Old School Week Trying Something Different

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Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (21)
Caleb was what he was doing tonight. He was doing his best not to think about Louis or what he was up to. It wasn't his business. They had at least worked that out. But in return what he did tonight was up to him completely. The decorations had made him vaguely homesick and he sighed a bit wistfully as he stared at the frozen lake wondering if he even remembered how to do it. He was so young when he moved to New Zealand but he could remember as a kid going with is family and skating. He didn't remember being very good at it.

(Open after Rowan posts with Manaia)
Manaia had always liked the Yule Ball, and he was especially looking forward to it this year. He was glad he'd followed Valeria's advice and kept his options open rather than trying to lock down a date. He was sure it had been a good idea when he spotted Caleb, greeting the Slytherin with a grin and a nudge. "Gonna skate?"
Caleb grinned as Manaia joined him and nudged him with his shoulder and he tried not to think too much about the touch. "I've been thinking about it." he said vaguely. "Have you ever been skating before?"
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