Transfiguration 4:2

Lesson Two: Transfiguration & Food
Leif was excited for today's lesson and once his students knew what he was up to, he was sure they would be as well. He leaned against his desk and greeted them as they made their way into the classroom, a small grin playing on his lips as he noticed some curious looks towards the biscuit tin sat on his desk. He knew some of them were eager to know what was inside, but wondered whether they would still want to try a bite when they learned what it was. He suspected some might, others likely not.

Good morning and welcome back! Today's lesson is going to involve Transfiguration and food." He grinned once his students had taken their seats. Leif picked up the tin from his desk and opened it, lowering it a little so his students could get a better view of what was inside. Something that looked good, but wasn't as innocent as it seemed.

"These," He started, nodding towards the tin. "Are Canary Creams. Now they look good, sure, but not many people eat them on a regular basis. Can any of you tell me why?" Leif asked, pointing towards a student that had raised their hand. "Exactly." He nodded proudly. "Back in the day, Transfiguration spells were placed into objects so that when they were touched; or in this case, ingested, a Transfiguration spell was triggered."

"These little treats look tasty and small, but the spells that go into them to turn the eater into a canary are some of the more difficult to cast. You have to weave the spell into an object, much like the creation of a portkey, or charms that affect items. It also requires a delayed Untransfiguration spell to kick in after a certain period of time, to avoid permanent transformations." Leif explained, hoping his students were smart enough to write this down before they got to the fun part of the lesson.

"You might think that such a complicated spell would draw the most intelligent and powerful wizards to think of creative and useful ways to use it but so far we have mostly joke items. You can find canary creams such as these in a few shops, I'm sure I don't need to tell you which ones," He told them with a wink, before offering up the tin and glancing around the room to see which of his students were brave enough. "So who wants to try one?"

Roleplay the lesson for full marks. Feel free to try a canary cream, there are enough to go around.
Elodie was still little nervous about her classes, but she was sure it'd be fine- the first week had been lectures but she was hoping to get some spellwork soon. She could figure this out, she was sure- eventually. It'd just take a bit of time to get on top of her wand and be strong enough as a witch to handle it.

She'd decided to start taking it as a challenge, and found more satisfaction when she managed to get the spells to work. Or at least, she was sure she would. She grabbed her things and walked to class, taking her seat and turning to the Professor, eager to start. She bit back a sigh- another lecture. But that was alright. She kept notes, wandering if she should work on some old spells in her freetime. She decided to go to the library and review her notes as they were dismissed.
Callie walked into the transfiguration classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved tot he professor as the man got started. She pulled her notes towards her and wrote down what the subject matter was. She glanced at the professor as he was speaking and at the tin of what looked like entirely innocent biscuits. She didn’t know anything about them, but it felt like they were supposed to be careful with them. She glanced at who spoke and then focused on the professor as he began telling them about them. That was quite something really. She took a few notes and then watched as some people tried them, not finding the courage to do it herself, but enjoying watching others participate.
Enoch was not that bothered about transfiguration this year. He walked into the room and took a spot near the back of the class. He looked up at the professor briefly as the man got started but it seemed they’d be covering something boring. He didn’t care about food that was transfiguration. It being about canary creams didn’t surprise him. He just listened vaguely, didn’t take a single note of what was being said and only a little watched as someone tried the biscuit. He didn’t care, he was so tired and bored of his classes. He waited for the first moment he could to pack up and head out of the room.
Teddy paid attention in Transfiguration because it was one of the complicated classes that was easy to fall behind in. He listened and wrote down notes to make sure he didn’t miss any of Professor Odegard’s key points. As the lesson wrapped up, Teddy took one of the canary creams being offered around. "Oh, go on then, as it's for educational purposes." He had a bite and almost immediately, his arms shrunk into wings and feathers sprouted everywhere. He tried to laugh, but all that came out was a squawk. Moments later, the transformation wore off, and he was his normal self again except with feathers still falling around him as he left the classroom.
Lucy spotted the biscuit tin immediately upon entering the classroom, curious what might be inside that could relate to transfiguration. Or maybe the professor was eating biscuits before class and forgot to put them away. She didn't blame him; she'd probably do the same if she was a teacher. When he started talking, however, it turned out that was the subject of their lesson today. It clicked for Lucy once mentioned that they were canary creams why people wouldn't want to eat them regularly. She raised her hand and was chosen. "Because a transfiguration spell has been cast on them that makes you transform when you eat them," she said. The lesson continued, Lucy taking down some notes, but in the end she didn't try them. She just didn't feel in a joking mood.

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