his words would not reach his ears. She had told him that it was a surprise party and her friend would arrive in the next fifteen minutes. The truth was that no friend of her's was coming. Instead a witch, who was Arjun's age and had an eye out for him was coming to go on a date with him. She needed to get him in the mood for that. She had fifteen minutes. She wanted to lead him straight to the bar but that would make him suspicious. "Dance with me" she practically shouted in his ear. He was surprised once again but Meera just ignored that and took his hand into hers. If he was going to keep giving her these looks, it was going to be hard but Meera knew that she was not going to back down, not now. She decided to take the lead because he was being to shy about this. She pulled him closer and set his hands on her waist. She slid open the zip of her jacket, not all the way through but just enough for him to get a look of her black bra. Under normal circumstances, Meera would have died before doing this but tonight was different. She had been drinking caffeine all evening and it was proving to affect her. She watched as her mentor flinched at their closeness and couldn't take his eyes off her. She ignored his eyes going huge again as she had slid her zip down but she put a hand on his chin and pulled his face up to look at her. She was quite tall for her age and the heels were doing an excellent job at making her look older. She knew that most adults at clubs wore revealing clothes and she wanted to look just right and blend in. She started moving to the beat, leading Arjun with her. She tried to ignore the tension between them. She hoped he would not remember much of it after meeting the witch. After a minute or two, surprisingly Arjun was enjoying himself and had taken the lead and they continued dancing for the next ten minutes. As the song ended, Meera knew this was the que for her next big step. She flashed him a smile and lead him to the bar.
Aodh was finally back in England after a shorter visit to New Zealand. A trip made to look after his big sister Caya after he had gotten the terrible news of a guy breaking her heart. That it was all old news didn't matter, he promised something like it would never happen again.

All his family was back in their New Zealand house as they always did for a new Hogwartz year. And the big familyhome in London was all so empty when mom, dad and Viola wasn't home. All quiet except for the servants cleaning and cooking and stuff. This year Viola, his little sister whom he'd not seen for a year or so, had her debute at Hogwarts as a yearling, as he called the first years. The first years always looked like cattle. Always following the stream. Mainly completely idiotic kids. Some had potential some not. He had also done some other business while there.

He was so tired after the time change but decided anyway to leave the empty familyhome to hit the streets and his favorite place in London. As he walked down the streets to the place his mind wandered off back to the street outside the three broomsticks where he had found his sister Caya accompanied by a blond guy. A ministry official. How in the world could that happen? He had sworn to keep her safe. No ministry offical would lay his dirty hand on her. But he had failed and Caya had with an angry look on her face told him to leave. Those words had hurt. But he decided to let go of those thoughts with a few drinks and have some fun.

He had on a white shirt with a black collar and black cuffs. A dark green tie. Costume trousers. Nice shoes. And a jacket. Nothing could go wrong except for his attitude perhaps. His hair was messy on purpose. He was right behind the girl and her older friend entering the club. Her looks took his immediate attention but he was a guy without company and therefore he had to wait outside to get in. Just as the muggle-clubs. He decided to not be upset and loose hiss temper, as he tried his best to get a glimpse of where the company were heading.

He went to the back of the building to see if he could get inside in some other way. He didn't like to be kept waiting. He found the back door and with some effort he got it open and sneaked in and hid himself in the room of wich the staff were dressing for work. He then swiftly walked through the door where it said 'crew only' and entered the club area. A witch said he wasn't suposed to go there. He answered quickly "I thought those were the doors to the restrooms, I guess I was wrong." The girl looked at her and he smiled with a smug expression on his face and just went straight to the bar to get himself something to drink.

He sat there and looked from a side on the people dancing on the dancefloor. They looked stupid. Then he saw her. The beauty from outside, along with her older friend. He met her eyes in the flick of a second as she walked up to the bar.
As Meera walked to the bar, she scanned the people currently seated by it and the bar tender. She met a pair of blue eyes looking at her for a brief second. The boy did not look much older than her and she wondered if he perhaps knew her from somewhere. She did not want to be identified and having someone around was certainly not going to be ideal. She flashed him a smile, meeting his eyes for another minute hoping to confuse him or at least warn him from saying anything that would get her thrown out from the club. She took a seat next to the boy but turned to face her mentor. Arjun, as observant and sharp as he was had obviously noticed the exchange between the man and Meera. He was tired of the she was behaving tonight. It was all mysterious and it scared him a bit. He was not used to being so close to her and seeing this different side of hers was intimidating. He hoped the man who was seated on the left of Meera was a friend of her friend and nothing more. It was all too risky and he did not want Meera or her family in any sort of trouble. "Should we get drinks?" Meera asked giving her mentor a warm smile before she ordered firewhiskey for Arjun. She knew he never drank when he was guarding her but she was not going to hear his 'no' for an answer. She ordered a buttebeer for herself. The bartender eyed her suspiciously when she asked for a butterbeer but Meera gave no explanation. Meera knew that adults didn't come to clubs and drink butterbeer but she could not afford to consume alcohol. In case something went wrong she would need to be in her senses and she had never taken alcohol before and she was in no hurry of breaking that part of her culture.

