Trouble Ahead

Eleona smiled a bit, "I couldn't agree more... After all, all that matters is that you and me are happy. So if you get mad at me again, don't be afraid to show it. I think I've seen the worst of you, so it can't be that bad." She kissed him on the cheek.
Seeing Eleona agree with him only made the love for her inside him ten times more. "Yes, all that matter's that we both are happy." Xavier said with a smile. "Well, I don't have a habit of showing I am angry and you probably won't notice it unless I get into my rage stage. Although you have seen my worst, so I guess." said Xavier being embarrassed a little bit.
"Exactly." She chuckled seeing his somewhat embarrassed face, "And don't worry about it... I deserved it!" Eleona lent on his chest again, "Hopefully you won't ever have to go into a rage again."
Xavier was quite happy that so agreed. "No, nobody deserves something that worse." said Xavier with a smile. "I really need to learn how to control myself when I reach that stage, because if I get mad enough, I won't be able to control myself, but I could still never hurt the ones I love." said Xavier with a smile.
"Well I'll be here to help." Eleona smiled and did a thumbs up. She paused and looked him strait in the eyes, "The important thing is that you want to improve, and you're not being oblivious that it may be a problem. But anger problem or not, I still love you." She grinned.
Xavier was very happy to hear that Eleona loved him for who he was at heart. "Of course I will want you to help me, without you, I won't be anything." said Xavier. "I know for sure that I could control my anger problems, but I will need training, so I will try my best." said Xavier looking straight in the eyes of Eleona. Xavier then kissed Eleona on her lips.
Eleona smirked when he said he'd try his best. Sure seeing him enraged was scary, but if she really loved him she'd move past that, and it seemed she already had. She couldn't even imagine being with anyone but him anymore as Xavier kissed her. It was perfect. She wrapped her arms around him and felt as if they were the only two people in the world.
((OOC: What should we do next? ))

Xavier was feeling at the top of the world right now, having a perfect girl, all of his dreams had came true. "So Eleona, what do we do now?" said Xavier with a smile.
Eleona smiled and looked at him, "I dunno... Here. Let's play the question game so we get to know each other better." She let her hair down, "I'll go first. What're your hobbies?"
Xavier smiled as hey heard Eleona started the question game. "Hobbies? Well, I like playing/watching Quidditch, I play muggle sports like Basketball, football, Soccer, Swimming and Boxing." said Xavier with a smile. "What about you?" said Xavier.
She smiled and played with his hands, "Well... I swim, do gymnastics, paint, and dance. I can't play Quittich for my life!" She grinned and looked at his hands closely, "And I can tell you box, since you nearly broke the wall." She paused and thought of a question, "Hm... Do you like pets?"
"Maybe sometimes I could teach you how to play Quidditch? It really isn't hard, you just have to understand how to game runs really, and it's a piece of cake!" said Xavier holding Eleona's hands. "Yea, well I can't really break walls with my bare fists unless I'm in my anger stage." said Xavier laughing. "Yea, I like pets, especially dogs." said Xavier. Did you know that Hamza wants to be an Animegas? He wants to be able to turn into a dog? I'm thinking about the same thing, but maybe a different animal. What's your favorite pet?" said Xavier.
((ooc: Wrong character hun. XD))

Eleona giggled and twirled a loose piece of hair, "Well actually, I get the rules and everything, I just can't get the hang of the broom. But if you want to teach me..." She hugged him and let out a content sigh, "I'd love to be an animegas too, actually, maybe a wolf." Eleona shuddered, "Cats scare the crap out of me. One attacked me when I was little and I kinda can't deal with them anymore." She listened to his question and grinned, "I love dogs. I kind of like the bigger breeds better, but the smaller ones live longer. Favorite colour?"
(( OOC: HOLY poop, I didn't realize. HAHAH ))

"It's not really that hard, you just have to keep yourself balanced on the broom, but you'll learn how to fly next semester, so don't worry." said Xavier with a smile. "Being an Animegas isn't easy Eleona, people who want to be an Animegas have to go through years of training and the register with the Ministry Of Magic to be certified animegas. I'm going to try my best to become one, but what will I become? I have yet to decide." said Xavier. "My favorite colors are Red, Black, and Blue. What about you?" said Xavier.
((ooc: CLAPS FOR YOU -insert sarcastic clapping-))

