Trouble Ahead

Xavier Littlefield

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Xavier had talked with Eleona earlier today to have her meet up with him at the North Tower after hours to discuss a few things that were very important. Xavier was sitting on the wooden bench, looking up at the sky. His eyes showed hurt, very truly hurt by the fact that his girlfriend had already cheated on him, and they had only been going out for 2 days. Xavier was very mad on the inside, but he would show very calm attitude on the outside and hide all of his anger, which he was really good at. Xavier was so mad on the inside that his eyes were burning red, his heart beat was running unbelievably high and both of his fists were tightened hard. He was now just waiting for Eleona to show up.
Eleona walked to the North Tower, dreading the events that would transpire. Her eyes were blood shot and stung, and she was covering her face a bit. She had felt so guilty, she had just cried for a couple of hours. Her heart beat picked up, faster and faster as she approached the bench and saw him sitting there. Unfortunately, one wrong word could set her into tears at the moment, knowing she had caused so much pain.
That is if he found out.
Xavier was looking at the sky when he sensed foot steps coming up the stairs. He instantly said, "I'm over here. Come here and sit on the bench." said Xavier in a very deep tone. Xavier wasn't looking at Eleona at all nor did he want to right now because of what he did. Xavier had one main rule in his life, which was that no one would every cheat him, not even his own parent's cheated him. When Xavier was little, a boy cheated him out of taking all of his playing cards, he got up at beat the kid up so bad that he had to be taken to the hospital for an operation. Xavier could control his anger in every situation, but when it came to cheating, he couldn't control himself.
Eleona did as he said and sat on the bench. She looked at her shoes and only occationally glanced at him from the very sides of her eyes. She exhaled, "So... What did you want to talk to me about..." She was still a little startled by the roughness in his voice, and it was beginning to scare her. Eleona shifted positions to the point where she could see him, she did the crime, now she had to do the time. If it meant screwing up her relationship, then she deserved it.
"I can see the scare in your eyes Eleona, you have done something wrong haven't you?" said Xavier. Xavier already knew what she did seeing as he went for a walk when he saw her and another boy sitting together talking. He didn't want to bother her, so he was about to leave when he saw her kissing another boy. Xavier instantly went into a shock and fell on the floor. Ever since then, his eyes have been filled with rage.
"I have..." Her lips quivered and her throat went dry and sore, "I-I cheated..." She spat, feeling remorse. She buried her face in her knees and blinked back tears. The mere fact that there was a possibility she hurt him made her feel terrible. She looked up and away from the boy and closed her eyes, then wiped away the clear droplets on her face.
"I see, why did you do it?" said Xavier still looking at the sky, his eyes became even more red. "We have been only going out for 2 days, and this?" said Xavier. "What did I do to deserve this?" said Xavier getting up from the bench and hitting his fist against the wall. A few rocks fell down from where he punched and he showed real anger. The only he couldn't do, even in his anger stage was hurt the ones he loved, he stayed with in good distance so that he wouldn't cause any harm.
"If I knew why I did it... I wouldn't have. Maybe it's genetic. I'm turning out just like my mom." She winced and refused to make eye contact. As he mentioned how hurt he was tears swam down her face and she didn't bother to hold them back. Suddenly, he got up and punched the wall. Eleona looked at him for a second and knew that she had messed up. Eleona closed her eyes once more, and faced the opposite way.
"You didn't even think about how I would feel when I found out?" said Xavier with a bloody fist. "I was there the day you kissed him, I was crossing by and saw you talking and was about to leave when I saw you two kissing. It really broke my heart." said Xavier now punched the wall with his other hand. Now both of hands were bleeding, but Xavier was not feeling any pain, what so ever because he was in too much Emotional pain to feel any physical pain. "We even made plans about our future, you didn't think about me, for even a second? This is the exact same place you broke up with that Kai kid because he cheated on you, and you've just done the same." said Xavier with tears going down his cheeks.
Eleona stood up and faced him, "You couldn't be more wrong." She clenched her hand into a first, "After I did it, even while I did it... It was like a knife was stabbing me..." Her tears hit the ground, "I haven't slept since! All I can think about is how badly I messed up, how hurt you were going to be! You know very damn well I know I'm a bloody hypocrite! And you don't have to remind me!!" Her yelling became louder as she became more and more angry at herself. She walked up to part of the wall and slumped down, "And now... Seeing you in pain like this... makes me want to die."
"You felt like a knife was stabbing you, yet you still went through with a kiss that we were to share?" said Xavier taking his jacket off. "Yes, you messed up, big time." said Xavier looking away from her. All of a sudden, he heard something fall on the floor. Xavier instantly turned around to see Eleona had slumped to the floor. The anger in his eyes started to go away, his fists weren't tightened anymore and he felt less and less angry with every passing second. "Eleona!!" said Xavier running towards Eleona. "Eleona, are you ok? Please tell me your ok? I can't live with you, I love you so much." said Xavier while tears went down his cheeks.
Eleona looked up and saw Xavier crying, "Well even if you do... you shouldn't love me... I'm just a skank and I hurt you..." Her eyes were stinging and she wiped some tears from his face, "I'm fine..." She turned away and sat on the bench, "I've never been so disgusted with myself in my entire life..." Eleona felt her throat burn and held back sobs, "I'm so sorry..."
Xavier was glad to see Eleona was ok. He then got up and sat next to her on the bench, grabbed her face lightly and gave her a kiss. "We all make mistakes, even me, no one is perfect. It's ok." said Xavier in a smooth tone. "Everyone deserves a second chance no matter what they did. I'm not about to let you go since we've only been dating for 2 days and I'm madly in love with you." said Xavier looking directly in eyes of Eleona. He then looked at himself, looked at his bloody fists and said, "What have I been doing? My clothes and my body are in really bad shape." said Xavier looking puzzled.
Eleona ignored the boy for a second, then held him tightly. Almost naturally she burrowed her face into his shoulder and stayed there for a few minutes, without moving an inch. Finally satisfied, she pulled away and looked at his hands. "Well... You punched two walls..." She half smiled, then took out a mini first aide kit from her purse, "I hurt myself so often, I have to have this around." She took out some wipes and cleaned the wounds, then covered them with bandages. She hugged him once more, then kissed him. It wasn't like the one she had with Max, in this one she felt safe and at home, almost as if they had done it one hundred times before. "I promise you, I'll never hurt you again."
Xavier was surprised he punched two walls and instantly said, "WOAH! I? I punched two walls?" said Xavier with puzzled eyes. Xavier seemed to not remember a lot on what had happened. "I don't know why, but I can't remember a lot on what just happened. I remember being angry and such, but that's it." said Xavier holding his head. He then saw Eleona taking out a mini first aid kit and started to patch up his wounds. Xavier was not feeling more closer to her, she really was showing that she truly cared about him. "I don't know what into me, I had never really gone into my anger stage, no one really has seen my anger stage." said Xavier. He took a little pause and said, "But now you have seen my dark side and how dangerous it is. I promise you Eleona, you will NEVER see my dark side again." said Xavier holding her hands in his hands and giving her a kiss on her hands. "Man, I wish I could marry you right now" said Xavier with a smile.
Eleona laughed a little bit, "Wouldn't that be fun? I mean running off, getting married... Oh jeez..." She rubbed her head, "I kinda forgot I hit my head on the wall... Ow..." A smile graced her lips and she leant back on the bench, "So do you really think we'll end up married one day? I mean that's a longshot guess." She secretly hoped he would say yes, but just leant on his chest and felt his heart beat.
(( OCC: This is quite interesting turnaround. haha ))