She would have avoided such clothes as well if she could help it but entering the club in a very elegant non-revealing dress would have raised more questions than what she was wearing now. She caught a few people on the dance floor and in the club looking at her. She knew she had put on more make up then she usually would. She had done some dark shades of eye shadow and put on lipstick. Most of the other girls were wearing tight and revealing clothing too and had much more make up on then she had. She hoped the people looking at her would get bored after a while and look at people who actually wanted to hook up with them.Once she placed the order, she heard Arjun talking in her ear. It was loud but she knew he would not let her stay in peace until he knew what was going on. "Why did you order firewhiskey for me?"he asked, giving her a hard and angry expression. Meera knew this was going to be coming and so she said casually "Because you're in a club. And if you plan to stay here for the rest of the night and tolerate me with my clothes need courage to dance with me." She had to say this in his ear and leaned towards him while saying it. She knew the very closeness was going to scare him. His expression proved her right. She knew he was thinking she was acting like a slut but she was happily going to let him think that. Their drinks were ready and Meera picked up her butterbeer and took a small sip of it before licking her lips in a seductive way while looking at her mentor. She knew this would throw him off and make him drink the alcohol she was about to spike. He continued watching her, a different look in his eyes than the one that he normally had. This is going to be harder than I thought, Meera thought to herself. Meera needed a distraction and something to upset him more. "There's my friend" Meera said putting an excited look on her face as she looked at the door. Arjun turned to look at the crowd too. Meera quickly pulled out the small vile from her pocket and slipped the contents into the firewhiskey. "Its not her" she said once her work was done. Those few seconds had been enough and now she had a upset look on her face. She watched as her mentor turned back watching her closely but not touching his drink. The contents of the firewhiskey now had a weak love potion that Meera had paid to be specifically brewed for the witch that was meeting Arjun tonight. She was going to come soon and if he did not drink this before she arrived, it would be a disaster. "If you're planning to just sit and look at me all night, fine! If you'd rather see me dance with others I'm okay with that" Meera began once again, her act of using harsh words. This was certainly going to upset her mentor. She ran her hand through her dark curly hair, adjusting some strands that had fallen to the side of her face. She turned to her left to face the boy she had smiled at earlier. He seemed to be by himself. She wondered if he was waiting for someone. "Hey" she said to the boy, trying to make her voice sound more mature and sexy and not the girly type it usually was. It had sounded better than usual. She hoped it would work.
Aodh found himself stuck in the girls dark eyes. The beauty of the almond shaped onyxes was stunning. Or... Maybe they were more like dark diamonds? Her eyes sparkeled like stars in the light. Diamonds... The whole girl seemed like a gem to him and worth her weight in gold. He didn't turn his gaze away. He fell deeper into them by every second that passed them by. Her breath taking smile sent a shiver down his spine and made the hair in his neck stand. She was a girl that he suddenly felt an urge to posess. It felt like she forced down his guard and looked right into his soul. It burned inside of him, he felt like a weakened man, and suddenly felt an urge to make a move.

''You want something?" The one armed bartender said rather briskly as he spat on a cloth and polished some drinking glasses. Aodh made a disgusted face at the unhygienic ways the bartender did his job and looked back at the girl but the connection between them was lost and she had turned her attention to her company again. He could smell her scent and closed his eyes at the spicy smell, must be incense, he guessed. "Sir?" the bartender interupted again. "You want something or not?" he said with a gruff tone to his voice. Aodh looked up at Mr one arm with a frowned expression upon his face. ''Some red wine with lime. In a non spat at glass.'' Aodh answered in a patronizing tone. One arm sighed and poured up some wine for the unpolite guest, put some lime in it and then helped the couple next.

Aodh wondered what kind of relationship the couple had. She looked rather young and he far too old. The expression on his face while they were talking got Aodh thinking of a couple soon to break up or a big brother to his sister. But he couldn't see anything that supported those thoughts. As he didn't look comfortable with her getting too close. Maybe they were on a date? It didn't seem like they did too good thou. Aodh took his drink up and took a sip feeling the taste cleanse his mouth.

He then saw something strange, he didn't believe his eyes at first. The girl poured something into her companys drink as he looked away at the door. Yes. He definitely saw the liquid turn the coulor of the drink red before it went back to the normal golden one. Why did she do that for? A love potion no doubt. Was she so desperate for him to get to like her? And on a first date? He chuckled. Definitely a girl of his liking. One arm hadn't noticed and not anyone else either. That could be his chance of getting her on the hook.

She then turned at him. He didn't think that she actually was looking at him before he looked around and saw no one behind him. Her Hey definitely set him off. His insides twisted. "Hi you." He said calmly, didn't feel at ease with his insides twisting just because a girl spoke to him. He then took a sip of his wine casually. "You wanted something special?" he then added as the girl still looked his way. "Your cavallier not so accomodated to you as you would like him to be?" he smirked.
When Meera had turned to talk to the guy on her left, she was not very sure that he would reply her. She had the least experience in flirting or talking to single men in clubs. She tried to keep her mind calm, as she watched his face. He was good looking and his clothing was far better than most people in the room. That was always the first thing Meera checked before she talked to people. She had not expected a question from him though. Something special? she thought hoping that he had not guessed her age. She did not want to get caught by a stranger. She wondered if he had heard her ordering a butterbeer. It was stupid on her part. It would have been better if she had pretended to drink alcohol or even if she had actually drunk some instead of asking for buttebeer. Maybe she could let him in on her secret plan but not before Arjun had put the firewhiskey down his throat. His next question and smirk scared her a little as the realization that the boy had seen her spiking Arjun's drink hit her. No expression of fear crossed her face and she maintained her calm and composed expression. "He is the boring type" she explained with a shrug as she put her right arm on the table of the bar completely blocking her mentor out of the view, letting her hair fall as a curtain between her and Arjun. She shifted her drink to her left arm and leaned on the bar table using her right arm. "It's always work that plays on his mind" she added. The second statement was totally true and the first, partially.He was not totally boring but right now he was. She knew that the boy sitting in front of her was thinking that she was desperate for Arjun's attention and she would let him think that, as long as it meant that he would talk to her and make Arjun upset. "I see you have got no company" she commented her smirk coming back to her face as she tried to steer the conversation to be about the boy instead of herself. She shifted her right leg to stay on top of her left leg and noticed how exposed they were. She was slim and could easily carry it off but she was not used to wearing mini exposing skirts.