"Yeah I hope I can do decently in that class." She smiled a bit, "I know, my father wanted to be one, but never got around to registering. That's why I'm trying so hard in transfiguration. It's a little easier since it's one of my favorite classes." Eleona laughed and remembered how much Claude was groaning about it, "Ah- That brings me to my next question! What's your favorite class?"
((OOC: hey... :cry: ))

"Just keep up with everything and you'll do just fine in Transfiguration" said Xavier with a smile. "Well, to be honest, I'm liking all of my classes, but I guess you can say Transfiguration is my favorite too since I want to be an animegas." said Xavier looking down.
(( Awww Its ok... :hug: ))

Eleona smiled and looked at him, "Well I guess we have a lot in common then! We do some of the same stuff, and we both love dogs... Plus we have the same favorite class." She nuzzled his neck a bit then waited for the nest question.
"Indeed, we do have a lot in common, which is very important in a relationship to deflect off arguments, differences, and what not." said Xavier. Xavier felt something crawl on his hair, so he shook his head, and then used his hands to pull out whatever was crawling on his head to see that it was a spider. "Oh, it's a spider.." said Xavier just starring at it. Oh, so have you tried doing any spells?" said Xavier then looking at Eleona.
Eleona smiled at him, then saw the spider. She immediately spazzed out, "HOLY CRAP!!" In sheer terror she knocked it out of Xavier's hand, then shuddered, "" Eleona checked it was out of sight, then listened to his question, "Well... My dad has taught me how to use basic spells, but he said I have to wait a bit until I can learn some new ones." She paused, "How about you?"
As Eleona knocked the spider off his hand, he looked to see where the spider was, but sadly, the spider had crawled it's way out of their sight. "You hate spiders? I think they are kind of cool, reason why I didn't throw that spider away." said Xavier looking at Eleona. "What kind of basic spells do you know?" said Xavier with a smile. He took a slight pause and said, "I know the basic spells that my father taught me, few advanced spells and a few dark spells, to only be used in emergency matter's, due to my father being very protective of me." said Xavier with a smile.
"Yeah I hate spiders..." She cringed, "One bit me and there were eggs and baby spiders and eugh... Not very pretty." She smiled apologetically, "Sorry... I don't have much of a thing for them." She paused and found it again, picked it up by one leg, and placed it on his head again, "I know spells like lumos and stupify... Alahamora too, although my dad doesn't know I use that to sneak into my pool at night." She laughed a bit, "I guess it's good you're dad is protective, mine is never really around." Eleona smiled.
"Spider's may not be the prettiest creatures, but they sure can come in handy at times." said Xavier. Xavier spotted the spider again, but this time, Eleona took her foot and crushed the spider. "Oh god, poor thing." said Xavier having a sad face. "Lumos, stupify and those kinds of spells are a good start, but those spells are too basic for me, I'm a bit more advanced and know spells that I'm not suppose to know or learn until I'm older." Xavier said while pointing his finger together. Xavier felt kind of sad for Eleona and so he hugged her tightly and gave her a kiss, then said, "It's ok, father's are a figure of hardship, you can't really blame them." said Xavier.
"Yeah I guess..." She mumbled kind of melancholy, "You know what he did last year on my mom's birthday? He went out to a bar in Ireland, got drunk, and married someone." She said, half laughing half upset, "It's like sometimes he's the greatest person in the world, but then he does something to mess it up. I don't even think I know him anymore..." She rubbed her eyes a little bit.
"Trust me, father's are like that. They can be the best in the world at times, but then be hated at the same time too." Xavier said from experience. Him and his father use to always get into arguments as well, but overall, he knew that his father loved him and he loved his father. "Eleona, no matter how much you hate your father, he will always love you and you will always love him." said Xavier from experience.
"I'll take your word for it." She sighed and closed her eyes, then clenched her throat. Eleona then smiled a bit and cleared it, "Ugh, I don't know why but my throat hurts..." This happened every year around this time, she would just have a sore throat for no reason. Eventually, at the very end of the season, she would end up sounding like Lindsay Lohan.

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