Tranquility found

Ansel Blanchard

Active Member
Of all the sense, it was the eyes that could be easily deceived. One might see something that is not entirely true,
yet he had had to believe that because that is what he sees, yet, ironic as it was,
it was also the eyes that could actually know the truth,
just one look into a person's eyes could greatly tell what is going on in that person's
mind, or whether he was actually honest or not.

That was the case with Ansel Blanchard, at the surface; he was just
this cool, cocky and aloof boy who doesn't really have
any care to what was happening around him, one who was actually not that
fond of interfering into another person's business. Yet, when one looks into his eyes,
every misconception would disappear, for despite that tough and cold surface,
was actually a very caring person, but it was very rare for him to act like that at all.

With a sigh, Ansel had had left his last class for that day, luckily though
that he was not studying at his cousin's and brother's school, or else,
he would surely be flocked about by requests and letters for them,
sure enough, his brother had had this foul mouth, yet, he's quite attractive,
and his cousin? Being the perfect lady that she was,she had tons of admirers.
Not that he didn't have any himself, for even without trying, he
would always stand out.But unlike the admirers of his cousin and brother,
his wouldn't even try to approach him at all, seeing how he would
always be aloof around them and he's perfectly fine with that,
he after all, had no real idea on how to act when someone
would actually say that she likes him.

However, it seemed that this day was actually not that lucky for him, for just after
he was already nearing his comfort place under a tree in their school grounds,
a flushing girl had had blocked his way and had given him this
letter which he had wordlessly accepted, before he could even say something
though, the girl had just ran away from him. Thinking what he should do,
he sat and leaned against the sturdy trunk of the tree, he wouldn't
want to read the letter at allbut he had not guts to throw them away either,
with another sigh, he placed the said letter next to him and had
had closed his eyes, still contemplating whether he should read the letter or not.
(OOC: Sorry for the lame post compared to yours :jesse: )

Jack walked through the grounds of the school, his thoughts way beyond the confinement of the school. He was on holiday in Europe with his cousin and her friend, joking around and having fun. But instead, he was actually stuck in a grizzly school where he felt confined with no freedom at all. Fair enough, once he got out of school he could go wherever he wanted now that he could apparate, but in school he felt restricted, watched. Sighing, he ducked a random branch sticking out of a tree to catch unsuspecting victims. Pulling out his wand, he flicked it carelessly around, at a branch, at a leaf, and at a small piece of paper on the floor. With a twirl of his wand, he drew them all close together and got them to dance around each other like little men around a fire.

Smirking, he put his wand away and his eyes locked themselves upon the paper now falling to the ground. Realising that it was a letter for someone, he picked it up and turned it in his hand. Frowning at the name that he didn't recognise, his eyes scanned around the forest looking for the owner. Seeing a boy younger than him, he started to walk over there with the letter in his hand. "Is this yours?" He asked, his tone blunt with a bad disguise of friendship in it. He tried to be nice, but now he just wanted to get out of the school, support the dark arts. Not run around a castle delivering lost letters to random people that he met. Sighing at the stupidness of the situation, he kept hold of it until the boy answered. He wouldn't let him have it until Jack had finished speaking to him, so showing it to him, he then put it behind his back out of reach.
<COLOR color="midnightblue">Being in a rather deep thought, Ansel had not
noticed that the letter that he had just put next to him
was actually gone. He didn't even realized that when he
was so deep in thinking or deciding whether he should
read the letter, it was actually out of his grasp and was already in
another person's hands. Only did he realized it when the said
person had approached him and asked whether
he was indeed the owner of the said letter.

Opening his eyes, Ansel had tried to suppress a yawn.
He didn't want to seem rude, yet he cannot help it, he didn't really
expect that anyone would actually approach him after all. And yet,
when he saw the letter at the older boy's hand, his interest was
suddenly piqued, not because he was entertained, but rather
he was embarrassed about it.

"It is mine." He then said, nodding his head in confirmation to the
boy's question as he held out his hand, palm out, waiting for the said
boy to return his letter to him. However, seeing that he had
had hid it in his back once more, Ansel cannot help but to just frown.
He didn't like how the boy had acted, the letter was his after all.