Behind her she heard a small thud as a glass banged on the bar table before her mentor spoke in a low yet audible voice, the name of the witch who was going to be his date tonight. "Rosemarie". Meera knew what this meant. His mentor had finally gotten upset over Meera's behavior and had swallowed his entire drink in one gulp. He was now having the love potion in his system and was ready to have some fun. "Excuse me for a second" she said to the boy. As she uncrossed her legs and got down her stool that had raised her posture she quickly noticed a young blonde witch making her way towards them. She was the Rosemarie who Arjun was taking on a date tonight. Meera turned quickly to her mentor, studying his face in a quick second. His eyes were not focused and his face was relaxed and happy looking. "You want her, don't you?" she asked him, a little in awe of the effects love potion could have. She had never seen someone under its effects. "Here she comes. Take her on a date. Dinner and dance in Paris" Meera said into her mentor's ear. His face quickly shone, radiating more happiness at the prospect of meeting the one whom he 'loved'. As the witch came to a stop before them, she too, like all others in the bar looked at Meera from head to toe surprised by her choice of clothing. Meera ignored that and moved forward to kiss the witch on both her cheeks, the usual French greeting. "Here is your date" she told the witch with a grin. She knew that Rosemarie would be too excited and forget all about Meera's inappropriate clothing after a while. Arjun was ready and moved forward in a quick step. He closed the gap between Rosemarie and himself and kissed her fully on her lips. Meera stood, smirking as she watched the action. The witch was taken by surprise but was happy to be kissed. "I'll see you later" Arjun said to Meera, barely looking at her before leading Rosemarie out of the bar.

Meera sighed with relief but then the realization of being all alone hit her. She had not planned much on what she would do after sending Arjun on the date. The hard part of her mission was over but being alone in this wizarding bar dressed in revealing clothing was not something that made the young witch confident and comfortable. She decided to at least finish her butterbeer before finding a floo network to take her home. She returned to her seat next to the wizard whom she now noticed fully. Her opinion on boys had recently been changed after meeting Lake Silver. Most boys, especially those who were a little matured and did not attend Beauxbatons were different from the usual ones. Beauxbatons boys enjoyed in teasing, taunting and trying to get Meera to date them on any occasion they got. Lake had not been like that and that had made her realize that boys could be made friends. She could even picture herself romantically involved with someone now that she was over the 'all boys are trash' motto. "Sorry about that" she said apologizing for her weird behavior. She crossed her legs once again and took a sip of her chilled butterbeer. "My cavallier is too boring to have fun in right mind. Thought I'd give him a treat" she said with a smirk happy that her plan had worked out alright. The song changed and a new one started playing. This was one of Meera's favorite and she wanted to dance but her company had just left. She knew she would not get another chance of clubbing anytime before she was seventeen and enjoying tonight while it lasted suddenly seemed like a good choice to her.
Aodh noticed that the pretty girl checked him out and he felt utterly content about that fact. An even wider smirk took over his face. This was his usual outfit for a night out. So he felt very comfortable in it. For daytime he would wear something more casual, a shirt with a few buttons unbuttoned and black trousers with converse to go with that. Aodh hadn’t really noticed what the girl was drinking. At her comment he looked over at Arjun and that man really looked like the boring type, but still he was the girls company. Her hair blocked his view so he placed his eyes upon her face instead. Her eyes were like diamonds, full of life.

Aodh almost choked on his drink that he had just sipped from. Did she just say that he had job on his mind? Like her, as a job, that’s interesting.

Aodh turned and looked behind him at her statement. He then turned back. ‘’No, it seems like I’ve lost them somewhere.’’ He joked. ‘’Wonder where they did go.’’ He then looked down onto her legs and felt a shiver run through his spine. His mouth got dry. He looked up at her face again and hoped that she hadn’t noticed his gaze.

The girl suddenly turned away from him and turned back to her company. He looked at the glass. The man had finished it all. He laughed and decided to enjoy the show. But it wasn’t the show that he had expected.

The couple seemed to talk about someone on the other side of the room. And suddenly before he knew the guy himself took a few steps towards a girl coming up to them and kissed her deeply. Aodh looked over at the girl, was that her plan all along or did she just loose her guy to someone else?

