False, I wouldn't go near half the guys I know with the intention of dating them :p

TPBM Love HNZ ;)
False, I have blue eyes, though i wish i had green eyes (hence why most of my accounts have green eyes)
TPBM: owns at least 1 pair of converse.
True. I think I own 4 or 5 pairs.

TPBM enjoys listening to rap music.
Very true! Love me some animals!

TPBM likes candy
Not really. But I do love chocolate so False.

TPBM thinks the chicken came before the egg.
True, I'm working on homework :x and Rp's

TPBM is allergic to peanuts
Absolutely FALSE! I eat peanuts all the time.

TPBM is obsessed over something or someone.
False. I don't like tomatoes so I won't eat it. I like potatoes though.

TPBM prefers Coke over Pepsi.
True, I guess.

TPBM has no middle name.

The person below me loves hot apple pie!
False. I'm aware of her, but I'm not a fan.
TPBM knows who the members of One Direction are.
True. It's my favorite.

TPBM listens to Jason Derulo occasionally.
True. We had 2 small earthquakes here in the past few months.

TPBM likes to cook.
True... but I am not good at it!

The Person Below me loves to shop till they drop!
Hell no, I'd rather sleep in a shed.

The Person Below Me has at one time or another owned a pet fish named mr. bubbles in a fairly large aquarium with a plastic cactus in it and has fed him between 1 and 2pm before finding themselves fascinated by something sparkly outside, have gone over to investigate only to fall out of their window and graze their knee, then felt hungry and ate a piece of grass before squashing an ant, then felt guilty and buried it in their back garden and made a gravestone for it, before digging it up a week later and finding a worm in the ground, which they screamed at like a girl and ran indoors, only to find that the glass door was shut and they ran into it, breaking their nose and going to hospital, but forgetting to take their keys so that when they returned they had to wait in the cold until someone else came home, but they weren't due home for a long time so they went to their neighbours house and stroked their cat which bit them, and they came home for a nice cuppa tea, but unfortunately they were out of teabags and had to go to the shop to buy some more, but the shop had run out so they went home empty handed and had a coffee instead, which kept them awake for the entire night, until they fell asleep at about 4 am, and woke at 1pm to feed their fish named mr bubbles.

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