Sighing, he didn't drop his hand at all, he was still waiting
for the boy to give his letter back. "I said it's mine, won't you give
it back to its rightful owner?"
He question, one eyebrow raised
as he waited once again for the boy's reply.​

OOCOut of Character:
no, it's fine. :D
Jack sighed at the boys attitude. "Fine then. You responsibility now. I would keep a better watch on it." He said and placed it in the boys hand. Walking away, he called over his shoulder. "The word is thank you, you know." He stated, his tone annoyed as he strolled back to the castle. He had tried to be nice, tried to be friendly, tried to help the boy, but all he got in return was a rude comment back. Sighing at the state of the arrogance that seemed to run the school, he sighed again and continued to make his way back to the school. Wondering if the boy would do the typical thing or not to call him back and try and talk, he slowed his pace to give him a chance to 'redeem' himself from being rude and short to the older boy. Wishing now that he hadn't given the letter back, he wondered why the boy had been so possessive over it. Unless it contained something important. Unless it contained something unsafe....
Just looking at the older boy, Ansel had instantly known
that he had annoyed him. He can't help it though
he had this tendency to shut people off, especially if he
didn't really have the desire or the want to talk to that
person at all. That is just how he function, and well, it
seemed like no one would be able to change that. He had been
like that since elementary after all.

Watching as the older boy moved away and looking
at the letter in his hands, Ansel had had this feeling of guilt.
The boy, or rather, the guy was right, he should thank him.
At least, no one was able to read his letter, right?
Sighing to himself, he had willed himself to show his gratitude.
"Thank you." He muttered softly, his voice being carried by the wind
but he didn't know whether at that voice barely audible as that, if
he was even heard.
Jack stopped walking as the guys voice came towards him. He couldn't make out exactly what it was, but he got the gist of it. Smiling, he turned around and walked back. "Ok, sorry for being rude." He said with a faint smile. "Jack Evans." He added, holding out his hand for a handshake. He wondered why this guy was being secretive about everything, and wondered if he had a big problem with Jack even though they had only met. When he reached him, he sat down on the grass next to him. He was bored and needed someone to talk to. Wondering if this guy would be nice enough to sit and chat, he smiled again, waiting for the response.
Ansel was actually surprised when the older student
had turned around and walked back to him, he had actually
thought that he'll just ignore what he had said. Nevertheless
he decided not to say something about it anyway, he didn't
want to cause any unnecessary trouble for himself.

When the older boy introduced himself and had extended
his hand for a handshake, Ansel didn't exactly knew what to do.
He had just stared at his hand for a minute or two, thinking
whether it would be appropriate for him to return the
said gesture. Deeming that it was indeed necessary, he had
decided to shake hands with the said boy. "Ansel Blanchard." He
said, introducing himself as well. He had had heard of the said
boy around the school grounds before, and he had seemed to be a
part-veela too, no wonder that he has this air about him and
that he was actually popular.
Jack smiled again as his hand was shaken. "Nice to meet you. Hold on.... ..... Blanchard. You aren't related to the famous Nathalie Blanchard are you? Beauxbatons?" He added, his eyebrows raised questioningly. His cousin Amy had mentioned Nathalie before, and she seemed to sound a nice girl. He wondered if Ansel was related, then maybe they could be introduced. If he could make friends with Ansel, he would have a better chance of making good friends with Nathalie. Maybe this strange meeting would work well for him after all. He frowned again, wondering what it was about this new boy that seemed different. He seemed very similar to Jack and Jack wondered what it was that puzzled him. Ansel must be a half-veela like him. Jack knew that being the male version, they had no special charm, but seemed very good looking and therefore ended up to be quite popular. "What year are you in Ansel?" He asked, smiling faintly at the boy who seemed to spark off many thoughts for Jack.
Ansel was not really surprised when he heard Jack asked
about his cousin, he does get that a lot of times after all,
for though his cousin was actually studying in another
school, she seemed to be pretty popular around the school,
guess that's what one gets when one's a part veela.
"She's my cousin." He answered shortly, not wanting to beat
around the bush, hopefully though, the guy wouldn't ask anymore
questions about his cousin, for he didn't exactly
knew what he would say.