Aodh sat numb. ‘’What the he…’’ He said to himself before he swallowed down the rest of his wine. He didn’t expect that. He then looked at the girl as she sat down again. He didn’t know where to look. He licked his lip from the taste of the wine and then glanced at her. ‘’Sorry for what?’’ he said weakly before he smiled. ‘’What on earth was all that about my young lady?’’
Once seated again, Meera heard the man joke about his company gone missing. She laughed as she thought about a witty comment that she would have made if she had known the man better but he was just a stranger she barely knew him and she did not want to upset him or say something that would clearly show how young she was. She sipped her butterbeer some more and watched the man, enjoying the music that was being played. She felt the power of his gaze on her and did not miss when he looked at her legs. Boy, what have I gotten myself into she thought nervously. Back at Beauxbatons boys constantly checked her out and she always noticed when they did but her clothes were never revealing. Always elegant and stylish.

Meera had enjoyed the small confusion that the man's face clearly reflected as Arjun left with another woman. She smiled back as he asked her what she had just done. Not that it was any of his business but she did not want him to think that she had been rejected in any way. She rejected people and not the other way round. "My guardian needed a break but he wouldn't hear about dating someone as that would distract him from protecting me" she explained sipping some more butterbeer as she let the message sink into the man that Arjun was just her guardian and friend, nothing more. "I spiked his drink with love potion. It was not meant for him to be attracted to me. My actions were just to distract him from discovering my motive" Meera continued, now a cocky smile on her face. "He's in for a fun night with the witch. Until the effects wear off" she said with a grin at the man as she concluded her story before she winked at him. Holding her glass, she let her finger circle the rim as she watched her butterbeer wondering if she should head back home. "Looks like we both have no company now" she commented, her eyes once again looking up at the man as she grinned.
Aodh tried to relax, but the girl had a weird way on him. The air seemed thicker when she sat close to him and her diamond eyes looked straight at him. Aodh didn't even know her name.

He laughed a bit when she in more ways than one made clear that she didn't have company. That she hadn't been rejected. That the man had been or was her guardian.

''Your guardian!? How old are you?" he said in a brittish accent. ''You're a very bad girl.'' he stated smiling from ear to ear. This girl was fascinating. What else did she have up her sleeves?

He looked around surprised again. ''They're still not here!?'' he said jokingly. ''Yes it seems like it's just you and me then. He met her grin and looked a bit superior.

''Can I buy you a drink?'' he asked pointing at her soon to be empty glass. ''What's youre name by the way? I'm Aodh Wilkes, I live near by. Or rather my family does. I don't really have my own place.'' Aodh get a grip, stop rambling. He smiled and sighed. ''You look good. You've got nice legs-dress-. A nice dress. Was that man your guardian you said?''
Meera had known that the man would sooner or later figure out that she was young but she had not expected him to question her so directly. That was rude. No girl or woman could be asked about her age. She tried to keep her face calm and answered "Let's just say I'm still in school." She did not want to give him any specifics, not yet because she did not know if she could trust him. She could not let her guard now so fast. Although she had to admit that the man was clearly bringing thoughts in her head that she had never thought she could imagine before. She smiled as he said she was a bad girl. "No one likes all good in people" she commented before taking the last sip of her butterbeer. She certainly needed to get back home. She knew Arjun would be mad at her for the love potion but risking this, hanging out in a night club with stranger was something he would not forgive her for.Meera was just ready to announce that she would be leaving when the man stated once again that it was just them now. She could surely hang out for a bit more. She didn't want to be mean and leave the man all by himself. He was being a gentleman and she could not say no. The confirmation that the man did not have his own place made Meera feel better. He could not be much older than her.

"I'm Meera Gupta. I live in France and attend Beauxbatons" she said introducing herself realizing that she had clearly forgotten her manners and had been talking without introductions. His name was different. She had not heard it before. "Yes you can buy me a drink, Aodh" she said allowing herself one more butterbeer. His next comment made the color in her cheeks rise and she turned red. She had not expected him to compliment her so openly and she had not been fooled by his attempt to change 'legs' into dress. She was in no angle wearing a dress. She was wearing a skirt and a jacket which she now realized still had its zip lowered to reveal some part of her chest and her bra. "Um..thanks" was all she managed to say. She felt a new emotion, something she had not felt before. It was this feeling that made her feel light, slightly dizzy and yet happy. She managed a smile and said "You don't look bad either". In all this mention of her 'dress' she had completely forgotten Aodh asking her about her guardian again. The bartender gave her the next butterbeer and she wondered if staying for one more had been a good idea. All this rush of emotion was new to her but it made her want to stay more. This time she took a big gulp of her butterbeer hoping that it could be alcohol and make her nerves rest but she was not going to start drinking just yet.
"You're nicely dressed." He finally said. He rumbled some more, what was wrong with him? He seemed to have lost it. Something was definitely wrong. Well whatever, just go with it. He looked at her stunned that she was still in school. She looked so much more mature than that. He made himself ready to ask what year but her look on her face seemed like that's all he was going to get out of her tonight about that. "I'd drink to that. For bad girl and bad guys." He smiled. As they drank together and he noticed she run out of hers.
He licked his lips from the wine and then grinned. "So you're a blueberry. That explains not only your fine looks but also your small tiny accent. And -that's- why I haven't seen you before." He laughed shortly. Their school uniform sure looked weird as- Those hats! Blueberries. "Well, a little joke for my part. I beg your pardon miss. Gupta. I could never tell you'd attending Beauxbatons." He continued jokingly. He then asked her if he could buy her a drink as a peace offering. He just asked the bartender for the same she had before and did never know it was just butterbeer she drank.
He felt content about her remark and smiled widely when she said he didn't look so bad either. "So, Why do you need a guardian? Are you such a bad girl?" He was amused by this and kept his eyes on her even over his glass when he drank. "Meera, is it okay, yeah, if you're from France what brings you to London?"
Meera kept her smile up as she accepted the refill of her butterbeer and drank to 'bad girls and bad guys'. She enjoyed butterbeer but she drank it seldom because in France it was more on non alcoholic champagne or juice. She had never been a bad girl except for tonight. Drinking to this first experience did not seem so bad because always behaving the right way and doing the right things made her feel bored. She needed some fun and adventure even if it came at a cost. She laughed as he called her a 'blueberry'. She had not been called that before. "I would like to give the credit of my looks to my parents" she said with a small smile. Living in France did not make people pretty.It just gave them more manners and elegance but her looks were different. Normal French girls were slim, blonde and even pale sometimes. She had been told she was prettier than that lot. A slight tan, black hair and thin but muscular body with curves was something that the French girls could not have and for having these traits she thanked her parents. And I have never been to a club before, she thought to herself.

