Transfiguration 4:4

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Lesson Four: Using the Switching Spell (swap Slug for Snail)

Leif leaned on his desk as he waited for his students to arrive. Today's lesson material was interesting, took more effort than switching quills had done last week. He did wonder if any of his students would be repelled by the slugs. Once everyone had taken their seat he waved his wand to close the door.

"For today's lesson, we will be learning cross-species switches." Leif started, looking around the room to observe his students' faces. "You worked with small inanimate items last week, but I'd like to move on to something doubly as challenging. First," He pulled a rather large terrarium full of slugs from under his desk. "We will use living creatures rather than small items as our subjects. Second, we will switch them with snails, which are very similar in both appearance and complexity. Cross-species switches occur when a wizard takes one animal and swaps it out for another. Understand? Good. Remember that you don't need to know the exact location of what you are switching the two with."

"Use the same technique you employed in the last lesson to swap your slugs and snails. You all recall it's non-verbal, right?" The class nodded slightly and murmured to themselves. "Complex, but not impossible. If you cast it properly, your slug will seem to grow its own shell, just like it would with a regular transfiguration spell. You and I both know, however, what is really taking place. It might take a few tries, but I've no doubt you will be able to pull off the spell effectively. Take a slug, and get started. If you need me, don't hesitate to yell out." Leif watched as his students came up to the desk to take a slug, some more stoically than others. Once everyone had theirs he got up to move around, observing their work and lending a helping hand every now and then.

Roleplay attempting to turn a slug into a snail for full marks.
Bailey stepped into the Transfiguration classroom, her gaze immediately drawn to the terrarium of slugs on Professor Odegard's desk. She took her seat and listened intently as he introduced the day's lesson on cross-species switching spells. This time, they would be transforming slugs into snails, a challenge both in terms of complexity and living subjects.

As Professor Odegard explained the technique—non-verbal and requiring intense focus—Bailey nodded along, trying to suppress any unease about working with slugs. She remembered the basics from the previous lesson and was eager to apply them to a more advanced task.

When it was time to begin, Bailey cautiously approached the desk and selected a slug, her fingers hesitating slightly before picking it up. With a deep breath, she focused on the snail beside it, visualizing the transformation in her mind. Swishing her wand carefully, she attempted the spell, concentrating on the intricate details of the switch.

After a few attempts, Bailey noticed the slug gradually acquiring a shell-like appearance. A sense of accomplishment washed over her as she continued to refine her technique, occasionally glancing up to see how her classmates were faring.

By the end of the class, she had successfully transfigured her slug into a snail several times over, feeling more confident in her ability to handle complex transfigurations. Once the lesson was over Bailey packed up her things and made her way out of the lesson once they had been dismissed.

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