Transfiguration 1:4

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Lesson Four: Learning Scriopea (quill into spoon)
Leif sat behind his desk for a change, working on some of his other lesson materials while his first year students slowly started finding their way into his classroom. He looked up when he noticed most of them were there, getting up from behind his desk to close the door. "Welcome back," He greeted them as he moved back towards his desk. "To get started today, I'd like you to take out your quills." He heard some of the students mumbling under their breath, sure they had remembered him mentioning they'd be doing wandwork today. He smirked as he looked at some of the mumbling students.

"Now, take out your wands." Leif added, and a few of the students looked puzzled. He turned around and grabbed his own quill from the desk. "Today we are going to change our quills into spoons. In transfiguration, concentration and imagination are key. If you can't mentally visualise the outcome of your spell, it isn't going to work well. You are altering the very molecules that make up an object, so I'm sure you can see how important it is to concentrate. In most of the transfigurations that we will be doing we will be using the 'three tap' method. For this particular transfiguration, the incantation is Scriopea. Now watch me..." Professor Odegard held his wand to his quill, tapped it three times and said "Scriopea". With a soft noise, his quill flipped around and turned into a silver spoon, with feathery patterns lined through its metal to hint at what it had once been. He picked up his new spoon and held it up to the class. "This is what you should end up with, though the types of spoons will vary depending on each of you. For instance, this spoon is of silver, but the first time some students perform this, it's quite literally a little rusty. You may also be wondering, "Professor, how is it important for us to turn a quill into a spoon?". The answer is that it isn't. This will hardly be practical in your day to day life. What is important is learning how these Transfigurations work, and gaining experience through them, no matter how random or mundane the items may be." He smiled at the class. "Now, don't forget, three taps, and 'Scriopea'. I will be walking around as you do this, so if you need any help just raise your hand. At the end of class, line up at the door and I will change your spoons back into your quills." Leif held up his spoon and with another tap of his wand, it became a quill.

Note: "Finite" is a counter-spell, not Untransfiguration, and shouldn't be used to reverse any transfigurations.

Roleplay trying to turn your quill into a spoon for full marks.
Rosalind entered transfiguration class, a little sleepy. She'd stayed up late last night reading, which really hadn't been a good idea but it'd just been so engrossing. She got out her quill as instructed, confused for a moment because she could've sworn they'd be doing wandwork today, and was then informed they'd be turning their quills into spoons. It sounded silly, but Rosalind supposed it was a good place to start. She watched the professor perform the spell and when the students were able to try out the spell themselves, raised her wand at the ready. At first, she struggled, but got the knack reasonably quickly, turning her quill into a rather basic yet still very spoon-like stainless steel spoon. She lined up at the end of class to have her spoon turned back into a quill.
Alana Cosgrove sat at her desk, watching Professor Leif Odegard prepare for the lesson. She had her quill and parchment ready, eager to learn.

Professor Odegard instructed the class to take out their quills and wands. He explained they would be transforming their quills into spoons using the 'three tap' method and the incantation he demonstrated, turning his quill into a silver spoon with feathery patterns.

The students practiced, focusing on concentration and visualization. Alana followed the instructions carefully, tapping her quill three times and saying "Scriopea." Her quill transformed into a simple metal spoon, and she felt a sense of accomplishment.

Professor Odegard walked around, offering assistance. At the end of class, he reverted the spoons back into quills, ensuring everyone left with their original quill. Alana felt proud of her progress, knowing she was one step closer to mastering Transfiguration.

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