She drank more butterbeer enjoying the smiles from Aodh. She was giving him a few herself, something that was another first for her. She knew she acted mature for her age. It was just the way she was and maybe that was why she found most people her age, especially boys very kiddish. "What about you, Aodh, I suppose you must have graduated from somewhere?" she asked curiously. It was very new for her, the feeling of wanting to know more about the man. She listened to the music that was till very loud but catchy. It was all in English but she knew English just as much as French and enjoyed western music. She usually played to Indian songs but she had a feeling that playing to western music would be enjoyable too but she had not got a chance to try it yet. She watched a couple on the dance floor dancing, both seemed drunk and she knew not if it was love or lust to make them make out right on the dance floor but she easily figured out that they did not know much dancing because the girl was always stepping on the guy. If they continued dancing they would end up falling or making their neighbors trip. She looked at Aodh once again. He took her off guard with his question. Many times people asked her why she needed a guardian and always she gave them the same answer. "My parents think I should have one" she said her usual, memorized answer, her face emotionless as she easily lied her usual lie. "Maybe I am a bad girl" she said with a smirk and laughed at her own joke. "I felt like spoiling a few people in London for a change" she replied taking another sip of her butterbeer and licking her lips. The track changed and now a fast number that was on top of the music charts begun playing. She tapped the floor with her heels unable to resist the music.
Aodh had his mind elsewhere and tried desperately to keep focus. What was his sister doing now? ‘Why do I keep thinking of this? Why am I going over this a thousand times over and over again? Focus Aodh!’ The girl laughed. Had he been funny? He couldn’t remember. He nodded and smiled. Had she also asked him something? It didn’t seem like it. So he kept on smiling and hoped for the best.

He looked at her. “Yes I graduated a year ago. Nothing much since.” He said following her gaze, acting like he didn’t really care about that fact. But he really did. He missed having a schedule and following rutines. The days just seemed to blend into one another these days. Maybe he didn’t really miss school. If he would really have to go back he would probably hate it. He swallowed.

“So you don’t mind about having a guardian? It sure seemed like something more than just a guardian. Be honest.” He said in disbelief. “I doubt you’re a bad girl, I actually –really- don’t believe you.” He smirked. Aodhs mind wandered off again, but he snapped himself out of it very quixkly. “So how are you liking it here? Do you like England? You have any friends or family here?” He noticed her tapping on the floor. “You like to dance?”
He wasn't easy to read, not on a deeper level anyways. He was checking her out when he thought she didn't look and he wondered so desperately what was on her mind. "So this guardian of yours, how do you know him? Why a love potion in the first place. It did backfire on you, didn't it? You were trying to get him to hook up with you but you failed?" He tried to make a joke but it fell kind of flat. He drank some more wine.

Mr onearm at the bar looked at them. Aodh stared back. I'm not going to hurt her. I'm just having fun. He had a conversation in his head. Back off onearm. His mind went back to Meera again. ''So, Meera, it is Meera right? Do you care for a dance then? Trying to forget something and maybe a dance with an attractive lady could help me. I won't take no for an answer. I can see how your tapping on the floor with your shoe." He got bold now, didn't he? Was he too much? Trying too hard? He just needed to wait for her reply. Please stay focused on what she's saying Aodh, he thought for himself.
Meera knew exactly how she would be spending the year after her graduation. It had been planned for her and she was going to follow that plan. Sometimes it made her sad when she thought about her life after school. Yes she would be recognized as a Princess and her family would finally have their rightful place as the rulers but what about her connection to the wizarding world? Meera was never able to tell everyone why she couldn't think about becoming an Auror or a Healer perhaps. As Meera herself was very focused in life and had goals she liked people who had a passion in life about something, anything. She was not very pleased that Aodh did not have much going on in his life for a year now. "Must be boring. You should try to get an internship or something" she said with an encouraging smile. She honestly could not see someone idle. She knew that those looking forward to be healers, aurors or writers had to be an intern and train before they got proper payment but that would be a good place to start.