"I'm a fourth year." Ansel answered Jack, as politely
as he could managed, the older boy was just trying to be
nice and all, and in return, he knew that he should act civil too.
"What year are you in, Jack?" He then asked, trying
to actually start a conversation now, at least, he was talking to
a boy, and not a girl.
Jack frowned at the short conversation. Not taking the hint, he decided to ask further into it all. "Right, well she is very good friends with my cousin as well. They seemed to get off quite nicely. Do you see Nathalie a lot?" He asked, wondering how often Ansel got together with Nathalie, and then if they were close, perhaps Ansel could drop a nice word in for Jack. "Cool. Im in the 7th year." He said, thinking how much older Ansel looked than only the 4th year. He acted older as well and this was the sort of guy that Jack liked above other people. Perhaps they could become friends after all...
<COLOR color="midnightblue">When asked about his cousin, Ansel had known instantly that
Jack haven't been able to notice that he didn't like to talk about
his cousin, either that, or he was purposely ignoring it.
Nevertheless, since he had already decided to act nice and civil,
he deemed that it would be necessary for him to actually
answer the older boy's inquiry. "No, she's studying at a different
school with my older brother in fact, but I do see her on holidays."
replied, his voice flat. Actually, Nathalie was nice, really nice in
fact that she had seemed like an older sister figure to him, but
sometimes, he would get tired of all those who would ask about her, for
it seemed to him that the other guys were befriending him just so
they could get close to his family, or more so, to his cousin.

Ansel had had this casual look on his face when Jack said that
he was in the 7th year, not that he had doubted him, but actually, he
had expected that answer from him. Jack looks like a very responsible
person after all, and he exudes this aura that states that he
was mature and that he wouldn't do anything unnecessary.
"You'll be graduating soon.." He commented, stating the most
obvious fact that he had had to mentally kick himself for saying
such thing. He didn't know what else to say after all, and at the moment,
he was still thinking about what to do with the letter that was just given to him.​
Jack smirked at the tone that was used. He decided not to ask any further questions, sensing the flat tone. He could tell from the words used, that he didn't see Nathalie much, so Ansel wouldn't be much use after all. He guessed how Ansel was feeling. Jack himself got many questions about Amy, asking was she nice? What school did she go to? What food did she like? What was her favourite colour? When was her birthday? But now, now he had put a stop to that. He had been able to stop these stupid and annoying questions coming at him from everywhere. Ever since, in his 5th year, he had put a guy in St Mungo's for mistreating his cousin, ever since then, he hadn't had many more questions. And when they did come, they were so insignificant that one glare from him seemed to provoke enough fear to tell the person to stop asking the question. He smirked again when Ansel stated the obvious. "Yeh, thats right." He added, laughing quietly at the simplicity of the statement.
<COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel was glad that Jack stopped asking about his cousin.
If what he had said was right, then probably, they had been on the same
situation before. Really, having a veela blood running through his
veins was hard, what more is that he had a cousin who was
a girl, and being a female veela, she's able o attract more attention
what was necessary. And honestly, it was really annoying sometimes.

Ansel looked at Jack when he had confirmed what he had just said.
Hoestly, he didn't really expect him to reply at all. After all, all he
had said was the most obvious thing that one would say. "Jack, if you
wouldn't mind me asking, what was it that you are going to do once you
He asked him, out of pure curiosity of course. Ansel had had
his path laid out ahead of him, he doesn't need to think of what he would
want to be, his father had planned everything already, and he can't help it.
For though he didn't like what his father wants him to do, no, he cannot
refuse that. "And, I just want to confirm, you didn't read the letter right?"
Jack raised his eyebrows at this question. He hadn't been expecting it. He found the tone in which it was put across, slightly amusing with all the politeness. He was never so elaborate about asking that sort of thing, it normally just was blunt with a simple statement. "Me? Well, im not really sure... probably flying or as a professor somewhere." He said, chuckling at the idea of this last statement. "Im not really sure. Nothing is definite yet, and my parents say they don't care. How about you??" He said with a shrug. He wouldn't tell Ansel about his plans to become a deatheater. Because, although the school was a dark arts school, not many students actually went on to be deatheaters. He didn't trust Ansel either yet. Maybe in the future, but not yet. "What? No. I didn't read it. Who is it from anyway?" He asked, frowning down at the letter in question.
Ansel nodded in understanding as Jack started talking
about his plans for his future. Honestly, he was a bit
jealous for Jack was able to choose his own path,
while him, he'll have to settle for the one created by his father.
"I don't know for sure, but I'll have no choice either way,
my father had already planned out everything in our life."
He answered
with a shrug, as if looking like nothing was wrong with the
statement that he had just uttered. He's definitely
used to it though, he had already accepted that fact years ago.

