Trouble makers

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Lucas Sturridge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple and black walnut wand 15" core of dragon heart string
I am looking for some teenagers, Durmstrang would be good but anyone is welcome! They would be making trouble with Lucas, drinking, smoking and setting things on fire, anything naughty! So yeah, please post!
Just a friendly reminder: Please note that underage drinking or the use of illegal drugs is not allowed. I believe the legal age of consent in the wizarding world is 17. :) You're free to look over our Roleplaying rules here to familiarize yourself with them. :)
Lucas is 17 in two days so I assumed it would be okay by the time I started any rps, and just normal cigarettes, not anything illegal :)
Okay that's cool then. So then it shall be reminder to anyone else who wants to join your RP but is underage. :p
I'll be sure to turn down anyone underaged :)
I have Jake Kiernan. He's in his last year at Durmstrang, 17 almost 18, a bit of a flirt and a trouble maker really. He already has a little gang of friends to make trouble with but i think it would be interesting for him to have someone else to hang out with as well. He sound alright?

Summer ♥
Oh boys night out =)) I have a couple I can offer :r just tell me when
I'll make the topic tomorrow :) and post it here :D
<FONT font="Georgia">Here is the topic!
You are all welcome to reply to it! But if you are under 17 as Isabella mentioned,
No illegal nonsence, we don't want to get in any trouble! :p
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