She finished the remainder of her butterbeer feeling that this was enough for tonight. The wise thing would have been to get going but she finally had gotten a conversation going and Aodh seemed like a nice guy. And this coming from Meera was the highest level of compliment because for her most guys were trash. She heard Aodh question her about Arjun and her relationship with him. She chuckled as he said he did not believe her. Not many people questioned her about these things for a second time but those who did usually came up as those who actually wanted to know. "I've known him for a long time now. He's my friend too" she explained with a grin. And he is my mentor she thought hoping she wouldn't have to hide all this from people. She laughed as he said the love potion was meant for her. He was truly teasing her now and surprisingly she was enjoying it. A need to have him believe that there was nothing between herself and her guardian seemed to come to her and she spoke once again "Its like I said before...I'm not interested in him..or anyone else." The last part she had not planned on revealing to Aodh but suddenly she had told him she was single. She knew that dating possibilities were only a dream for her, one that could not come true because of all the secret and lies. Plus her parents would probably pick a right suitor, a Prince for her when she was older and she would have an arranged marriage. That was her culture but after living in France all these years and seeing almost everyone have someone special Meera wanted that too. She just hadn't admitted that to herself yet.

"I have been to London once with my family for a holiday trip and I don't have any family here. It's beautiful but France is better.I am afraid nothing else to attracts me to England" she said speaking what was in her mind as she watched Adrian's face wondering what he was thinking. It was harder to read. "You ever been to France?"asked Meera wanting to know if Aodh had seen her country. Her country she thought repeating what she was thinking. It seemed like she was betraying the place where she would one day rule by claiming France as hers instead of her hometown in India. She realized she had been enjoying the music and Aodh had picked up her desire to dance. It was a brand new experience dancing in a club with someone she had just met. It was not like ballroom dancing. She swallowed as she thought quickly. She did want to dance and he was being a gentleman and she would never have this chance again. "Finally, Mr.Wilkes, I thought you'd never ask" she said with a teasing grin and got up from her chair, her eyes looking into the dance floor. It was pretty crowded and she thought about where exactly Aodh would prefer dancing.
''Schools are nothing for me."
He finished his drink aswell, the last few drips. "So, you'd like to think." he said about her guardian. "But you really don't know him at all.'' He leaned in closer to whisper in her ear. "He's a spy for the dark."

''Not anyone at all?" he asked. "Well, the better for me." he teased with a smile.

''Oh, come now. There's no better place than London. With all the muggles crowded and wizards in every corners. Do you say you enjoy being a blueberry? Me, on my hand, we've got relatives in New Zealand, so we enjoyed Hogwartz there. And no. I've never been to France. My sis has, Caya, that is and she enjoys it like a second or third home."

"I don't look much for the world, but I'm one hell of a dancer. C'mon Meera." He took her hand and took her onto the dancefloor. He seemed like another person on the floor. Dancing, moving like born a dancer. ''My sis is a professional dancer, she've been dancing with me for a practise.'' he smiled and spinned her taking her hand. Taking the lead.
Meera knew that her few selected friends whenever they visited home were always curious about her guardian, Arjun. Some of them asked a lot of questions which Meera answered very carefully and cleverly while others were curious but remained silent. "I'll watch out for when his spy for the dark side comes out" Meera said not wanting to discuss Arjun anymore. Meera was sure he was having a fun night and she was not going to let hers go by talking about him. She smiled at Aodh as he said it would be better for him if Meera was not interested in anyone. The color of her cheeks rose as she blushed slightly. Meera laughed as she heard Aodh list off the good traits that London had. It was home for him, the same way Paris was for her and of course everyone loved their home more than any other place. "Quite a few people are going to that school" Meera commented as Aodh mentioned the Hogwarts school in New Zealand. Both her roommates, Charlotte and Alice had once studied at that school. Meera could not understand why people chose to study in New Zealand instead of Europe or America.

Meera shyly took his hand and as she did so she could feel butterflies in her stomach. She followed Aodh to the dance floor and heard him talk about his sister. "You must be very close to her. Is she younger than you?"she asked Aodh curiously as she began dancing. As a Princess, Meera had been taught many forms of western and Indian dancing and she planned on using the mixture of everything for disco dancing. The product was quite okay but nothing compared to what Aodh had in stock. "If you wouldn't have mentioned it, I would have taken you as a professional too" Meera complimented Aodh's dancing skill and moves. She grinned as she let him spin her around. After the spin of course he had to make her stand back on her feet and regain her balance. Meera was very comfortable in heels and it was not like she was going to fall but as she let Aodh stop her from spinning she realized how close they stood to each other. She stopped breathing for a minute as she took in the details of his face which was very close to hers.
He answered her smile but didn't  notice her blushing any further   thinking that it was rather hot inside these walls. Little did he know of this place history, but that the bartender hated his guts. Aodh did enjoy the small quirrels they've had in the past so therefore he kept going to this place. Always on the top of Onearms watchlists.

He did quite a good job to give the expression of that he liked London in front of Meera. Maybe he did deep down, but truth is he didn't feel at home and in peace with himself anywhere.

Meera was something special, even though he didn't know why he felt that way yet. She was one of all girls he'd failed to charm any further but a short fling for a few hours.

"Yeah, we're pretty close... Were... In the past. She's my big sister. Of cute and kind nature." 

