Transfiguration 1:5

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Lesson Five: Learning Flammeus Tailora (match into a needle)
Leif was stood in front of his class, leaning against his desk as he usually did while he waited for his students to arrive. Beside him sat a large glass jar. One that normally wasn't present in his classes but would be necessary for today's lesson.

"Good morning! I know we're all excited to be working with our wands once more so I won't be doing much talking today. Let's get right to it." He started, waving his wand at the jard beside him. It floated up off his desk and into his outstretched hand. "Alright. In this jar are matches. I would like each of you to walk up to me and carefully take a match. Single file now, and don't push anyone. No trying to light them, either, or you'll have to attend your next lesson completely soaked." He told them with a wink, yet his voice was stern enough for his students to realize he was being serious.

Once everyone had a match, Professor Odegard put the jar back down and turned to the students, his own match in hand to use as a demonstration. "Today we are going to turn matches into needles. Of course we will be using the 'three tap' motion with our wand as usual. The incantation for this is 'Flammeus Tailora'." He tapped his wand in the palm of his hand three times and said "Flammeus Tailora". In the blink of an eye the match's wood became sleek metal, and the phosphorous sulfide changed into the needle's eye, perfect for threading. "It is that simple. Well, as always, I will be walking around the room as you work. If you need something, raise your hand. At the end of the class, I need you to turn your needles back in. I'll be counting them. Begin!"

Note: "Finite" is a counter-spell, not Untransfiguration, and shouldn't be used to reverse any transfigurations.

Roleplay turning your match into a needle for full marks.
Alana Cosgrove eagerly took her seat in Transfiguration class, where Professor Leif Odegard stood beside a large glass jar.

He gestured for the students to take a match from the jar. Alana joined the line, carefully retrieving a match before returning to her seat.

Professor Odegard demonstrated the transformation, tapping his match three times with his wand. It smoothly turned into a sleek needle.

Alana concentrated, tapping her match three times. To her delight, it transformed into a needle. She felt a rush of satisfaction, knowing she was improving.

The professor walked around, offering help. By the end of the lesson, Alana felt confident in her ability. She returned her needle, feeling accomplished and eager for the next challenge.

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