Trevor Davies

Trevor Davies

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Trevor Davies
- Birth Date: 18th August
- Current Age: 15
- Basic Appearance:
Hair: black, straight, messy
Eyes: green
Height: 5’5

- Parents: Caleb and Leilani Davies
- Siblings, if any: Jess Davies
- Area of Residence: England
- Blood status: Half Blood

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? an eagle
- What would their Boggart be? a clown
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a stallion
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? His family all being together and happy
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Going to the zoo with his family, when they all used to be happy together.
Why are you unsure of Trevor's age?
What is Trevor's physical build?
What is Caleb's occupation?
What is Leilani's occupation?
What is Trevor's relationship with jess like?
What are some of Trevor's quirks?
Why would Trevor's patronus be an eagle?
Why is Trevor afraid of clowns?
"His family all being together and happy" Are they not all together now? Why are the unhappy?
Why are you unsure of Trevor's age?
- I was trying to decide whether to make him a first year or apply to be transferred.

What is Trevor's physical build?
- He is rather thin and tall, but due to alot of working out, he is quite toned.

What is Caleb's occupation? What is Leilani's occupation?
- Both Trevors parents worked in intelligence at the ministry of magic in England, it was where they met
Both Trevors parents were found dead, murdered in their home in England, Trevor is still unsure of exactly what happened.

What is Trevor's relationship with jess like?
- Although he finds her beyond annoying, he adores her and spoils her as she is all he has left of their family

What are some of Trevor's quirks?
- Hes very thoughtful and enjoys time alone, but around people he is very outspoken and socialable. He is also very mature for his age as he had to suddenly grow up and look after his little sister when his parents passed.

Why would Trevor's patronus be an eagle?
- It has many similar characteristics to Trevor. They are known to be bold, proud, idependent creatures. Trevor posesses all these qualities

Why is Trevor afraid of clowns?
- He thinks they are the creepiest of people, he believes only crazy people who are a bit out in the head would be willing to dress up and act as such creepy things.

"His family all being together and happy" Are they not all together now? Why are the unhappy?
- His parents were murdered and found dead in their home in England, they were sent to live with their closest living relative, their great aunt in New Zealand. She pretty much just lets them do their own thing, so Jess is all he has left.
How did Trevor find out about his parents?
- He found them. It happened while school was on holidays, Jess was staying the night at her friends house and Trevor had gone to town with his friends. He got home and the door was open, he ran in to find both his parents out cold on the floor.

How did he take it?
- He was traumatised and would barely talk for a few days, he was sent to a therapist who helped him alot, but beside to the therapist and investigators from the MOM, he has never mentioned exactly what happened and when people ask how his parents died, he lies.

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