He smiled at her comment on his dancing. He goofed a little before spinning her 'round and then stood perfectly still when they faced eachother.

He didn't know what to do, the music and surroundings kind of zoomed out of him and the beautu. He didn't think but leaned in, holding her in his arms, wanted to kiss her.
The past month had been hard on Meera especially at school. Even when Meera did nothing on her side constant rumors about her went around the school but this time Meera had done something. The young princess had crushed on the Bulgarian boy, Lake and had kissed him infront of quite a few eyes. The gossip had passed around the school like wild fire and life for Meera had become more hard. Holidays had come and she had never felt so relieved to be at home. Now here in the bar, Meera found herself in another guy situation. This one was very different. She had developed a crush on Lake after knowing him for a while but with Aodh she had just spent an hour. She cleared her head and focused her mind. Aodh was handsome and charming and Meera was over Lake but she was not here to hook up with some stranger. All these thoughts ran through her head as she stood there in the middle of the dance floor. She felt Aodh's hand on her waist which had been put there to steady her from turning. She tried to remind herself that it was just part of the dancing but she could not ignore the feel of his hand. Despite her long jacket, there was a good part of skin between her skirt and top that was exposed and now as Aodh's hand rested there she could feel her skin burn and send electric impulses to her brain and making it stop its thoughts and just stand there. She gasped in some air as she realized that he was leaning in. Automatically, as though her heart controlled her instead of her brain, her eyelids lowered and closed and a second later she could feel Aodh's lips on hers as he kissed her. Meera had only kissed Lake once and before he could respond she had run away. Now standing in the middle of the dance floor, Meera felt butterflies in her stomach and the color of her cheeks turned beet red as she considered on how she was to respond to this. Meera opened her eyes slowly and met Aodh's eyes. She was aware of how much she was blushing now. The girl who always had her guard up seemed to totally leave her as Meera decided that once she went back home and Arjun had her way with her she was never going to have a chance to go clubbing again and meet a guy like Aodh who was interested in her. "Wow" she said, her voice soft yet audible due to how close they stood. Meera could still feel Aodh's hands on her waist and as he had closed the distance between them her body was pressed up against his. She could still not decide what to do next because such a situation where the boy kissed the girl and stood by her after the kiss was entirely new to the princess.
He didn't know if she would reject him in his try to kiss her so he took it easy and slow, leaning in. He wouldn't be able to take that, he couldn't stand to be rejected. Unwanted. The charming and confident boy loosely lost his ground and got terrified, but when she relaxed he did too and carefully he let his rather soft lips touch hers in a short kiss to see how she'd take it.

Aodhs head span around and he smiled sighing when the kiss ended when Meera leaned out. She liked it? She didn't freak out. He didn't freak out...

He loved to touch her skin. When he saw her beet red cheeks his eyes sparkled. "Hush now." he smiled and leaned back in to kiss her even deeper, longer. His one hand cupped around the back of her head, his fingers playing with her hair.

It was a long time ago he'd kissed anyone, feeling the sensations within, breathtaking, wonderful. Amazing. The kiss was long, intense, passionate.

Aodh leaned out and stroke her cheek and then backed of, let go of her. "Sorry." he said.
Meera's chocolate brown almond shaped eyes which were first looking down shyly as she blushed looked up slowly as he spoke to her. She was having a thousand feelings right now in the pit of her stomach. The closeness was very different and new yet comforting. Meera smiled shyly at Aodh and she could see him smiling back at her. She felt his hand around her waist tighten pulling her more closer and she watched as his other hand slid behind her neck and held her head. She knew what was coming next and this time she was prepared for it. She felt Aodh's lips take hers once again but this time his kiss was deeper and more passionate. Meera could feel his hand playing with her hair. His kiss was addictive and seemed to be clouding her brain from thinking clearly. Meera's hands which were on her sides slowly rose and hugged Adoh's broad chest. She was enjoying this. Meera had little experience in kissing because what had happened with Lake was a small, one second peck from her side. The force on her lips made her feel alive and every nerve in her body felt excited by it. Meera could not stop herself any longer and she kissed him back hoping she could make her kiss just as good as his. After a minute or so Meera pulled back because she was breathless by the amazing kiss that Aodh had just landed on her. Some of the men in the crowd had turned their attention towards them and watched with jealously in their eyes. Meera breathed heavily and ignored the jealously filled stares as she still stood very close to Aodh. Meera did not want this to end so fast just because people could not mind there own business.

The princess and guarded girl in Meera was constantly warning her and a high alarm was ringing in some part of Meera's brain but she ignored it as she looked up at Aodh and smiled. "Seems I'll have to change my answer about who I am interested in" she said with a smirk as she recalled their earlier conversation where Aodh had clearly found her and Arjun's relationship suspicious. Meera could still feel eyes on her and she did not want to attract attention. "Let's go somewhere less crowded" she said and threw a nasty look at the on lookers. Meera's hand found Aodh's but this time she decided to take the lead. She lead him out of the dancing floor and away from the loud music. The hallways of the place were crowded too and Meera ended up in the only place she could think of that was not full. The men's room. Despite all the butterflies she knew that if she left this club it would be to go to her house and no where else. "So where were we?" she said with a grin as she closed the door behind her and leaned on the wall of the men's room. Putting her hands around Aodh's neck she pulled him closer to her and kissed him. She wanted him to know that she was enjoying this too. Both the previous times he had begun the kiss but she wanted to be in control. "Why were you apologizing?" she said stopping for a quick breath. Meera nestled one of her hand into his hair as she kissed him once again. This kiss was deep and passionate and Meera could not think of anything else than being with Aodh right now. Her second hand slowly slid under the man's shirt that was untucked. She felt the skin on his back the same way he had his hand on her waist. This gave her more courage and she parted her lips slightly pushing her tongue into Aodh's mouth and began french kissing him. Meera had never read anything or done any french kissing but with Aodh it seemed to come naturally to her. Her tongue played with his as she deepened the kiss.
As they broke the kiss and the jealous looks from the men around them landed upon the pair and Aodh saw them he felt comfused. "You said what?" did he hear her right? Was she interested in him? No girl was ever interested in him, maybe he'd made a good impression this time.

