Transfiguration 4:1

Lesson One: Introduction to Switching Spells
While Leif liked to wait outside to welcome his younger students to their first lesson of the year he was confident he didn't need to do the same for his fourth year students. They were older, likely much less nervous than first and second years were. These kids were truly teenagers and required perhaps a bit of a different approach. So, he was stood in front of the room leaning against his desk as he watched his students enter with a small smile.

Welcome back to another year of Transfiguration. My name's Professor Leif Odegard and I'll be your teacher this year." He introduced himself when everyone had taken a seat. "Let's dive right in, yeah?" He waved his wand at the board, making a piece of chalk spring to life and start writing.

Imbuing Objects with Magic: Switching Spells

"This year we'll be focussing primarily on switching spells. Now the name is pretty self explanatory, but in case anyone is struggling: who can tell me what switching spells are?" He asked, not too surprised when multiple students raised their hands. Leif pointed at one of them with a small nod, smiling at their answer. "Correct! Switching spells are spells that switch two objects with each other. They may seem useless at first, but I promise you switching spells have potential. Their main use is trickery. Many objects at prank shops are imbued with switching spells." He told them with a small grin, observing his students' faces to see if any of them seemed like pranksters to him.

Leif stood up a little straighter when one of his students raised their hand, motioning for them to speak.

"What does imbue mean, professor?"

He took a second to think about how he could phrase his response in the simplest of forms before speaking up again. "It means to put one item, idea, or in the case a spell into a second one." He explained, waiting for some sort of confirmation that the student understood. With that, he flicked at the blackboard again to make the chalk continue writing again. "Unfortunately, that's all the time we have today. We'll get to a more in depth explanation of switching spells in a later class. For now, please make sure to read the pages on the board before next lesson. Class dismissed!"

Roleplay the lesson for full marks.
One student may answer the question and one ask the other for extra credit.
Callie stepped into the transfiguration classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced up at th eprofessor as she took out her notes and books and placed them down in front of her. She took her quill as the professor dove right into things. Writing down what they would be doing in the semester. She didn’t raise her hand, to answer the question, it felt almost like it could be a trick, that the question felt too obvious for the obvious answer to be right. But it was. ”What does imbue mean, professor?” Callie asked after she raised her hand to answer the question. The professor gave an explanation and then the lesson was wrapped up and she headed out of the room.
Enoch walked into the transfiguration classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He didn’t really bother taking his notes or books out, just got settled in his seat and then let himself rest his head on his hand. He looked towards the professor as the man got started telling them what they’d be cover and he knew there was absolutely no need for him to write any of it down, they’d cover all of this once they actually got to a spell and he could tell they weren’t going to get to one soon. Enoch listened mostly, but was glad when the lesson was wrapped up and he was able to pack up and leave the room.
Friday walked into the transfiguration classroom and took his usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started, she tried to pay attention but it was hard to do so. She lost interest and concentration quickly, just doodling on her parchment instead of listening to what the professor was telling them about transfiguration spells. She didn’t care about what they would learn if they weren’t doing an actual spell. Eventually the lesson wrapped up and friday packed up and left the room.
Lucy entered the transfiguration classroom, feeling fresh for the new semester. She took a seat and waited for the lesson to begin. She raised her hand to answer the question posed. "They switch two things with each other," Lucy said, glad she'd done some cursory reading the night before. The lesson continued, Lucy learning a new fancy word - imbue - and taking a few notes every now and then. When the lesson ended, she packed away her things and went on her way.
Teddy was settling back into Hogwarts a getting used to a whole new timetable which included studying Transfigurations again amongst many other subjects. He smiled at the professor when he arrived for the first lesson and took his seat. It was an interesting introduction and Teddy looked forward to trying out switching spells in the coming weeks. He took a few notes then at the end of the lesson left the classroom and headed back to his common room.
Elodie was a little nervous about her classes, but she was sure it'd be fine- she could figure this out. It'd just take a bit of time to get on top of her wand and be strong enough as a witch to handle it. She'd decided to start taking it as a challenge, and found more satisfaction when she managed to get the spells to work. She grabbed her things and walked to class, taking her seat and turning to the Professor, eager to start. Transfiguration was fairly simple- she kept a few notes but she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself so she just kept quiet. She finished writing a few notes before heading out as they were dismissed.

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