Transfiguration 4:3

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Lesson Three: Using the Switching Spell on Quills

"We'll be getting straight into things today and starting with our first switching spell," Leif was looking forward to the lesson and seeing how her students did. Especially since these spells would be a little trickier than what they had done before. "Switching Spells are some of the most common types of transfiguration spells, and yet some of the most complex to explain or understand. The initial concept seems simple enough; you take one item and simply switch it out for something else..." He shook his head, indicating that this was not the case. "But no. Once we dive deeper into the mystery of these spells, you will certainly find that they are complex in their simplicity."

Leif produced a black and a white quill from his desk and placed them on the desk in view of the students. He took out his wand and pointed it at the space between the two quills, targeting neither of them specifically. He swished his wand at the space between the two quills and they both began to change. The white quill slowly began to slowly darken as it took on the appearance of the black quill and the black quill began to slowly lighten. After a few moments, the two quills had effectively changed places. Professor Odegard picked up the white-turned-black quill to show to the class. "With most switching spells you'll find there is no incantation." He let the comment settle with the students as she suspected most would find it quite a daunting prospect, glancing over their faces to see if he could spot anyone looking nervous. "When casting a switching spell you can no longer rely on correct pronunciation, your ability to concentrate and focus on the items you are switching will determine your success."

"The items I just switched were close together and in plain sight, while this might make the spell simpler it doesn't have to be the case, for example," Leif moved his wand once more and the white quill slowly turned into a black one after which he produced a white quill from his desk drawer. "I heard the previous professors usually used the white feather in the drawer for his example so why mess with a classic, huh?" He grinned. If someone before him had come up with a solid example, why should he change a winning team?

"For the rest of the lesson I want you to attempt switching spells, take a couple of quills from the front and see what you can do and we can work our way up from there. Remember, visualisation and wand movements only, I want to see that each of your quills has changed colour by the end of the lesson, you may begin."

Roleplay attempting the switching spell for full marks. This is a complicated type of magic beyond anything students have learned up to this point. I encourage students to struggle or even fail.
Bailey entered the Transfiguration classroom, ready for another lesson with Professor Odegard. She took her seat, her curiosity piqued as he mentioned they would be working on switching spells. Professor Odegard explained that these spells, while seemingly simple, were actually complex and required careful focus and visualization.

As Professor Odegard demonstrated by switching the colours of two quills, Bailey watched intently. He emphasized that there was no incantation involved, only concentration and precise wand movements. This made Bailey a bit nervous, but she was determined to try her best.

When it was time for the students to practice, Bailey retrieved two quills from the front. She placed them in front of her and concentrated, visualizing the switch in her mind. She swished her wand between the two quills, and after a few attempts, she managed to change their colours. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, she continued practicing, refining her technique.

By the end of the lesson, Bailey had successfully switched the colours of her quills several times. She packed up her things, feeling more confident in her Transfiguration skills and looking forward to the next challenge.

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