"Oh, that's great then." Ansel said blankly, looking at the letter in
his hands. Lucky for him that JAck didn't read it, for he himself didn't
have the guts to actually open the said letter."Who was it from?
Honestly speaking, I don't know."
He answered back to him, frowning
at his own statement now.

Jack frowned at this first statement. What sort of family chooses someone else's path in life. What sort of person lets someone do that. What sort of person doesn't stand up for themself and make a change. Jack personally, couldn't see the answers to these questions and why. His life was fine as it was, or so he thought, and then although his cousin had had her life planned out for her, she had turned it around and run away. It was an extreme, yes, but she had done it so why couldn't a guy?? "Why have you let him arrange it all for you? If its not what you want, or even if you want to be able to chose it for yourself, then just tell him or run away if you need to. Its your life, not his." He said, wondering what this boy would want to do if his father hadn't planned it all out for him.

He also frowned at the next statement. "Why don't you open it then? Why just leave it?" He asked, thinking how strange it was to leave a letter unopen next to you, when you didn't even know who it was from. If Ansel knew who it was from, then Jack would understand not opening it, because there was probably some reason behind it or something to do with a topic that Ansel already knew. But, not to open a letter that you don't know who the sender was seemed madness. Well, to Jack anyway. It could be anyone, anyone at all. Why jump to the conclusion about it and not open it?
Ansel had to smirk when he heard Jack's statement.
Surely, he did have a point there, he should be able to do what
it was that he wanted to do, yet, it runs in the family, all of their
lives where to follow the path that was chosen by their parents,
honestly, it was only his brother who had the guts to talk
back to his parents, but even so, he didn't really rebelled against
their father, it's just not right. "Easy to say, but hard to do." He
replied back, knowing all too well that yes, it's indeed his life and
his parents shouldn't have anything to say on it, yet, running away,
expressing his ideas and thoughts, all of those things weren't just as easy
as it sounds.

He then had to chuckle a bit at Jack's reaction
about the letter, it was quite funny to see him frown like
that. "That was my point, I don't even know who she is, and I already have
a vague idea about what's written there."
He said, this time, his voice was
low and soft. Ansel hadn't been that used into talking with someone
from the opposite gender, since the incident that had happened before
when he was in grade school, he had been too aloof and distant of them.
(OOC: Sorry for the lame post :jesse: )

Jack shrugged. From what he saw, it might be hard for some people, but if they truly believed in it, then they could easily get along and do it. "Well, you could say that, but my cousin ran away from home at 13 because she didn't want to be a child with every step monitored and planned out. So it can't be that hard." He said, not really understanding from where this boy was coming from. Shrugging again at the next statement, he turned his attention back to the letter and the unknown writer. "A vague idea? And anyway, whats it about?" He asked, knowing that this sounded nosey he frowned, realising that no matter what he said, he only meant it in a new friendly fashion.
<COLOR color="midnightblue">Ansel didn't know whether he should actually believe
what it was that Jack was saying, well, it was pretty unbelievable that someone
of thirteen years of age would actually have the guts to actually ran away from home,
to actually take the action to severe her ties with her parents. "That would be rather...
amazing I guess. I mean, how did she just managed to make that decision. She's, strong."
He said,
being rather amazed everything slowly dawned unto him. Could he have done the same thing?
Could he have run away if ever he'll have the chance to?

he just shrugged when asked about what the letter was about. He had had
received the same type of letter times and times before, if not for him, it was for his
cousin, and honestly, it was pretty tiring. Some sort of confession letters, and as he
had already gotten used to it, most of the times, he would
just prefer to stack those letters in his drawer and not open it at all, having no
guts to actually throw them away. "See for your self if you would want to." He replied,
handing the letter back to Jack, he trust him enough for him to allow the older
student to read the said letter.​

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