He didn't have time to reply before she took his hand, burning his skin, where were they going? He got surprised that little miss wellbehaved walked with him into the mensroom.

His head spun around as she pulled him in closer. He could not think anymore, his thoughts clouded by dirty thoughts. Her hand in his hair almost made his legs and knees into jelly. "Nothing." he said as an answer on why he'd appologized, he said it in a hurry, did not want to give into his thoughts, to scare her when he had her.

Her hands on his skin, caressing his back he couldn't breathe,it felt so good. When Meera got some guts and kissed him deeper lured him, and he followed, he couldn't think about anything else than that Meera had rutine on this. She knew exactly how to turn a guy on.

He enjoyed kissing this girl. His hands leaning against the wall nailing her up against it. But he did not feel in charge of the situation, she was.

When the kissing ended after an eternity, he had nothing left in his head. He had his eyes closed. He didn't want this night to end now, but at the same time he wondered what to do now so she wouldn't dissapear with someone else or be scared of him. Goosebumps allover from her hand touching his skin.

"Do you... what would you... ehm. Care for some drunkeating? Aren't... Wanna go hom- you care for a bite?" He did make no sense at all.
Meera pulled back from the intense kissing. She grinned as she watched Aodh who had pinned her down. He seemed to have enjoyed himself and Meera couldn't help but wonder how good she was at kissing. Right now he seemed like he would do anything to be with her. She had met many guys like Adoh before the only difference was that she had never allowed them to get close to her. This time she had and it was all for pure fun. "Would you believe me if I tell you that you're the first guy who kissed me and who I made out with?" she asked her, her tone cheerful and slightly teasing. She would get it if Adoh thought she was lying because the way she was behaving tonight made her seem like she did this on a everyday basis.

She pulled her hands back to herself and continued breathing heavily as she watched Adoh's face carefully. She wished life would be so simple and uncomplicated. She laughed after hearing Adoh's question. He seemed more dazzled by the make out session. Going home with Adoh was of course out of question because she was no way losing her virginity plus it was also a matter of security. Food, she needed. Only when he mentioned it did she remember how hungry she felt. She had skipped dinner as she had told her family she would be eating at the party. Pushing her curly hair behind her ear she met his eyes, a teasing grin on her lips as she said "I would enjoy doing more of this" and she gave him a small peck leaving him wanting more and pulled back. She was enjoying this. Playing with guys. If anyone ever knew she would be dead meat. Maybe she could have this part of her memory wiped out so she would't feel guilty later. "But yes, I would like to eat. Isn't there a restaurant beside this club, down by the street?" she asked him. A man entered the restroom and stared down at them. She ignored him and unpinned herself from under Adoh's muscular arms. She went to check her reflection in the mirror because she did not want to go to a restaurant if she was looking bad. She frowned as she realized the zip of her jacket had completely been pushed down while they were kissing and her bikini top was exposing too much of her skin. She pulled up her zip and ran a comb through her hair. "What do you think?"she asked him, his opinion on where he'd like to eat and not on how she was looking. He seemed to still be dazzled by everything and was slow in responding. She fixed her hair that had turned messy. Then walking up to him she swinged her hand through his and lead him out of the rest room and out of the bar.

She took him to the restaurant that she had been speaking about. She ignored the drooling looks from the waiter and ordered a veg burger and fries. Once the food arrived she was quick and neat in finishing her portion. Adoh seemed to be fine again and she enjoyed the conversation with him for the remaining part of the dinner. She checked her watch again. It was two in the morning. Way past everything. She wondered if her mentor was still awake with the witch. Grinning she brought her focus back to Adoh. She paid her part of the bill. She had allowed him to get her the drink but she was not going to allow him to do anything more. He was a stranger after all and no matter how much she had enjoyed tonight it was just a dream. "Thanks for everything" she said with a grin as she stood up. She turned around and made her way to the fireplace in the restaurant. It was wizarding one having a floo network. It was her way back to her life and she knew she had to go home. "Goodnight" she said turning to say goodbye to him. She kissed him on the lips once again before stepping into the fireplace and disappearing behind the flames.
Aodh had a hard time to let the beautiful girl go when the night was over. Until the last moment he wondered what to do but finally decided that he didn't want to destroy her with his heavy heart and troubled life. Despite that decision, he couldn't keep his thoughts away from traveling to far spaces and a different life with her in his mind, a place where they could be together. Aodh knew that the dream images would never come true as he kissed her for the very last time before she vanished into the flames.

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