Try harder, it helps

Firmiana Asterion-Jenkins

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
As the new school year starts again, Firmiana's confident to go was not as far as a hundred percent but hearing her cousins give her the boost everyday and teaching her some stuff about the wizarding world. She now understands quiet a bit of it, specially a game called Quidditch which her whole family are fans of the said game and had played it at school. Her uncle had taught her how to ride a broomstick better, if she ever try out for her house team, the whole winter break which Firmiana might think about joining if there's a place to try out for.

It was the first weekend back at the castle and all she can see outside, from her vantage point which is the training ground tower, were snows and lots of them. Though, the second year isn't stopping, it was after all just water when melted. Firmiana summoned her Sienna Storm broomstick. A back to school gift from her Aunt and cousins. Once her broom was in her hand, Firmiana went to the Quidditch pitch, wearing nothing but jeans, shoes and a jumper. She had worst before when her anxiety was still on going while living at the orphanage.

As she reached the pitch, Firmiana held her broomstick at the handle, swing her other leg to the other side and kicked her might. The cold wind brushed her pale cheeks as the kid rounded the north hoops, the broom was still new and had never been used. A few glitch won't hurt her chance a spot for the Slytherin team.

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