"Running off? Why would we need to run off?" said Xavier with a puzzled face. "Are you ok there on your head? You got hurt because of me, all because of me, stupid me." said Xavier while slapping himself on his head hard. "Well, what about now? What if I got a ring and asked you to marry me? Meaning we would be engaged." said Xavier giving her a big hug. Xavier did not want to lose Eleona, at all.
Eleona laughed, "I don't mean literal running off, however that's always an option!" The next thing she knew Xavier was slapping himself, Eleona caught his wrist "It wasn't your fault you dummy. I leant on a wall and it was hard and painful." Eleona's eyes widened when he mentioned an engagement, and she felt her heart beating in her ears, "S-seriously?" She stuttered out, totally taken back.

((OOC: Yes, yes it is.))
Yea, that's always an option." said Xavier laughing. "It was all my fault, if I hadn't been in my other stage, you wouldn't have gotten hurt and that's the last thing I want to see, is you get hurt." said Xavier. When he had asked Eleona about an engagement now, she looked a bit puzzled, he then said, "Yes, I'm serious. I don't want anyone to come between us or the next time, I might even die." said Xavier. Xavier took out his wand and said "Accio!" Two gold rings appeared in his hand, one for him and one for Eleona. "So, how about it? We can get engaged now." said Xavier looking straight in Eleona's eyes.
Eleona grinned and then looked him dead in the eye, "Eh, I don't know... Aren't we a bit... young?" She paused for a bit, then bit her lip, "I'm just kidding I'd love to marry you Xavier." She got one of the rings on her finger and attacked him with a fierce hug, then pulled back, "Oh dear I have to tell my dad." Her eyes widened and she shrugged, "Oh well." With that she kissed him happily.
Xavier was very happy that she had accepted his offer to be engaged with him. "I love you so much Eleona, so much" Xavier said while kissing her. "Why do you have to tell your dad?" said Xavier with a puzzled face. Xavier could not believe that he was now engaged and was in love with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
"Well," She sighed and nuzzled his neck, "For one, he's my dad... He'll find out sooner or later and it best be from me! And secondly I don't want to get another howler in the mail when he does find out." Eleona smiled a bit and resumed with kissing him. This was just... perfect. Eleona had the perfect guy, good grades in school, everything a girl could want she now possessed.
Well, of course he's your dad, but I don't think you should tell your dad yet. Wait until you meet him face to face and then explain everything", said Xavier with a smile. He then proceeded to kissing Eleona and Xavier go the thought in his mind that he now had the perfect girl that he would soon marry and have a promised future with her.
"Alright Alright," Eleona smiled and sat on Xavier's lap, "Eleona Littlefield... I like it." She giggled and hugged him tightly then stayed there. Silently she made a mental note to thank Hamza the next time she saw him, after all, he did make all of this happen.
Xavier was glad to see that Eleona was very happy. "Eleona Littlefield, I like it as well, sounds good to me." said Xavier with a smile. "I think we should just bury our past here and start a new life with new thoughts, new feelings, and what not." Xavier said looking into Eleona's eyes.

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